The Silverado Squattersby Robert Louis StevensonTHE scene of this little book is on a high mountain. Thereare, indeed, many higher; there are many of a nobler outline.It is no place of pilgrimage for the summary globe-trotter;but to one who lives upon its sides, Mount Saint Helena soonbecomes a centre of interest. It is the Mont Blanc of onesection of the Californian Coast Range, none of its nearneighbours rising to one-half its altitude. It looks down onmuch green, intricate country. It feeds in the spring-timemany splashing brooks. From its summit you must have anexcellent lesson of geography: seeing, to the south, San...
BENITO CERENOby Herman MelvilleIN THE year 1799, Captain Amasa Delano, of Duxbury, in Massachusetts, commanding a large sealer and general trader, lay at anchor, with a valuable cargo, in the harbour of St. Maria- a small, desert, uninhabited island towards the southern extremity of the long coast of Chili. There he had touched for water. On the second day, not long after dawn, while lying in his berth, his mate came below, informing him that a strange sail was coming into the bay. Ships were then not so plenty in those waters as now. He rose, dressed, and went on deck. The morning was one peculiar to that coast. Everything was mute and calm; everything grey. The sea, though undulat
Chapter one He had been walking the dirty streets since twilight first began to gather. The pain streamed like liquid fire through every cell of his body - but he locked it away in a corner of his mind, ignored it, and walked. There was little to please the eye in his surroundings, and he paid scant attention to them. He was on a small poor unimportant planet whose very name, Coranex, meant nothing to him. But around the spaceport clustered a drab, seedy town, which was a well-known stopover on the main space lanes. It attracted freightermen, traders, wandering technicians, space drifters of every sort. Those were the people he was looking for. Those were the people most likely to pick up
RECOLLECTIONS OF THE PRIVATE LIFE OF NAPOLEON, V12BY CONSTANTPREMIER VALET DE CHAMBRETRANSLATED BY WALTER CLARK1895CONTENTS:CHAPTER XXIV. to CHAPTER XXXI.CHAPTER XXIV.After the brilliant successes obtained by the Emperor in such a shorttime, and with forces so exceedingly inferior to the great masses of theenemy, his Majesty, realizing the necessity of allowing his troops totake a rest of some days at Troyes, entered into negotiations for anarmistice with the Prince von Schwarzenberg.At this juncture it was announced to the Emperor that General Blucher,who had been wounded at Mery, was descending along both banks of the...
LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP and Other Early Worksalso spelledLOVE AND FREINDSHIPA collection of juvenile writingsCONTENTSLove and FreindshipLesley CastleThe History of EnglandCollection of LettersScraps*LOVE AND FREINDSHIPTO MADAME LA COMTESSE DE FEUILLIDE THIS NOVEL IS INSCRIBED BY HER OBLIGED HUMBLE SERVANT THE AUTHOR."Deceived in Freindship and Betrayed in Love."LETTER the FIRST From ISABEL to LAURAHow often, in answer to my repeated intreaties that you would give my Daughter a regular detail of the Misfortunes and Adventures of your Life, have you said "No, my freind never will I comply with your request till I may be no longer in Danger of again experiencing such dreadful ones."...
FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF THE METAPHYSIC OF MORALSby Immanuel Kanttranslated by Thomas Kingsmill AbbottPREFACEAncient Greek philosophy was divided into three sciences: physics,ethics, and logic. This division is perfectly suitable to the natureof the thing; and the only improvement that can be made in it is toadd the principle on which it is based, so that we may both satisfyourselves of its completeness, and also be able to determine correctlythe necessary subdivisions.All rational knowledge is either material or formal: the former...
The Pursuit of the House-Boatby John Kendrick BangsCHAPTER I: THE ASSOCIATED SHADES TAKE ACTIONThe House-boat of the Associated Shades, formerly located upon the River Styx, as the reader may possibly remember, had been torn from its moorings and navigated out into unknown seas by that vengeful pirate Captain Kidd, aided and abetted by some of the most ruffianly inhabitants of Hades. Like a thief in the night had they come, and for no better reason than that the Captain had been unanimously voted a shade too shady to associate with self-respecting spirits had they made off with the happy floating club-house of their betters; and worst of all, with them, by force of circumstances over whic
TIMAEUSby Platotranslated by Benjamin JowettTIMAEUSPERSONS OF THE DIALOGUE: SOCRATES; CRITIAS; TIMAEUS; HERMOCRATESSocrates. One, two, three; but where, my dear Timaeus, is the fourthof those who were yesterday my guests and are to be my entertainersto-day?Timaeus. He has been taken ill, Socrates; for he would not willinglyhave been absent from this gathering.Soc. Then, if he is not coming, you and the two others must supplyhis place.Tim. Certainly, and we will do all that we can; having beenhandsomely entertained by you yesterday, those of us who remain should...
Falkby Joseph ConradA REMINISCENCESeveral of us, all more or less connected with thesea, were dining in a small river-hostelry not morethan thirty miles from London, and less than twentyfrom that shallow and dangerous puddle to whichour coasting men give the grandiose name of "Ger-man Ocean." And through the wide windows wehad a view of the Thames; an enfilading view downthe Lower Hope Reach. But the dinner was exe-crable, and all the feast was for the eyes.That flavour of salt-water which for so many ofus had been the very water of life permeated ourtalk. He who hath known the bitterness of theOcean shall have its taste forever in his mouth. But...
Tales of the Fish Patrolby Jack LondonWHITE AND YELLOWSan Francisco Bay is so large that often its storms are moredisastrous to ocean-going craft than is the ocean itself in itsviolent moments. The waters of the bay contain all manner of fish,wherefore its surface is ploughed by the keels of all manner offishing boats manned by all manner of fishermen. To protect thefish from this motley floating population many wise laws have beenpassed, and there is a fish patrol to see that these laws areenforced. Exciting times are the lot of the fish patrol: in itshistory more than one dead patrolman has marked defeat, and more...
The House of Pride and Other Tales of Hawaiiby Jack LondonContents:The House of PrideKoolau the LeperGood-bye, JackAloha OeChun Ah ChunThe Sheriff of KonaJack LondonTHE HOUSE OF PRIDEPercival Ford wondered why he had come. He did not dance. He didnot care much for army people. Yet he knew them allgliding andrevolving there on the broad lanai of the Seaside, the officers intheir fresh-starched uniforms of white, the civilians in white andblack, and the women bare of shoulders and arms. After two years inHonolulu the Twentieth was departing to its new station in Alaska,...
ON THE SOULby Aristotletranslated by J. A. SmithBook I1HOLDING as we do that, while knowledge of any kind is a thing to be honoured and prized, one kind of it may, either by reason of its greater exactness or of a higher dignity and greater wonderfulness in its objects, be more honourable and precious than another, on both accounts we should naturally be led to place in the front rank the study of the soul. The knowledge of the soul admittedly contributes greatly to the advance of truth in general, and, above all, to our understanding of Nature, for the soul is in some sense the principle of animal life. Our aim is to grasp and understand, first its essenti