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the vicar of tours |热度 30 | 英文原著 | 上传: 幽雨 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Vicar of Toursby Honore de BalzacTranslated by Katharine Prescott WormeleyDEDICATIONTo David, Sculptor:The permanence of the work on which I inscribe your nametwice made illustrious in this centuryis very problematical;whereas you have graven mine in bronze which survives nationsif only in their coins. The day may come when numismatists,discovering amid the ashes of Paris existences perpetuated byyou, will wonder at the number of heads crowned in youratelier and endeavour to find in them new dynasties.To you, this divine privilege; to me, gratitude.De Balzac.THE VICAR OF TOURS... 
the story of doctor dolittle |热度 31 | 英文原著 | 上传: 尘小春 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Story of Doctor Dolittleby Hugh LoftingTHEStory ofDOCTOR DOLITTLEBEING THEHISTORY OF HIS PECULIAR LIFEAT HOME AND ASTONISHING ADVENTURESIN FOREIGN PARTS NEVER BEFORE PRINTED.TOALL CHILDRENCHILDREN IN YEARS AND CHILDREN IN HEARTI DEDICATE THIS STORYThere are some of us now reachingmiddle age who discover themselves to belamenting the past in one respect if in none other,that there are no books written now for childrencomparable with those of thirty years ago. Isay written FOR children because the newpsychological business of writing ABOUT them as thoughthey were small pills or hatched in some... 
a confession(忏悔录) |热度 34 | 英文原著 | 上传: 飘雪的季节 |更新时间:2017-03-20
A Confessionby Lev Nikolayevich TolstoyII was baptized and brought up in the Orthodox Christian faith.I was taught it in childhood and throughout my boyhood and youth.But when I abandoned the second course of the university at the ageof eighteen I no longer believed any of the things I had beentaught.Judging by certain memories, I never seriously believed them,but had merely relied on what I was taught and on what wasprofessed by the grown-up people around me, and that reliance wasvery unstable.I remember that before I was eleven a grammar school pupil,... 
a confession |热度 40 | 英文原著 | 上传: 你妹找1 |更新时间:2017-03-20
A Confessionby Lev Nikolayevich TolstoyII was baptized and brought up in the Orthodox Christian faith.I was taught it in childhood and throughout my boyhood and youth.But when I abandoned the second course of the university at the ageof eighteen I no longer believed any of the things I had beentaught.Judging by certain memories, I never seriously believed them,but had merely relied on what I was taught and on what wasprofessed by the grown-up people around me, and that reliance wasvery unstable.I remember that before I was eleven a grammar school pupil,... 
vendetta |热度 32 | 英文原著 | 上传: 风格1 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Vendettaby Honore de BalzacTranslated by Katharine Prescott WormeleyDEDICATIONTo Puttinati, Milanese Sculptor.VENDETTACHAPTER IPROLOGUEIn the year 1800, toward the close of October, a foreigner,accompanied by a woman and a little girl, was standing for a long timein front of the palace of the Tuileries, near the ruins of a houserecently pulled down, at the point where in our day the wing beginswhich was intended to unite the chateau of Catherine de Medici withthe Louvre of the Valois.The man stood there with folded arms and a bowed head, which hesometimes raised to look alternately at the consular palace and at his... 
the georgics(农事诗集) |热度 150 | 英文原著 | 上传: 莫再讲 |更新时间:2017-03-20
29BC THE GEORGICS29BC THE GEORGICSby Virgil1- Page 2-29BC THE GEORGICSGEORGIC IWhat makes the cornfield smile; beneath what star Maecenas, it ismeet to turn the sod Or marry elm with vine; how tend the steer; Whatpains for cattle-keeping, or what proof Of patient trial serves for thriftybees;- Such are my themes. O universallights Most glorious! ye that lead the gliding year Along the sky, Liber and... 
a collection of beatrix potter |热度 30 | 英文原著 | 上传: 独来读网 |更新时间:2017-03-20
A Collection of Beatrix Potter StoriesSuch as Peter Rabbit, etc.The OriginalPeter Rabbit BooksBy BEATRIX POTTERA LIST OF THE TITLES[*indicates included here]*The Tale of Peter RabbitThe Tale of Squirrel NutkinThe Tailor of Gloucester*The Tale of Benjamin Bunny*The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle*The Tale of Mr. Jeremy FisherThe Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse*The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck*The Tale of the Flopsy BunniesThe Story of a Fierce Bad Rabbit*The Tale of Two Bad MiceThe Tale of Tom KittenThe Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse*The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes*The Tale of Mr. Tod*The Tale of Pigling Bland... 
the gathering of brother hilar |热度 49 | 英文原著 | 上传: 插翅难飞 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Gathering of Brother Hilariusby Michael Fairless Alias of Margaret Fairless BarberPART I - THE SEEDCHAPTER I - BLIND EYES IN THE FORESTHILARIUS stood at the Monastery gate, looking away down the smooth, well-kept road to the highway beyond. It lay quiet and serene in the June sunshine, the white way to the outer world, and not even a dust cloud on the horizon promised the approach of the train of sumpter mules laden with meats for the bellies and cloth for the backs of the good Brethren within. The Cellarer lacked wine, the drug stores in the farmery were running low; last, but not least, the Precentor had bespoken precious colours, rich gold, costly vellum, and on these the thoughts  
雾都孤儿 |热度 294 | 英文原著 | 上传: 京文 |更新时间:2017-03-20
附:【本作品来自互联网,本人不做任何负责】内容版权归作者所有。1 O liver’s early lifeO liver Twist was born in a workhouse,and when he arrived in this hard world,it was very doubtful whether he would live beyond the first three minutes.He lay on a hard little bed and struggled to start breathing.O liver fought his first battle without much assistance from the two people present at his birth.One was an old woman,who was nearly always drunk, and the other was a busy local doctor,who was not paid enough to be very interested in O liver’s survival. After all,death was a common event in the workhouse,where only the poor and homeless lived.However,O liver managed to draw his first breath,and the n announced his arrival to the  
titus andronicus(泰特斯·安特 |热度 141 | 英文原著 | 上传: 使劲儿 |更新时间:2017-03-20
TITUS ANDRONICUSTITUS ANDRONICUSWilliam Shakespeare1- Page 2-TITUS ANDRONICUSACT I.2- Page 3-TITUS ANDRONICUSSCENE I. Rome. Before the CapitolFlourish. Enter the TRIBUNES and SENATORS aloft; and then enterbelow SATURNINUS and his followers at one door, and BASSIANUSand his followers at the other, with drums and trumpetsSATURNINUS. Noble patricians, patrons of my right, Defend the... 
01-the forged coupon |热度 45 | 英文原著 | 上传: 一半儿 |更新时间:2017-03-20
THE FORGED COUPONPART FIRSTIFEDOR MIHAILOVICH SMOKOVNIKOV, the presi-dent of the local Income Tax Department, a manof unswerving honestyand proud of it, tooa gloomy Liberal, a free-thinker, and an enemyto every manifestation of religious feeling, whichhe thought a relic of superstition, came home fromhis office feeling very much annoyed. The Gov-ernor of the province had sent him an extraordi-narily stupid minute, almost assuming that hisdealings had been dishonest.Fedor Mihailovich felt embittered, and wroteat once a sharp answer. On his return homeeverything seemed to go contrary to his wishes.It was five minutes to five, and he expected the... 
the merchant of venice(威尼斯 |热度 50 | 英文原著 | 上传: |更新时间:2017-03-20
THE MERCHANT OF VENICETHE MERCHANT OFVENICEWilliam Shakespeare15971- Page 2-THE MERCHANT OF VENICEDRAMATIS PERSONAETHE DUKE OF VENICE THE PRINCE OF MOROCCO, suitor toPortia THE PRINCE OF ARRAGON, " " " ANTONIO, a merchant ofVenice BASSANIO, his friend, suitor to Portia SOLANIO, friend toAntonio and Bassanio SALERIO, " " " " " GRATIANO, " " " " "LORENZO, in love with Jessica SHYLOCK, a rich Jew TUBAL, a Jew,... 
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