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juana |热度 30 | 英文原著 | 上传: 笑傲网络 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Juanaby Honore de BalzacTranslated by Katharine Prescott Wormeley)DEDICATIONTo Madame la Comtesse Merlin.JUANA(THE MARANAS)CHAPTER IEXPOSITIONNotwithstanding the discipline which Marechal Suchet had introducedinto his army corps, he was unable to prevent a short period oftrouble and disorder at the taking of Tarragona. According to certainfair-minded military men, this intoxication of victory bore a strikingresemblance to pillage, though the marechal promptly suppressed it.Order being re-established, each regiment quartered in its respectivelines, and the commandant of the city appointed, military... 
the colour of life |热度 30 | 英文原著 | 上传: 理性的思索 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Colour of Lifeby Alice MeynellContents:The Colour of LifeA Point Of BiographyCloudWinds of the WorldThe Honours of MortalityAt Monastery GatesRushes and ReedsEleonora DuseDonkey RacesGrassA Woman in GreySymmetry and IncidentThe Illusion of Historic TimeEyesTHE COLOUR OF LIFERed has been praised for its nobility as the colour of life. Butthe true colour of life is not red. Red is the colour of violence,or of life broken open, edited, and published. Or if red is indeedthe colour of life, it is so only on condition that it is not seen.Once fully visible, red is the colour of life violated, and in the... 
romulus |热度 30 | 英文原著 | 上传: 蝎子王 |更新时间:2017-03-20
ROMULUSLegendary, 8th Century B.C.by Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenFrom whom, and for what reason, the city of Rome, a name so great inglory, and famous in the mouths of all men, was so first called,authors do not agree. Some are of opinion that the Pelasgians,wandering over the greater part of the habitable world, and subduingnumerous nations, fixed themselves here, and, from their own greatstrength in war, called the city Rome. Others, that at the taking ofTroy, some few that escaped and met with shipping, put to sea, anddriven by winds, were carried upon the coasts of Tuscany, and came... 
representative government |热度 30 | 英文原著 | 上传: 知恩报恩 |更新时间:2017-03-20
1861REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENTby John Stuart MillPREFACE.THOSE who have done me the honour of reading my previous writings will probably receive no strong impression of novelty from the present volume; for the principles are those to which I have been working up during the greater part of my life, and most of the practical suggestions have been anticipated by others or by myself. There is novelty, however, in the fact of bringing them together, and exhibiting them in their connection; and also, I believe, in much that is brought forward in their support. Several of the opinions at all events, if not new, are for the present as little likely to meet with general acceptance as if they were.  
the nature of rent |热度 30 | 英文原著 | 上传: 巴乔的中场 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Nature of Rentby T.R. Malthus1815An Inquiry into the Nature and Progress of Rent, and thePrinciples by which it is regulated.by Rev. T.R. Malthus,Professor of History and Political Economy In the East IndiaCollege, HertfordshireLondon, Printed for John Murray, Albemarle Street1815.AdvertisementThe following tract contains the substance of some notes onrent, which, with others on different subjects relating topolitical economy, I have collected in the course of myprofessional duties at the East India College. It has been myintention, at some time or other, to put them in a form for... 
part08 |热度 32 | 英文原著 | 上传: 恐龙王 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Legend of the Rose of the Alhambra.FOR SOME time after the surrender of Granada by the Moors, thatdelightful city was a frequent and favorite residence of the Spanishsovereigns, until they were frightened away by successive shocks ofearthquakes, which toppled down various houses, and made the oldMoslem towers rock to their foundation.Many, many years then rolled away, during which Granada was rarelyhonored by a royal guest. The palaces of the nobility remainedsilent and shut up; and the Alhambra, like a slighted beauty, sat inmournful desolation, among her neglected gardens. The tower of theInfantas, once the residence of the three beautiful Moorish... 
all for love |热度 30 | 英文原著 | 上传: 不受约束 |更新时间:2017-03-20
All For Loveby John DrydenINTRODUCTORY NOTEThe age of Elizabeth, memorable for so many reasons in the history of England, was especially brilliant in literature, and, within literature, in the drama. With some falling off in spontaneity, the impulse to great dramatic production lasted till the Long Parliament closed the theaters in 1642; and when they were reopened at the Restoration, in 1660, the stage only too faithfully reflected the debased moral tone of the court society of Charles II.John Dryden (1631-1700), the great representative figure in the literature of the latter part of the seventeenth century, exemplifies in his work most of the main tendencies of the time. He came into not 
a theologico-political treatis |热度 30 | 英文原著 | 上传: 丁格 |更新时间:2017-03-20
A Theologico-Political Treatise [Part III]by Benedict de SpinozaAlso known as Baruch SpinozaTranslated by R. H. M. ElwesPart III - Chapters XI to XVTABLE OF CONTENTS:CHAPTER XI - An Inquiry whether the Apostles wrote theirEpistles as Apostles and Prophets, or merely as Teachers,and an Explanation of what is meant by Apostle.The epistles not in the prophetic style.The Apostles not commanded to write or preach in particular places.Different methods of teaching adopted by the Apostles.CHAPTER XII - Of the true Original of the Divine Law,... 
at the back of the north wind |热度 30 | 英文原著 | 上传: 老是不进球 |更新时间:2017-03-20
At the Back of the North Windby George MacDonaldCHAPTER ITHE HAY-LOFTI HAVE been asked to tell you about the back of the north wind.An old Greek writer mentions a people who lived there,and were so comfortable that they could not bear it any longer,and drowned themselves. My story is not the same as his.I do not think Herodotus had got the right account of the place.I am going to tell you how it fared with a boy who went there.He lived in a low room over a coach-house; and that was not by anymeans at the back of the north wind, as his mother very well knew.For one side of the room was built only of boards, and the boards were... 
the passing of the frontier |热度 30 | 英文原著 | 上传: 孤独半圆 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Passing of the Frontier, A Chronicle of the Old Westby Emerson HoughCONTENTSI. THE FRONTIER IN HISTORYII. THE RANGEIII. THE CATTLE TRAILSIV. THE COWBOYV. THE MINESVI. PATHWAYS OF THE WESTVII. THE INDIAN WARSVIII. THE CATTLE KINGSIX. THE HOMESTEADERBIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTETHE PASSING OF THE FRONTIERChapter I. The Frontier In HistoryThe frontier! There is no word in the English language more stirring, more intimate, or more beloved. It has in it all the elan of the old French phrase, En avant! It carries all of the old Saxon command, Forward!! It means all that America ever meant. It means the old hope of a real personal liberty, and yet a real human advance in character and achievement. To a 
the adventure of the red circl |热度 30 | 英文原著 | 上传: 博搏 |更新时间:2017-03-20
SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE ADVENTURE OF THE RED CIRCLEby Sir Arthur Conan Doyle"Well, Mrs. Warren, I cannot see that you have any particularcause for uneasiness, nor do I understand why I, whose time is of somevalue, should interfere in the matter. I really have other things toengage me." So spoke Sherlock Holmes and turned back to the greatscrapbook in which he was arranging and indexing some of his recentmaterial.But the landlady had the pertinacity and also the cunning of hersex. She held her ground firmly."You arranged an affair for a lodger of mine last year," she said-... 
the inca of perusalem |热度 30 | 英文原著 | 上传: 幽雨 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Inca of Perusalemby George Bernard ShawAN ALMOST HISTORICAL COMEDIETTAI must remind the reader that this playlet was written when itsprincipal character, far from being a fallen foe and virtually aprisoner in our victorious hands, was still the Caesar whoselegions we were resisting with our hearts in our mouths. Manywere so horribly afraid of him that they could not forgive me fornot being afraid of him: I seemed to be trifling heartlessly witha deadly peril. I knew better; and I have represented Caesar asknowing better himself. But it was one of the quaintnesses ofpopular feeling during the war that anyone who breathed theslightest doubt of the absolute perfection of German... 
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