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rubaiyat of omar khayyam |热度 43 | 英文原著 | 上传: 月寒 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, rendered into English verseby Edward FitzgeraldContents:Introduction.First Edition.Fifth Edition.Notes.IntroductionOmar Khayyam,The Astronomer-Poet of Persia.Omar Khayyam was born at Naishapur in Khorassan in the latter half ofour Eleventh, and died within the First Quarter of our TwelfthCentury. The Slender Story of his Life is curiously twined about thatof two other very considerable Figures in their Time and Country: oneof whom tells the Story of all Three. This was Nizam ul Mulk, Vizierto Alp Arslan the Son, and Malik Shah the Grandson, of Toghrul Beg the... 
othello,the moor of venice(奥 |热度 74 | 英文原著 | 上传: 连过十一人 |更新时间:2017-03-20
THE TRAGEDY OF OTHELLO, MOOR OF VENICEOTHELLO, MOOR OFVENICEWilliam Shakespeare16051- Page 2-THE TRAGEDY OF OTHELLO, MOOR OF VENICEDramatis PersonaeOTHELLO, the Moor, general of the Venetian forces DESDEMONA,his wife IAGO, ensign to Othello EMILIA, his wife, ladyinwaiting toDesdemona CASSIO, lieutenant to Othello THE DUKE OF VENICEBRABANTIO, Venetian Senator, father of Desdemona GRATIANO,nobleman of Venice, brother of Brabantio LODOVICO, nobleman of... 
the origins of contemporary fr |热度 65 | 英文原著 | 上传: 桃桃逃 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The French Revolution, Volume 1.The Origins of Contemporary France, Volume 2by Hippolyte A. TaineCONTENTS:ANARCHYPREFACEBOOK FIRST. Spontaneous Anarchy.CHAPTER I. The Beginnings of AnarchyCHAPTER II. Paris up to the 14th of JulyCHAPTER III. Anarchy from July 14th to October 6th, 1789CHAPTER IV. PARISBOOK SECOND. The constituent Assembly, and the Result of its LaborsCHAPTER I. The Constituent AssemblyCHAPTER II. The DamageCHAPTER III. The Constructions - The Constitution of 1791.... 
creatures that once were men |热度 36 | 英文原著 | 上传: 男孩不逛街 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Creatures That Once Were Menby Maxim GorkyTranslated from the Russian by J. M. SHIRAZI and OthersIntroduction by G. K. CHESTERTONCONTENTSINTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . VCreatures That Once were Men . . . . 13Twenty-Six Men and a Girl . . . . .104Chelkash . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125My Fellow-Traveller . . . . . . . .178On a Raft . . . . . . . . . . . . .229INTRODUCTIONBy G. K. CHESTERTONIt is certainly a curious fact that so many of the voices ofwhat is called our modern religion have come from countrieswhich are not only simple, but may even be called barbaric.... 
of the origin of government |热度 38 | 英文原著 | 上传: 双曲线 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Of the Origin of Governmentby David HumeMan born in a family, is compelled to maintain society, fromnecessity, from natural inclination, and from habit. The samecreature, in his farther progress, is engaged to establishpolitical society, in order to administer justice; without whichthere can be no peace among them, nor safety, nor mutualintercourse. We are, therefore, to look upon all the vastapparatus of our government, as having ultimately no other objector purpose but the distribution of justice, or, in other words,the support of the twelve judges. Kings and parliaments, fleetsand armies, officers of the court and revenue, ambassadors,ministers, and privy-counsellors, are all subordinate 
the people of the abyss(深渊居 |热度 119 | 英文原著 | 上传: 津鸿一瞥 |更新时间:2017-03-20
THE PEOPLE OF THE ABYSSTHE PEOPLE OF THEABYSSby Jack London1- Page 2-THE PEOPLE OF THE ABYSSThe chief priests and rulers cry:-"O Lord and Master, not ours the guilt, We build but as our fathersbuilt; Behold thine images how they stand Sovereign and sole through allour land."Our task is hardwith sword and flame, To hold thine earth foreverthe same, And with sharp crooks of steel to keep, Still as thou leftest them,thy sheep."... 
john old castle(约翰古老的城堡 |热度 196 | 英文原著 | 上传: 小秋 |更新时间:2017-03-20
John OldcastleJohn Old castleWilliam Shakespeare.1- Page 2-John OldcastleTHE PROLOGUE.The doubtful Title (Gentlemen) prefixt Upon the Argument we have inhand, May breed suspence, and wrongfully disturb The peaceful quiet ofyour settled thoughts. To stop which scruple, let this brief suffice: It is nopampered glutton we present, Nor aged Counsellor to youthful sin, Butone, whose virtue shone above the rest, A valiant Martyr and a virtuouspeer; In whose true faith and loyalty expressed Unto his sovereign, and his... 
富爸爸、穷爸爸(英文版) |热度 1422 | 英文原著 | 上传: 冰点沸点 |更新时间:2017-03-20
There is a NeedDoes school prepare children for the real world? "Study hard and get good grades and you will find a high-paying job with great benefits," my parents used to say. Their goal in life was to provide a college education for my older sister and me, so that we would have the greatest chance for success in life. When T finally earned my diploma in 1976-graduating with honors, and near the top of my class, in accounting from Florida State University-my parents had realized their goal. It was the crowning achievement of their lives. In accordance with the "Master Plan," I was hired by a "Big 8" accounting firm, and I looked forward to a long career and retirement at an early age.... 
the boy captives |热度 91 | 英文原著 | 上传: 津夏 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Boy CaptivesAn Incident of the Indian War of 1695by John Greenleaf WhittierTHE township of Haverhill, even as late as the close of theseventeenth century, was a frontier settlement, occupying anadvanced position in the great wilderness, which, unbroken by theclearing of a white man, extended from the Merrimac River to theFrench villages on the St. Francois. A tract of twelve miles on theriver and three or four northwardly was occupied by scatteredsettlers, while in the centre of the town a compact village hadgrown up. In the immediate vicinity there were but few Indians,and these generally peaceful and inoffensive. On the breaking out... 
the turn of the screw |热度 41 | 英文原著 | 上传: 白寒 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Turn of the Screwby Henry JamesThe story had held us, round the fire, sufficiently breathless,but except the obvious remark that it was gruesome, as, on ChristmasEve in an old house, a strange tale should essentially be,I remember no comment uttered till somebody happened to say that itwas the only case he had met in which such a visitation had fallenon a child. The case, I may mention, was that of an apparitionin just such an old house as had gathered us for the occasionan appearance, of a dreadful kind, to a little boy sleepingin the room with his mother and waking her up in the terror of it;waking her not to dissipate his dread and soothe him to sleep again,... 
the iron puddler |热度 106 | 英文原著 | 上传: 指环王 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Iron Puddlerby James J. DavisMY LIFE IN THE ROLLING MILLS AND WHAT CAME OF ITIntroduction by JOSEPH G. CANNONThe man whose life story is here presented between book covers is at the time of writing only forty-eight years old. When I met him many years ago he was a young man full of enthusiasm. I remember saying to him then, "With your enthusiasm and the sparkle which you have in your eyes I am sure you will make good."Why should so young a man, one so recently elevated to official prominence, write his memoirs? That question will occur to those who do not know Jim Davis. His elevation to a Cabinet post marks not the beginning of his career, but rather is the curtain-rise on the second a 
a journey to |热度 44 | 英文原著 | 上传: 美丽心点 |更新时间:2017-03-20
A Journey to the Western Isles of Scotlandby Samuel JohnsonINCH KEITHI had desired to visit the Hebrides, or Western Islands ofScotland, so long, that I scarcely remember how the wish wasoriginally excited; and was in the Autumn of the year 1773 inducedto undertake the journey, by finding in Mr. Boswell a companion,whose acuteness would help my inquiry, and whose gaiety ofconversation and civility of manners are sufficient to counteractthe inconveniences of travel, in countries less hospitable than wehave passed.On the eighteenth of August we left Edinburgh, a city too wellknown to admit description, and directed our course northward,along the eastern coast of Scotland, accompanied the firs 
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