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the research magnificent |热度 38 | 英文原著 | 上传: 散发弄舟 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Research Magnificentby H. G. WellsCONTENTSTHE PRELUDEON FEAR AND ARISTOCRACYTHE STORYI. THE BOY GROWS UPII. THE YOUNG MAN ABOUT TOWNIII. AMANDAIV. THE SPIRITED HONEYMOONV. THE ASSIZE OF JEALOUSYVI. THE NEW HAROUN AL RASCHIDTHE RESEARCH MAGNIFICENTTHE PRELUDEON FEAR AND ARISTOCRACY1 The story of William Porphyry Benham is the story of a man who was led into adventure by an idea. It was an idea that took possession of his imagination quite early in life, it grew with him and changed with him, it interwove at last completely with his being. His story is its story. It was traceably germinating in the schoolboy; it was manifestly present in his mind at the very last moment of his ad 
miscellaneous papers(各种各样 |热度 133 | 英文原著 | 上传: 管他三七二 |更新时间:2017-03-20
MISCELLANEOUS PAPERSMISCELLANEOUSPAPERSBY CHARLES DICKENS- Page 2-MISCELLANEOUS PAPERSTHE AGRICULTURALINTERESTThe present Government, having shown itself to be particularly cleverin its management of Indictments for Conspiracy, cannot do better, wethink (keeping in its administrative eye the pacification of some of its mostinfluential and most unruly supporters), than indict the wholemanufacturing interest of the country for a conspiracy against the... 
plays |热度 39 | 英文原著 | 上传: 绚烂冬季 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Plays of W. E. Henley and R. L. StevensonWilliam Ernest Henley and Robert Louis StevensonHenley is best known for this quote from Invictus:"I am the master of my fate,I am the captain of my soul."INVICTUSOut of the night that covers me,Black as the pit from pole to pole,I think whatever gods may befor my unconquerable soul.In the fell clutch of circumstanceI have not winced nor cried aloud.Under the bludgeonings of chanceMy head is bloody, but unbowed.Beyond this place of wrath and tearsLooms but the Horror of the shade,And yet the menace of the yearsFinds and shall find me unafraid.It matters not how strait the gate,... 
round the red lamp(红灯四周) |热度 48 | 英文原著 | 上传: 幽雨 |更新时间:2017-03-20
ROUND THE RED LAMPROUND THE REDLAMPBy SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE1- Page 2-ROUND THE RED LAMPTHE PREFACE.I quite recognise the force of your objection that an invalid or awoman in weak health would get no good from stories which attempt totreat some features of medical life with a certain amount of realism. Ifyou deal with this life at all, however, and if you are anxious to make yourdoctors something more than marionettes, it is quite essential that you... 
a confession |热度 38 | 英文原著 | 上传: 你妹找1 |更新时间:2017-03-20
A Confessionby Lev Nikolayevich TolstoyII was baptized and brought up in the Orthodox Christian faith.I was taught it in childhood and throughout my boyhood and youth.But when I abandoned the second course of the university at the ageof eighteen I no longer believed any of the things I had beentaught.Judging by certain memories, I never seriously believed them,but had merely relied on what I was taught and on what wasprofessed by the grown-up people around me, and that reliance wasvery unstable.I remember that before I was eleven a grammar school pupil,... 
a cheerful temper |热度 32 | 英文原著 | 上传: 暖暖 |更新时间:2017-03-20
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENA CHEERFUL TEMPERby Hans Christian AndersenFROM my father I received the best inheritance, namely a "goodtemper." "And who was my father?" That has nothing to do with the goodtemper; but I will say he was lively, good-looking round, and fat;he was both in appearance and character a complete contradiction tohis profession. "And pray what was his profession and his standingin respectable society?" Well, perhaps, if in the beginning of abook these were written and printed, many, when they read it, wouldlay the book down and say, "It seems to me a very miserable title, I... 
eben holden |热度 45 | 英文原著 | 上传: 风雅颂 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Eben Holden, a Tale of the North Countryby Irving BachellerPREFACEEarly in the last century the hardy wood-choppers began to come west, out of Vermont. They founded their homes in the Adirondack wildernesses and cleared their rough acres with the axe and the charcoal pit. After years of toil in a rigorous climate they left their sons little besides a stumpy farm and a coon-skin overcoat. Far from the centres of life their amusements, their humours, their religion, their folk lore, their views of things had in them the flavour of the timber lands, the simplicity of childhood. Every son was nurtured in the love of honour and of industry, and the hope of sometime being president. It is to be f 
padre ignacio(帕德拉·伊格纳西 |热度 44 | 英文原著 | 上传: 寻找山吹 |更新时间:2017-03-20
PADRE IGNACIO Or The Song of TemptationPADRE IGNACIO OrThe Song of TemptationBY OWEN WISTER1- Page 2-PADRE IGNACIO Or The Song of TemptationIAt Santa Ysabel del Mar the season was at one of those momentswhen the air rests quiet over land and sea. The old breezes were gone; thenew ones were not yet risen. The flowers in the mission garden openedwide; no wind came by day or night to shake the loose petals from their... 
the black tulip(黑郁金香) |热度 60 | 英文原著 | 上传: 红色风帆 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Black Tulipby Alexandre Dumas, PereChapter 1A Grateful PeopleOn the 20th of August, 1672, the city of the Hague, alwaysso lively, so neat, and so trim that one might believe everyday to be Sunday, with its shady park, with its tall trees,spreading over its Gothic houses, with its canals like largemirrors, in which its steeples and its almost Easterncupolas are reflected, the city of the Hague, the capitalof the Seven United Provinces, was swelling in all itsarteries with a black and red stream of hurried, panting,and restless citizens, who, with their knives in theirgirdles, muskets on their shoulders, or sticks in theirhands, were pushing on to the Buytenhof, a terrible prison,... 
the indiscretion of elsbeth |热度 326 | 英文原著 | 上传: 那年夏天 |更新时间:2017-03-20
THE INDISCRETION OF ELSBETHThe American paused. He had evidently lost his way. For the lasthalf hour he had been wandering in a medieval town, in a profoundmedieval dream. Only a few days had elapsed since he had left thesteamship that carried him hither; and the accents of his owntongue, the idioms of his own people, and the sympathetic communityof New World tastes and expressions still filled his mind until hewoke up, or rather, as it seemed to him, was falling asleep in thepast of this Old World town which had once held his ancestors.Although a republican, he had liked to think of them in quaintdistinctive garb, representing state and importanceperhaps even... 
the wheels of chance |热度 45 | 英文原著 | 上传: 雨霖铃 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Wheels of Chanceby H. G. Wells [Herbert George]THE PRINCIPAL CHARACTER IN THE STORYI.If you (presuming you are of the sex that does such things)if you had gone into the Drapery Emporiumwhich is really only magnificent for shopof Messrs. Antrobus & Co.a perfectly fictitious "Co.," by the byeof Putney, on the 14th of August, 1895, had turned to the right-hand side, where the blocks of white linen and piles of blankets rise up to the rail from which the pink and blue prints depend, you might have been served by the central figure of this story that is now beginning. He would have come forward, bowing and swaying, he would have extended two hands with largish knuckles and enormous cuffs ove 
agamemnon |热度 35 | 英文原著 | 上传: 使劲儿 |更新时间:2017-03-20
450 BCAGAMEMNONby Aeschylustranslated by E.D.A. MorsheadCHARACTERS IN THE PLAYA WATCHMANCHORUS OF ARGIVE ELDERSCLYTEMNESTRA, wife of AGAMEMNONA HERALDAGAMEMNON, King of ArgosCASSANDRA, daughter of Priam, and slave of AGAMEMNONAEGISTHUS, son of Thyestes, cousin of AGAMEMNONServants, Attendants, SoldiersAGAMEMNON(SCENE:-Before the palace of AGAMEMNON in Argos. In front of thepalace there are statues of the gods, and altars prepared for... 
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