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a dream of armageddom |热度 33 | 英文原著 | 上传: 随便看看 |更新时间:2017-03-20
A DREAM OF ARMAGEDDONThe man with the white face entered the carriage at Rugby. Hemoved slowly in spite of the urgency of his porter, and even whilehe was still on the platform I noted how ill he seemed. He droppedinto the corner over against me with a sigh, made an incompleteattempt to arrange his travelling shawl, and became motionless,with his eyes staring vacantly. Presently he was moved by a senseof my observation, looked up at me, and put out a spiritless handfor his newspaper. Then he glanced again in my direction.I feigned to read. I feared I had unwittingly embarrassedhim, and in a moment I was surprised to find him speaking.... 
the greatness of cities |热度 33 | 英文原著 | 上传: 公主站记 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Greatness of Citiesby Giovanni BoteroA Treatise Concerning The Causes of the Magnificency and Greatness of CitiesDivided into three books by Sig. Giovanni Botero in the Italian Tongue, now done into English by Robert Peterson 1606Book One1. What a city is, and what the greatness of a city is said to beA city is said to be an assembly of people, a congregation drawn together to the end they may thereby the better live at their ease in wealth and plenty. And the greatness of a city is said to be, not the largeness of the site or the circuit of the walls, but the multitude and number of the inhabitants and their power. Now men are drawn together upon sundry causes and occasions thereunto t 
the life and perambulations of |热度 37 | 英文原著 | 上传: 飘雪的季节 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Life and Perambulations of a Mouseby Dorothy KilnerINTRODUCTIONDuring a remarkably severe winter, when a prodigious fall of snow confined everybody to their habitations, who were happy enough to have one to shelter them from the inclemency of the season, and were hot obliged by business to expose themselves to its rigour, I was on a visit to Meadow Hall; where had assembled likewise a large party of young folk, who all seemed, by their harmony and good humour, to strive who should the most contribute to render pleasant that confinement which we were all equally obliged to share. Nor were those further advanced in life less anxious to contribute to the general satisfaction and entertain 
little travels and roadside sk |热度 42 | 英文原著 | 上传: 冥王 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Little Travels and Roadside Sketchesby William Makepeace ThackerayI. FROM RICHMOND IN SURREY TO BRUSSELS IN BELGIUMII. GHENTBRUGES:Ghent (1840)BrugesIII. WATERLOOLITTLE TRAVELS AND ROADSIDE SKETCHESI.FROM RICHMOND IN SURREY TO BRUSSELS IN BELGIUM. . . I quitted the "Rose Cottage Hotel" at Richmond, one of thecomfortablest, quietest, cheapest, neatest little inns in England,and a thousand times preferable, in my opinion, to the "Star andGarter," whither, if you go alone, a sneering waiter, with his haircurled, frightens you off the premises; and where, if you are bold... 
anthology of massachusetts poe |热度 248 | 英文原著 | 上传: 乐乐陶陶 |更新时间:2017-03-20
ANTHOLOGY OF MASSACHUSETTS POETSANTHOLOGY OFMASSACHUSETTSPOETSWILLIAM STANLEY BRAITHWAITE, Editor1- Page 2-ANTHOLOGY OF MASSACHUSETTS POETSAMERICA THE BEAUTIFULO BEAUTIFUL for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, Forpurple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain! America! America!God shed His grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood >Fromsea to shining sea!O beautiful for pilgrim feet, Those stern, impassioned stress A... 
theologico-political treatise |热度 209 | 英文原著 | 上传: 插翅难飞 |更新时间:2017-03-20
A Theologico-Political TreatiseA Theologico-PoliticalTreatisePart III - Chapters XI to XVBaruch Spinoza1- Page 2-A Theologico-Political TreatiseCHAPTER XIAN INQUIRY WHETHER THE APOSTLES WROTE THEIREPISTLES AS APOSTLES AND PROPHETS, OR MERELY ASTEACHERS; AND AN EXPLANATION OF WHAT IS MEANT BY ANAPOSTLE.(1) No reader of the New Testament can doubt that the Apostles were... 
049 |热度 34 | 英文原著 | 上传: 热带雨淋 |更新时间:2017-03-20
were clever and wise, but the third did not speak much, and wassimple, and was called the simpleton. When the king had become oldand weak, and was thinking of his end, he did not know which of hissons should inherit the kingdom after him. Then he said to them, goforth, and he who brings me the most beautiful carpet shall be kingafter my death.And that there should be no dispute amongst them, he took themoutside his castle, blew three feathers in the air, and said, youshall go as they fly. One feather flew to the east, the other to thewest, but the third flew straight up and did not fly far, but soonfell to the ground.And now one brother went to the right, and the other to the left, and.. 
a dome of many-coloured glass( |热度 129 | 英文原著 | 上传: 巴乔的中场 |更新时间:2017-03-20
A Dome of Many-Coloured GlassA Dome of Many-Coloured Glassby Amy Lowell1- Page 2-A Dome of Many-Coloured Glass"Life, like a dome of many-coloured glass, Stains the white radianceof Eternity."Shelley, "Adonais"."Le silence est si grand que mon coeur en frissonne, Seul, le bruit demes pas sur le pave resonne."Albert Samain.2- Page 3-A Dome of Many-Coloured Glass... 
much ado about nothing(无事生 |热度 34 | 英文原著 | 上传: 飘雪的季节 |更新时间:2017-03-20
MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHINGMUCH ADO ABOUTNOTHINGWilliam Shakespeare15991- Page 2-MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHINGDramatis PersonaeDon Pedro, Prince of Arragon. Don John, his bastard brother. Claudio,a young lord of Florence. Benedick, a Young lord of Padua. Leonato,Governor of Messina. Antonio, an old man, his brother. Balthasar,attendant on Don Pedro. Borachio, follower of Don John. Conrade,... 
bleak house(凄凉的房子) |热度 177 | 英文原著 | 上传: 连过十一人 |更新时间:2017-03-20
ELECBOOK CLASSICSBLEAKHOUSECharles Dickens- Page 2-ELECBOOK CLASSICSebc0002. Charles Dickens: Bleak HouseThis file is free for individual use only. It must not be altered or resold.Organisations wishing to use it must first obtain a licence.Low cost licenses are available. Contact us through our web site(C) The Electric Book Co 1998The Electric Book Company Ltd20 Cambridge Drive, London SE12 8AJ, UK+44 (0)181 488 3872 www.elecbook.com- Page 3-BLEAK HOUSE... 
salammbo |热度 232 | 英文原著 | 上传: 水王 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Salammboby Gustave FlaubertCHAPTER ITHE FEASTIt was at Megara, a suburb of Carthage, in the gardens of Hamilcar.The soldiers whom he had commanded in Sicily were having a great feastto celebrate the anniversary of the battle of Eryx, and as the masterwas away, and they were numerous, they ate and drank with perfectfreedom.The captains, who wore bronze cothurni, had placed themselves in thecentral path, beneath a gold-fringed purple awning, which reached fromthe wall of the stables to the first terrace of the palace; the commonsoldiers were scattered beneath the trees, where numerous flat-roofedbuildings might be seen, wine-presses, cellars, storehouses, bakeries,... 
the light of egypt volume ii( |热度 111 | 英文原著 | 上传: 大刀阔斧 |更新时间:2017-03-20
THE LIGHT OF EGYPTTHE LIGHT OF EGYPT(OR THE SCIENCE OF THE SOUL AND THESTARS)VOLUME IITHOMAS H. BURGOYNE1- Page 2-THE LIGHT OF EGYPTZANONI"Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, andthe things which shall be hereafter; THE MYSTERY OF THE SEVENSTARS, which thou sawest in my right hand." Revelations, Chap. I, 19and 20.... 
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