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the origins of contemporary fr |热度 49 | 英文原著 | 上传: 温暖寒冬 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Modern Regime, Volume 1 [Napoleon]The Origins of Contemporary France, Volume 5by Hippolyte A. TaineContents:PREFACEBOOK FIRST. Napoleon Bonaparte.Chapter I. Historical Importance of his Character and Genius.Chapter II. His Ideas, Passions and Intelligence.BOOK SECOND. Formation and Character of the New State.Chapter I. The Institution of Government.Chapter II. Use and Abuse of Government Services.Chapter III. The New Government Organization.BOOK THIRD. Object and Merits of the System.... 
part06 |热度 29 | 英文原著 | 上传: 风雅颂 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Note to "The Arabian Astrologer"Al Makkari, in his history of the Mahommedan dynasties in Spain,cites from another Arabian writer an account of a talismanic effigysomewhat similar to the one in the foregoing legend.In Cadiz, says he, there formerly stood a square tower upwards ofone hundred cubits high, built of huge blocks of stone, fastenedtogether with clamps of brass. On the top was the figure of a man,holding a staff in his right hand, his face turned to the Atlantic,and pointing with the forefinger of his left hand to the Straits ofGibraltar. It was said to have been set up in ancient times by theGothic kings of Andalus, as a beacon or guide to navigators. The... 
the north american species of |热度 29 | 英文原著 | 上传: 九十八度 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The North American Species of Cactus, Anhalonium, and Lophophoraby John M. CoulterA Preliminary Revision of the North American Species of Cactus, Anhalonium, and Lophophora by John M. Coulter.U. S. Department of Agriculture Division of Botany CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE U. S. NATIONAL HERBARIUM Vol. IIINo. 2 Issued June 10, 1894 Preliminary Revision of the North American Species of Cactus, Anhalonium, and Lophophora. by John M. Coulter. Published by Authority of the Secretary of Agriculture Washington Government Printing Office 1894 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U. S. Department of Agriculture Division of Botany Washington, D. C., March 21, 1894 SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith, for p 
the double-dealer(两面派) |热度 55 | 英文原著 | 上传: 扑火 |更新时间:2017-03-20
THE DOUBLE-DEALERA COMEDYTHE DOUBLE-DEALERA COMEDYby William Congreve1- Page 2-THE DOUBLE-DEALERA COMEDYTO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE CHARLESMONTAGUE, ONE OF THE LORDS OF THETREASURY.Sir,I heartily wish this play were as perfect as I intended it, that itmight be more worthy your acceptance, and that my dedication of it to youmight be more becoming that honour and esteem which I, with everybodywho is so fortunate as to know you, have for you. It had your... 
05-the black thief |热度 37 | 英文原著 | 上传: 低诉 |更新时间:2017-03-20
THE BLACK THIEFAND KNIGHT OF THE GLEN.IN times of yore there was a King and a Queen in the south ofIreland who had three sons, all beautiful children; but theQueen, their mother, sickened unto death when they were yet veryyoung, which caused great grief throughout the Court, particularlyto the King, her husband, who could in no wise be comforted.Seeing that death was drawing near her, she called the King to herand spoke as follows:`I am now going to leave you, and as you are young and inyour prime, of course after my death you will marry again. Nowall the request I ask of you is that you will build a tower in anisland in the sea, wherein you will keep your three sons until they... 
frederick the great and his fa |热度 46 | 英文原著 | 上传: 冷夏 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Frederick the Great and His Familyby L. Muhlbach[Variant spellings: Louise Muhlbach, Luise Muhlbach and Luise von Muhlbach]TRANSLATED FROM GERMAN BYMRS. CHAPMAN COLEMAN AND HER DAUGHTERSCONTENTS.BOOK I.I. The KingII. Prince HenryIII. Louise von KleistIV. At the Masked BallV. A Secret CaptainVI. The Legacy of Von Trenck, Colonel of the PandoursVII. The King and WeingartenVIII. The Unwilling BridegroomIX. The First DisappointmentX. The ConqueredXI. The Travelling MusiciansXII. Travelling AdventuresXIII. The Drag-BoatXIV. In AmsterdamXV. The King without Shoes... 
beauty of form and beauty of m |热度 30 | 英文原著 | 上传: 博搏 |更新时间:2017-03-20
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENBEAUTY OF FORM AND BEAUTY OF MINDby Hans Christian AndersenTHERE was once a sculptor, named Alfred, who having won thelarge gold medal and obtained a travelling scholarship, went to Italy,and then came back to his native land. He was young at that time-indeed, he is young still, although he is ten years older than hewas then. On his return, he went to visit one of the little towns inthe island of Zealand. The whole town knew who the stranger was; andone of the richest men in the place gave a party in his honor, and allwho were of any consequence, or who possessed some property, were... 
born_rich |热度 43 | 英文原著 | 上传: 寻找山吹 |更新时间:2017-03-20
CAUTIONThe material you have purchased is protected by United States andInternational Copyright Conventions. You are authorized todownload one personal copy of this eBook and you may maintainone personal backup copy of the eBook, so long as such backup isnot used while the primary copy exists. Please read Terms of Usecarefully.Terms of UseINTELLECTUAL PROPERTY; LIMITED LICENSE TO USERSThe product you have purchased is protected by United States and Internationalcopyright, trademark, and/or other intellectual property laws, and any unauthorized useof this product may violate such laws and the Terms of Use. Except as expressly providedherein, AsAManThinketh and its suppliers do not grant any  
westminster abbey |热度 42 | 英文原著 | 上传: 闲来一看 |更新时间:2017-03-20
THE SKETCH BOOKWESTMINSTER ABBEYby Washington IrvingWhen I behold, with deep astonishment,To famous Westminster how there resorteLiving in brasse or stoney monument,The princes and the worthies of all sorte;Doe not I see reformde nobilitie,Without contempt, or pride, or ostentation,And looke upon offenselesse majesty,Naked of pomp or earthly domination?And how a play-game of a painted stoneContents the quiet now and silent sprites,Whome all the world which late they stood upon... 
the top and ball |热度 30 | 英文原著 | 上传: 老山文学 |更新时间:2017-03-20
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE TOP AND BALLby Hans Christian AndersenA WHIPPING TOP and a little ball lay together in a box, amongother toys, and the top said to the ball, "Shall we be married, aswe live in the same box?"But the ball, which wore a dress of morocco leather, and thoughtas much of herself as any other young lady, would not evencondescend to reply.The next day came the little boy to whom the playthingsbelonged, and he painted the top red and yellow, and drove abrass-headed nail into the middle, so that while the top wasspinning round it looked splendid.... 
honorine |热度 33 | 英文原著 | 上传: 指点迷津 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Honorineby Honore de BalzacTranslated by Clara BellDEDICATIONTo Monsieur Achille DeveriaAn affectionate remembrance from the Author.HONORINEIf the French have as great an aversion for traveling as the Englishhave a propensity for it, both English and French have perhapssufficient reasons. Something better than England is everywhere to befound; whereas it is excessively difficult to find the charms ofFrance outside France. Other countries can show admirable scenery, andthey frequently offer greater comfort than that of France, which makesbut slow progress in that particular. They sometimes display abewildering magnificence, grandeur, and luxury; they lack neither... 
the puppet-show man |热度 35 | 英文原著 | 上传: 打死也不说 |更新时间:2017-03-20
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE PUPPET-SHOW MANby Hans Christian AndersenON board a steamer I once met an elderly man, with such a merryface that, if it was really an index of his mind, he must have beenthe happiest fellow in creation; and indeed he considered himselfso, for I heard it from his own mouth. He was a Dane, the owner of atravelling theatre. He had all his company with him in a large box,for he was the proprietor of a puppet-show. His inborn cheerfulness,he said, had been tested by a member of the Polytechnic Institution,and the experiment had made him completely happy. I did not at first... 
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