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on the articulations |热度 30 | 英文原著 | 上传: 水王 |更新时间:2017-03-20
400 BCON THE ARTICULATIONSby Hippocratestranslated by Francis AdamsI am acquainted with one form in which the shoulder-joint isdislocated, namely, that into the armpit; I have never seen it takeplace upward nor outward; and yet I do not positively affirm whetherit might be dislocated in these directions or not, although I havesomething which I might say on this subject. But neither have I everseen what I considered to be a dislocation forward. Physicians,indeed, fancy that dislocation is very apt to occur forward, and... 
sunday under three heads |热度 31 | 英文原著 | 上传: 一米八 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Sunday Under Three Headsby Charles DickensDEDICATIONTo The Right ReverendTHE BISHOP OF LONDONMY LORD,You were among the first, some years ago, to expatiate on thevicious addiction of the lower classes of society to Sundayexcursions; and were thus instrumental in calling forth occasionaldemonstrations of those extreme opinions on the subject, which arevery generally received with derision, if not with contempt.Your elevated station, my Lord, affords you countless opportunitiesof increasing the comforts and pleasures of the humbler classes ofsociety - not by the expenditure of the smallest portion of yourprincely income, but by merely sanctioning with the influence of... 
for the term of his natural li |热度 31 | 英文原著 | 上传: 打倒一切 |更新时间:2017-03-20
For the Term of His Natural Lifeby Marcus ClarkeDEDICATIONTOSIR CHARLES GAVAN DUFFYMy Dear Sir Charles, I take leave to dedicate this work to you, not merely because your nineteen years of political and literary life in Australia render it very fitting that any work written by a resident in the colonies, and having to do with the history of past colonial days, should bear your name upon its dedicatory page; but because the publication of my book is due to your advice and encouragement.The convict of fiction has been hitherto shown only at the beginning or at the end of his career. Either his exile has been the mysterious end to his misdeeds, or he has appeared upon the scene to claim inte 
aphorisms |热度 31 | 英文原著 | 上传: 闲来一看 |更新时间:2017-03-20
400 BCAPHORISMSby Hippocratestranslated by Francis AdamsAPHORISMSSECTION ILife is short, and Art long; the crisis fleeting; experienceperilous, and decision difficult. The physician must not only beprepared to do what is right himself, but also to make the patient,the attendants, and externals cooperate.2. In disorders of the bowels and vomitings, occurringspontaneously, if the matters purged be such as ought to be purged,they do good, and are well borne; but if not, the contrary. And so... 
on books and the housing of th |热度 31 | 英文原著 | 上传: 谁知道呢 |更新时间:2017-03-20
On Books and the Housing of Themby William Ewart GladstoneIn the old age of his intellect (which atthis point seemed to taste a little ofdecrepitude), Strauss declared [1] that the doctrine ofimmortality has recently lost the assistanceof a passable argument, inasmuch as it hasbeen discovered that the stars are inhabited;for where, he asks, could room now be foundfor such a multitude of souls? Again, in viewof the current estimates of prospectivepopulation for this earth, some people have begun toentertain alarm for the probable condition ofEngland (if not Great Britain) when she gets(say) seventy millions that are allotted to heragainst six or eight hundred millions for the... 
is shakespeare dead1 |热度 31 | 英文原著 | 上传: 蝴蝶的出走 |更新时间:2017-03-20
IS SHAKESPEARE DEAD?(from My Autobiography)Scattered here and there through the stacks of unpublished manuscript which constitute this formidable Autobiography and Diary of mine, certain chapters will in some distant future be found which deal with "Claimants"claimants historically notorious: Satan, Claimant; the Golden Calf, Claimant; the Veiled Prophet of Khorassan, Claimant; Louis XVII., Claimant; William Shakespeare, Claimant; Arthur Orton, Claimant; Mary Baker G. Eddy, Claimantand the rest of them. Eminent Claimants, successful Claimants, defeated Claimants, royal Claimants, pleb Claimants, showy Claimants, shabby Claimants, revered Claimants, despised Claimants, twinkle star-like he 
rolf in the woods |热度 33 | 英文原著 | 上传: 暖暖 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Rolf In The WoodsErnest Thompson SetonPrefaceIn this story I have endeavoured to realize some of theinfluences that surrounded the youth of America a hundred yearsago, and made of them, first, good citizens, and, later, in theday of peril, heroes that won the battles of Lake Erie,Plattsburg, and New Orleans, and the great sea fights of Porter,Bainbridge, Decatur, Lawrence, Perry, and MacDonough.I have especially dwelt in detail on the woodland and peacescouting in the hope that I may thus help other boys to followthe hard-climbing trail that leads to the higher uplands.For the historical events of 1812-14, I have consulted among... 
massacre at paris(巴黎大屠杀) |热度 175 | 英文原著 | 上传: 上网找工作 |更新时间:2017-03-20
29-blue beard |热度 31 | 英文原著 | 上传: 小秋 |更新时间:2017-03-20
BLUE BEARDTHERE was a man who had fine houses, both in townand country, a deal of silver and gold plate, embroideredfurniture, and coaches gilded all over with gold. Butthis man was so unlucky as to have a blue beard, whichmade him so frightfully ugly that all the women andgirls ran away from him.One of his neighbors, a lady of quality, had twodaughters who were perfect beauties. He desired ofher one of them in marriage, leaving to her choice whichof the two she would bestow on him. They wouldneither of them have him, and sent him backward andforward from one another, not being able to bear thethoughts of marrying a man who had a blue beard, and... 
the circulation of the blood |热度 31 | 英文原著 | 上传: |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Circulation of the Bloodby Thomas H. HuxleyI DESIRE this evening to give you some account of the life and laboursof a very noble EnglishmanWilliam Harvey.William Harvey was born in the year 1578, and as he lived until the year1657, he very nearly attained the age of 80. He was the son of a smalllandowner in Kent, who was sufficiently wealthy to send this, hiseldest son, to the University of Cambridge; while he embarked theothers in mercantile pursuits, in which they all, as time passed on,attained riches.William Harvey, after pursuing his education at Cambridge, and takinghis degree there, thought it was advisableand justly thought so, in... 
the price she paid |热度 32 | 英文原著 | 上传: 江暖 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Price She Paidby David Graham PhillipsIHENRY GOWER was dead at sixty-onethe end of a lifelong fraud which never had been suspected, and never would be. With the world, with his acquaintances and neighbors, with his wife and son and daughter, he passed as a generous, warm-hearted, good-natured man, ready at all times to do anything to help anybody, incapable of envy or hatred or meanness. In fact, not once in all his days had he ever thought or done a single thing except for his own comfort. Like all intensely selfish people who are wise, he was cheerful and amiable, because that was the way to be healthy and happy and to have those around one agreeable and in the mood to do what one  
the lifted veil |热度 30 | 英文原著 | 上传: 卖吻 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Lifted Veilby George Eliot [Mary Anne Evans]CHAPTER IThe time of my end approaches. I have lately been subject toattacks of angina pectoris; and in the ordinary course of things,my physician tells me, I may fairly hope that my life will not beprotracted many months. Unless, then, I am cursed with anexceptional physical constitution, as I am cursed with anexceptional mental character, I shall not much longer groan underthe wearisome burthen of this earthly existence. If it were to beotherwiseif I were to live on to the age most men desire andprovide forI should for once have known whether the miseries ofdelusive expectation can outweigh the miseries of true provision.... 
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