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on the ruin of britain |热度 31 | 英文原著 | 上传: 寻找山吹 |更新时间:2017-03-20
On The Ruin of Britain (De Excidio Britanniae)by GildasTranslation by J.A. GilesThe Works of Gildas surnamed "Sapiens", or The Wise.I. The Preface1. Whatever in this my epistle I may write in my humble but wellmeaning manner, rather by way of lamentation than for display,let no one suppose that it springs from contempt of others or thatI foolishly esteem myself as better than they; -for alas! the subjectof my complaint is the general destruction of every thing that isgood, and the general growth of evil throughout the land;butthat I rejoice to see her revive therefrom: for it is my presentpurpose to relate the deeds of an indolent and slothful race, rather... 
the essays of montaigne, v13 |热度 32 | 英文原著 | 上传: 京文 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Essays of Montaigne, V13by Michel de MontaigneTranslated by Charles CottonEdited by William Carew Hazilitt1877CONTENTS OF VOLUME 13.XXXII. Defence of Seneca and Plutarch.XXXIII. The story of Spurina.XXXIV. Means to carry on a war according to Julius Caesar.XXXV. Of three good women.XXXVI. Of the most excellent men.XXXVII. Of the resemblance of children to their fathers.CHAPTER XXXIIDEFENCE OF SENECA AND PLUTARCHThe familiarity I have with these two authors, and the assistance theyhave lent to my age and to my book, wholly compiled of what I haveborrowed from them, oblige me to stand up for their honour.... 
cranford(克兰弗德) |热度 39 | 英文原著 | 上传: 那年夏天 |更新时间:2017-03-20
CranfordCranford1- Page 2-CranfordCHAPTER I - OUR SOCIETYIN the first place, Cranford is in possession of the Amazons; all theholders of houses above a certain rent are women. If a married couplecome to settle in the town, somehow the gentleman disappears; he iseither fairly frightened to death by being the only man in the Cranfordevening parties, or he is accounted for by being with his regiment, hisship, or closely engaged in business all the week in the great... 
the old grave-stone |热度 44 | 英文原著 | 上传: 指环王 |更新时间:2017-03-20
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE OLD GRAVE-STONEby Hans Christian AndersenIN a house, with a large courtyard, in a provincial town, atthat time of the year in which people say the evenings are growinglonger, a family circle were gathered together at their old home. Alamp burned on the table, although the weather was mild and warm,and the long curtains hung down before the open windows, and withoutthe moon shone brightly in the dark-blue sky.But they were not talking of the moon, but of a large, old stonethat lay below in the courtyard not very far from the kitchen door.... 
told after supper(晚饭后的一席 |热度 119 | 英文原著 | 上传: 管他三七二 |更新时间:2017-03-20
TOLD AFTER SUPPERTOLD AFTER SUPPERby Jerome K. Jerome1- Page 2-TOLD AFTER SUPPERINTRODUCTORYIt was Christmas Eve.I begin this way because it is the proper, orthodox, respectable way tobegin, and I have been brought up in a proper, orthodox, respectable way,and taught to always do the proper, orthodox, respectable thing; and thehabit clings to me.Of course, as a mere matter of information it is quite unnecessary tomention the date at all. The experienced reader knows it was Christmas... 
the little lame prince(小瘸腿 |热度 40 | 英文原著 | 上传: 京文 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Little Lame PrinceThe Little Lame PrinceBy MISS MULOCK1- Page 2-The Little Lame PrinceCHAPTER IYes, he was the most beautiful Prince that ever was born.Of course, being a prince, people said this; but it was true besides.When he looked at the candle, his eyes had an expression of earnestinquiry quite startling in a new born baby. His nosethere was not muchof it certainly, but what there was seemed an aquiline shape; his... 
aemilius paulus |热度 58 | 英文原著 | 上传: 北方网 |更新时间:2017-03-20
AEMILIUS PAULUS229-160 B.C.by Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenALMOST all agree that the Aemilii were one of the ancient andpatrician houses in Rome; and those authors who affirm that KingNuma was pupil to Pythagoras tell us that the first who gave name tohis posterity was Mamercus, the son of Pythagoras, who, for hisgrace and address in speaking, was called Aemilius. Most of thisrace that have risen through their merit to reputation also enjoyedgood fortune: and even the misfortune to Lucius Paulus at the battleof Cannae gave testimony to his wisdom and valour. For not being... 
iphigenia in tauris |热度 33 | 英文原著 | 上传: 飘雪的季节 |更新时间:2017-03-20
410 BCIPHIGENIA IN TAURISby Euripidestranslated by Robert PotterCHARACTERS IN THE PLAYIPHIGENIA, daughter of AgamemnonORESTES, brother of IPHIGENIAPYLADES, friend Of ORESTESTHOAS, King of the TauriansHERDSMANMESSENGERMINERVACHORUS OF GREEK WOMEN, captives, attendants on IPHIGENIA in thetempleIPHIGENIA IN TAURIS(SCENE:-Before the great temple of Diana of the Taurians. A blood-stained altar is prominently in view. IPHIGENIA, clad as apriestess, enters from the temple.)... 
a theologico-political treatis |热度 32 | 英文原著 | 上传: 青涩春天 |更新时间:2017-03-20
A Theologico-Political Treatise [Part IV]by Benedict de SpinozaAlso known as Baruch SpinozaTranslated by R. H. M. ElwesPart IV of IV - Chapters XVI to XXTABLE OF CONTENTS: Search strings are shown thus [16:x].Search forward and back with the same string.[16:0] CHAPTER XVI - Of the Foundations of a State;of the Natural and Civil Rights of Individuals;and of the Rights of the Sovereign Power.[16:1] In Nature right co-extensive with power.[16:2] This principle applies to mankind in the state of Nature.... 
lecture iii |热度 31 | 英文原著 | 上传: 辛苦 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Modern Custom and Ancient Laws of Russiaby Maxime Kovalevsky1891Lecture IIIThe Past and Present of the Russian Village CommunityFew questions of history are debated in our days as that ofthe origin of village communities. French, English, and Germanscholars, to say nothing of Russians and Americans, havepublished whole volumes in order to prove either the existence ornon-existence of village communities in that period of evolutionwhich is generally known as patriarchal.The acute German observer, Baron Haxthausen, who was thefirst to describe to European readers the social and economiccharacter of the Russian mir, was probably quite unconscious of... 
a plea for captain john brown |热度 62 | 英文原著 | 上传: 摄氏0度 |更新时间:2017-03-20
A Plea for Captain John Brownby Henry David Thoreau[Read to the citizens of Concord, Mass., Sunday Evening, October 30, 1859.]I trust that you will pardon me for being here. I do not wish toforce my thoughts upon you, but I feel forced myself. Little as Iknow of Captain Brown, I would fain do my part to correct the toneand the statements of the newspapers, and of my countrymen generally,respecting his character and actions. It costs us nothing to bejust. We can at least express our sympathy with, and admirationof, him and his companions, and that is what I now propose to do.First, as to his history. I will endeavor to omit, as much... 
susy, a story of the plains |热度 36 | 英文原著 | 上传: 南方网 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Susy, A Story of the Plainsby Bret HarteCHAPTER I.Where the San Leandro turnpike stretches its dusty, hot, andinterminable length along the valley, at a point where the heat anddust have become intolerable, the monotonous expanse of wild oats oneither side illimitable, and the distant horizon apparently remoterthan ever, it suddenly slips between a stunted thicket or hedge of"scrub oaks," which until that moment had been undistinguishableabove the long, misty, quivering level of the grain. The thicketrising gradually in height, but with a regular slope whose gradienthad been determined by centuries of western trade winds, presently... 
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