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lesser hippias |热度 305 | 英文原著 | 上传: 莫莫言 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Lesser Hippiasby Plato (see Appendix I)Translated by Benjamin JowettAPPENDIX I.It seems impossible to separate by any exact line the genuine writings ofPlato from the spurious. The only external evidence to them which is ofmuch value is that of Aristotle; for the Alexandrian catalogues of acentury later include manifest forgeries. Even the value of theAristotelian authority is a good deal impaired by the uncertaintyconcerning the date and authorship of the writings which are ascribed tohim. And several of the citations of Aristotle omit the name of Plato, andsome of them omit the name of the dialogue from which they are taken.... 
the soul of the far east |热度 98 | 英文原著 | 上传: 当当当当 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Soul of the Far Eastby Percival LowellContentsChapter 1. IndividualityChapter 2. FamilyChapter 3. AdoptionChapter 4. LanguageChapter 5. Nature and ArtChapter 6. ArtChapter 7. ReligionChapter 8. ImaginationChapter 1. Individuality.The boyish belief that on the other side of our globe all things are of necessity upside down is startlingly brought back to the man when he first sets foot at Yokohama. If his initial glance does not, to be sure, disclose the natives in the every-day feat of standing calmly on their heads, an attitude which his youthful imagination conceived to be a necessary consequence of their geographical position, it does at least reveal them looking at the world as if  
chitra(西特拉) |热度 98 | 英文原著 | 上传: 九十八度 |更新时间:2017-03-20
CHITRACHITRABY RABINDRANATH TAGOREA PLAY IN ONE ACT1- Page 2-CHITRAPREFACETHIS lyrical drama was written about twenty-five years ago. It isbased on the following story from the Mahabharata.In the course of his wanderings, in fulfilment of a vow of penance,Arjuna came to Manipur. There he saw Chitrangada, the beautifuldaughter of Chitravahana, the king of the country. Smitten with her... 
c2 |热度 97 | 英文原著 | 上传: 闲来一看 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Chapter II of Volume III (Chap. 44)ELIZABETH had settled it that Mr. Darcy would bring his sister to visit her the very day after her reaching Pemberley; and was consequently resolved not to be out of sight of the inn the whole of that morning. But her conclusion was false; for on the very morning after their own arrival at Lambton, these visitors came. They had been walking about the place with some of their new friends, and were just returned to the inn to dress themselves for dining with the same family, when the sound of a carriage drew them to a window, and they saw a gentleman and lady in a curricle, driving up the street. Elizabeth, immediately recognising the livery, guessed what it 
under the greenwood tree |热度 180 | 英文原著 | 上传: 幽雨 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Under the Greenwood TreeorThe Mellstock QuireA Rural Painting of the Dutch Schoolby Thomas HardyPREFACEThis story of the Mellstock Quire and its old established west-gallery musicians, with some supplementary descriptions of similarofficials in Two on a Tower, A Few Crusted Characters, and otherplaces, is intended to be a fairly true picture, at first hand, ofthe personages, ways, and customs which were common among suchorchestral bodies in the villages of fifty or sixty years ago.One is inclined to regret the displacement of these ecclesiasticalbandsmen by an isolated organist (often at first a barrel-organist)... 
19-drakestail |热度 95 | 英文原著 | 上传: 你妹找1 |更新时间:2017-03-20
DRAKESTAILDRAKESTAIL was very little, that is why he was called Drakestail;but tiny as he was he had brains, and he knew what hewas about, for having begun with nothing he ended by amassing ahundred crowns. Now the King of the country, who was veryextravagant and never kept any money, having heard that Drakestailhad some, went one day in his own person to borrow his hoard, and,my word, in those days Drakestail was not a little proud of havinglent money to the King. But after the first and second year, seeingthat they never even dreamed of paying the interest, he becameuneasy, so much so that at last he resolved to go and see His Majesty... 
37-prince ring |热度 123 | 英文原著 | 上传: 炒作 |更新时间:2017-03-20
PRINCE RING [30][30] From the Icelandic.Once upon a time there was a King and his Queen in their kingdom.They had one daughter, who was called Ingiborg, and one son,whose name was Ring. He was less fond of adventures than men ofrank usually were in those days, and was not famous for strengthor feats of arms. When he was twelve years old, one fine winterday he rode into the forest along with his men to enjoy himself.They went on a long way, until they caught sight of a hind with agold ring on its horns. The Prince was eager to catch it, ifpossible, so they gave chase and rode on without stopping untilall the horses began to founder beneath them. At last the... 
my kinsman |热度 85 | 英文原著 | 上传: 大热 |更新时间:2017-03-20
MY KINSMAN, MAJOR MOLINEUXAfter the kings of Great Britain had assumed the right ofappointing the colonial governors, the measures of the latterseldom met with the ready and generous approbation which had beenpaid to those of their predecessors, under the original charters.The people looked with most jealous scrutiny to the exercise ofpower which did not emanate from themselves, and they usuallyrewarded their rulers with slender gratitude for the compliancesby which, in softening their instructions from beyond the sea,they had incurred the reprehension of those who gave them. Theannals of Massachusetts Bay will inform us, that of six governors... 
timoleon |热度 93 | 英文原著 | 上传: 丢丢 |更新时间:2017-03-20
TIMOLEON411?-337 B.C.by Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenIT was for the sake of others that I first commenced writingbiographies; but I find myself proceeding and attaching myself to itfor my own; the virtues of these great men serving me as a sort oflooking-glass, in which I may see how to adjust and adorn my own life.Indeed, it can be compared to nothing but daily living and associatingtogether; we receive, as it were, in our inquiry, and entertain eachsuccessive guest, view-"Their stature and their qualities,"... 
the elf of the rose |热度 70 | 英文原著 | 上传: 北方网 |更新时间:2017-03-20
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE ELF OF THE ROSEby Hans Christian AndersenIN the midst of a garden grew a rose-tree, in full blossom, and inthe prettiest of all the roses lived an elf. He was such a littlewee thing, that no human eye could see him. Behind each leaf of therose he had a sleeping chamber. He was as well formed and as beautifulas a little child could be, and had wings that reached from hisshoulders to his feet. Oh, what sweet fragrance there was in hischambers! and how clean and beautiful were the walls! for they werethe blushing leaves of the rose.During the whole day he enjoyed himself in the warm sunshine, flew... 
the house behind the cedars(雪 |热度 150 | 英文原著 | 上传: 宫本宝藏 |更新时间:2017-03-20
THE HOUSE BEHIND THE CEDARSTHE HOUSE BEHINDTHE CEDARSBY CHARLES W. CHESNUTT1- Page 2-THE HOUSE BEHIND THE CEDARSIA STRANGER FROM SOUTH CAROLINATime touches all things with destroying hand; and if he seem nowand then to bestow the bloom of youth, the sap of spring, it is but a briefmockery, to be surely and swiftly followed by the wrinkles of old age, thedry leaves and bare branches of winter. And yet there are places where... 
the little elder-tree mother |热度 85 | 英文原著 | 上传: 红色风帆 |更新时间:2017-03-20
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE LITTLE ELDER-TREE MOTHERby Hans Christian AndersenTHERE was once a little boy who had caught cold; he had gone outand got wet feet. Nobody had the least idea how it had happened; theweather was quite dry. His mother undressed him, put him to bed, andordered the teapot to be brought in, that she might make him a goodcup of tea from the elder-tree blossoms, which is so warming. At thesame time, the kind-hearted old man who lived by himself in theupper storey of the house came in; he led a lonely life, for he had nowife and children; but he loved the children of others very much,... 
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