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the boss and the machine |热度 29 | 英文原著 | 上传: 温暖寒冬 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Boss and the Machine, A Chronicle of the Politicians and Party Organizationby Samuel P. OrthCONTENTSI. THE RISE OF THE PARTYII. THE RISE OF THE MACHINEIII. THE TIDE OF MATERIALISMIV. THE POLITICIAN AND THE CITYV. TAMMANY HALLVI. LESSER OLIGARCHIESVII. LEGISLATIVE OMNIPOTENCEVIII. THE NATIONAL HIERARCHYIX. THE AWAKENINGX. PARTY REFORMXI. THE EXPERT AT LASTBIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTETHE BOSS AND THE MACHINECHAPTER I. THE RISE OF THE PARTYThe party system is an essential instrument of Democracy.Wherever government rests upon the popular will, there the partyis the organ of expression and the agency of the ultimate power.... 
helen |热度 29 | 英文原著 | 上传: 套牢 |更新时间:2017-03-20
the problem of thor bridge |热度 29 | 英文原著 | 上传: 暖暖 |更新时间:2017-03-20
SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE PROBLEM OF THOR BRIDGEby Sir Arthur Conan DoyleSomewhere in the vaults of the bank of Cox and Co., at CharingCross, there is a travel-worn and battered tin dispatch-box with myname, John H. Watson, M. D., Late Indian Army, painted upon the lid.It is crammed with papers, nearly all of which are records of cases toillustrate the curious problems which Mr. Sherlock Holmes had atvarious times to examine. Some, and not the least interesting, werecomplete failures, and as such will hardly bear narrating, since nofinal explanation is forthcoming. A problem without a solution may... 
massimilla doni |热度 29 | 英文原著 | 上传: 冬恋 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Massimilla Doniby Honore de BalzacTranslated by Clara Bell and James WaringDEDICATIONTo Jacques Strunz.MY DEAR STRUNZ:I should be ungrateful if I did not set your nameat the head of one of the two tales I could never have written butfor your patient kindness and care. Accept this as my gratefulacknowledgment of the readiness with which you triedperhaps notvery successfullyto initiate me into the mysteries of musicalknowledge. You have at least taught me what difficulties and whatlabor genius must bury in those poems which procure ustranscendental pleasures. You have also afforded me thesatisfaction of laughing more than once at the expense of a self-... 
evolution and ethics and other |热度 29 | 英文原著 | 上传: 江暖 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Evolution and Ethics and Other Essaysby Thomas H. HuxleyEVOLUTION AND ETHICS. PROLEGOMENAEVOLUTION AND ETHICSSCIENCE AND MORALSCAPITALTHE MOTHER OF LABOURSOCIAL DISEASES AND WORSE REMEDIESThe Struggle for Existence in Human SocietyLetters to the TimesLegal OpinionsThe Articles of War of the Salvation ArmyPREFACETHE discourse on "Evolution and Ethics," reprinted in the first half ofthe present volume, was delivered before the University of Oxford, asthe second of the annual lectures founded by Mr. Romanes: whose name Imay not write without deploring the untimely death, in the flower ofhis age, of a friend endeared to me, as to so many others, by his... 
treatise on taxes and contribu |热度 29 | 英文原著 | 上传: 换裁判 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Same being frequently applied to the present State and Affairs of Ireland.London, Printed for N. Brooke, at the Angel in Cornhill, 1662.by William Petty1662The PrefaceYoung and vain persons, though perhaps they marry not primarily and onely on purpose to get Children, much less to get such as may be fit for some one particular vocation; yet having Children, they dispose of them as well as they can according to their respective inclinations: Even so, although I wrote these sheets but to rid my head of so many troublesome conceits, and not to apply them to the use of any one particular People or Concernment; yet now they are born, and that their Birth happened to be about the time of the  
the life of william carey |热度 29 | 英文原著 | 上传: 缘圆 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Life of William Carey, Shoemaker & Missionaryby George SmithPREFACEOn the death of William Carey In 1834 Dr. Joshua Marshman promised to write the Life of his great colleague, with whom he had held almost daily converse since the beginning of the century, but he survived too short a time to begin the work. In 1836 the Rev. Eustace Carey anticipated him by issuing what is little better than a selection of mutilated letters and journals made at the request of the Committee of the Baptist Missionary Society. It contains one passage of value, however. Dr. Carey once said to his nephew, whose design he seems to have suspected, "Eustace, if after my removal any one should think it worth hi 
the adventure of the empty hou |热度 29 | 英文原著 | 上传: 使劲儿 |更新时间:2017-03-20
SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE ADVENTURE OF THE EMPTY HOUSEby Sir Arthur Conan DoyleIt was in the spring of the year 1894 that all London wasinterested, and the fashionable world dismayed, by the murder of theHonourable Ronald Adair under most unusual and inexplicablecircumstances. The public has already learned those particulars of thecrime which came out in the police investigation, but a good dealwas suppressed upon that occasion, since the case for theprosecution was so overwhelmingly strong that it was not necessaryto bring forward all the facts. Only now, at the end of nearly ten... 
rosamund |热度 29 | 英文原著 | 上传: 辩论 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Rosamund, Queen of the Lombardsby Algernon Charles SwinburnePERSONS REPRESENTEDALBOVINE, King of the Lombards.ALMACHILDES, a young Lombard warrior.NARSETES, an old leader and counsellor.ROSAMUND, Queen of the LombardsHILDEGARD, a noble Lombard maiden.SCENE, VERONATime, June 573ACT IA hall in the Palace: a curtain drawn midway across it.Enter ALBOVINE and NARSETES.ALBOVINE.This is no matter of the wars: in warThy king, old friend, is less than king of thine,And comrade less than follower. Hast thou lovedEverloved woman, not as chance may love,But as thou hast loved thy sword or friendor me?Thou hast shewn me love more stout of heart than death.... 
flatland |热度 29 | 英文原著 | 上传: 冬儿 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Flatland: A Romance of Many DimensionsEdwin A. Abbott (1838-1926. English scholar, theologian, and writer.)ToThe Inhabitants of SPACE IN GENERALAnd H. C. IN PARTICULARThis Work is DedicatedBy a Humble Native of FlatlandIn the Hope thatEven as he was Initiated into the MysteriesOf THREE DimensionsHaving been previously conversantWith ONLY TWOSo the Citizens of that Celestial RegionMay aspire yet higher and higher... 
of the epidemics |热度 29 | 英文原著 | 上传: 梦幻天书 |更新时间:2017-03-20
400 BCOF THE EPIDEMICSby Hippocratestranslated by Francis AdamsOF THE EPIDEMICSBOOK I. Sect. I. First Constitution1. IN THASUS, about the autumn equinox, and under the Pleiades,the rains were abundant, constant, and soft, with southerly winds; thewinter southerly, the northerly winds faint, droughts; on the whole,the winter having the character of spring. The spring was southerly,cool, rains small in quantity. Summer, for the most part, cloudy, no... 
the adventure of the retired c |热度 29 | 英文原著 | 上传: 那年夏天 |更新时间:2017-03-20
SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE ADVENTURE OF THE RETIRED COLOURMANby Sir Arthur Conan DoyleSherlock Holmes was in a melancholy and philosophic mood thatmorning. His alert practical nature was subject to such reactions."Did you see him?" he asked."You mean the old fellow who has just gone out?""Precisely.""Yes, I met him at the door.""What did you think of him?""A pathetic, futile, broken creature.""Exactly, Watson. Pathetic and futile. But is not all lifepathetic and futile? Is not his story a microcosm of the whole? Wereach. We grasp. And what is left in our hands at the end? A shadow.... 
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