FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENOUR AUNTby Hans Christian AndersenYou ought to have known our aunt; she was charming! That is tosay, she was not charming at all as the word is usually understood;but she was good and kind, amusing in her way, and was just as any oneought to be whom people are to talk about and to laugh at. She mighthave been put into a play, and wholly and solely on account of thefact that she only lived for the theatre and for what was donethere. She was an honorable matron; but Agent Fabs, whom she used tocall "Flabs," declared that our aunt was stage-struck....
The Story of My Heartby Richard JefferiesAN AUTOBIOGRAPHYCHAPTER ITHE story of my heart commences seventeen years ago. In the glowof youth there were times every now and then when I felt thenecessity of a strong inspiration of soulthought. My heart wasdusty, parched for want of the rain of deep feeling; my mind arid and dry,for there is a dust which settles on the heart as well as that which fallson a ledge. It is injurious to the mind as well as to the body to be alwaysin one place and always surrounded by the same circumstances. A species ofthick clothing slowly grows about the mind, the pores are choked, littlehabits become a part of existence, and by degrees the mind is inclosed in a.
THE RIGHT EYE OF THE COMMANDERThe year of grace 1797 passed away on the coast of California in asouthwesterly gale. The little bay of San Carlos, albeit shelteredby the headlands of the blessed Trinity, was rough and turbulent;its foam clung quivering to the seaward wall of the Mission garden;the air was filled with flying sand and spume, and as the SenorCommandante, Hermenegildo Salvatierra, looked from the deepembrasured window of the Presidio guardroom, he felt the saltbreath of the distant sea buffet a color into his smoke-driedcheeks.The Commander, I have said, was gazing thoughtfully from the windowof the guardroom. He may have been reviewing the events of the...
LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS ESPECIALLY HISTORICALBY ANDREW D. WHITEThe Greater Distinctions in Statesmanship. Yale Literary PrizeEssay, in the "Yale Literary Magazine," 1852.The Diplomatic History of Modern Times. De Forest Prize Oration,in the "Yale Literary Magazine," 1853.Qualifications for American Citizenship. Clarke Senior PrizeEssay, in the "Yale Literary Magazine," 1853.Editorial and other articles in the "Yale Literary Magazine,"1852-1853.Glimpses of Universal History. The "New Englander," Vol. XV, p.398....
Emile Zolaby William Dean HowellsIn these times of electrical movement, the sort of constructionin the moral world for which ages were once needed, takes placealmost simultaneously with the event to be adjusted in history,and as true a perspective forms itself as any in the past. A fewweeks after the death of a poet of such great epical imagination,such great ethical force, as Emile Zola, we may see him asclearly and judge him as fairly as posterity alone was formerlysupposed able to see and to judge the heroes that antedated it.The present is always holding in solution the elements of thefuture and the past, in fact; and whilst Zola still lived, in the...
Kenilworthby Walter ScottINTRODUCTIONA certain degree of success, real or supposed, in the delineationof Queen Mary, naturally induced the author to attempt somethingsimilar respecting "her sister and her foe," the celebratedElizabeth. He will not, however, pretend to have approached thetask with the same feelings; for the candid Robertson himselfconfesses having felt the prejudices with which a Scottishman istempted to regard the subject; and what so liberal a historianavows, a poor romance-writer dares not disown. But he hopes theinfluence of a prejudice, almost as natural to him as his nativeair, will not be found to have greatly affected the sketch he has...
Herodiasby Gustave FlaubertCHAPTER IIn the eastern side of the Dead Sea rose the citadel of Machaerus. Itwas built upon a conical peak of basalt, and was surrounded by fourdeep valleys, one on each side, another in front, and the fourth inthe rear. At the base of the citadel, crowding against one another, agroup of houses stood within the circle of a wall, whose outlinesundulated with the unevenness of the soil. A zigzag road, cuttingthrough the rocks, joined the city to the fortress, the walls of whichwere about one hundred and twenty cubits high, having numerous anglesand ornamental towers that stood out like jewels in this crown of...
THE CRITIC AS ARTIST - WITH SOME REMARKS UPON THE IMPORTANCE OF DOING NOTHINGA DIALOGUE. Part I. Persons: Gilbert and Ernest. Scene: the library of a house in Piccadilly, overlooking the Green Park.GILBERT (at the Piano). My dear Ernest, what are you laughing at?ERNEST (looking up). At a capital story that I have just come across in this volume of Reminiscences that I have found on your table.GILBERT. What is the book? Ah! I see. I have not read it yet. Is it good?ERNEST. Well, while you have been playing, I have been turning over the pages with some amusement, though, as a rule, I dislike modern memoirs. They are generally written by people who have either entirely lost their m
Majorie DawMajorie Dawby Thomas Bailey Aldrich1- Page 2-Majorie DawCHAPTER I.DR. DILLON TO EDWARD DELANEY, ESQ., AT THE PINES.NEAR RYE, N.H.August 8, 1872.My Dear Sir: I am happy to assure you that your anxiety is withoutreason. Flemming will be confined to the sofa for three or four weeks, andwill have to be careful at first how he uses his leg. A fracture of this kind is...
The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson, Volume IICHAPTER VIII - LIFE AT BOURNEMOUTH, CONTINUED, JANUARY 1886-JULY 1887Letter: TO MRS. DE MATTOS[SKERRYVORE, BOURNEMOUTH], JANUARY 1ST, 1886.DEAREST KATHARINE, - Here, on a very little book and accompaniedwith lame verses, I have put your name. Our kindness is nowgetting well on in years; it must be nearly of age; and it getsmore valuable to me with every time I see you. It is not possibleto express any sentiment, and it is not necessary to try, at leastbetween us. You know very well that I love you dearly, and that Ialways will. I only wish the verses were better, but at least you...
The Writings of Abraham Lincolnby Abraham LincolnVOLUME II.1843-1858FIRST CHILDTO JOSHUA F. SPEED.SPRINGFIELD, May 18, 1843.DEAR SPEED:Yours of the 9th instant is duly received, which Ido not meet as a "bore," but as a most welcome visitor. I willanswer the business part of it first.In relation to our Congress matter here, you were right insupposing I would support the nominee. Neither Baker nor I,however, is the man, but Hardin, so far as I can judge frompresent appearances. We shall have no split or trouble about thematter; all will be harmony. In relation to the "coming events"...
Saint George for Englandby G. A. HentyPREFACEMY DEAR LADS,You may be told perhaps that there is no good to be obtained from tales of fighting and bloodshed, - that there is no moral to be drawn from such histories. Believe it not. War has its lessons as well as Peace. You will learn from tales like this that determination and enthusiasm can accomplish marvels, that true courage is generally accompanied by magnanimity and gentleness, and that if not in itself the very highest of virtues, it is the parent of almost all the others, since but few of them can be practised without it. The courage of our forefathers has created the greatest empire in the world around a small and in itself insigni