ENDYMION: A POETIC ROMANCEby John KeatsPREFACE"The stretched metre of an antique song"INSCRIBED TO THE MEMORY OF THOMAS CHATTERTONPREFACEKNOWING within myself the manner in which this Poem has beenproduced, it is not without a feeling of regret that I make it public.What manner I mean, will be quite clear to the reader, who must soonperceive great inexperience, immaturity, and every error denoting afeverish attempt, rather than a deed accomplished. The two firstbooks, and indeed the two last, I feel sensible are not of suchcompletion as to warrant their passing the press; nor should they if I...
The Love Affairs Of A Bibliomaniacby Eugene FieldIntroductionThe determination to found a story or a series of sketches on the delights, adventures, and misadventures connected with bibliomania did not come impulsively to my brother. For many years, in short during the greater part of nearly a quarter of a century of journalistic work, he had celebrated in prose and verse, and always in his happiest and most delightful vein, the pleasures of book-hunting. Himself an indefatigable collector of books, the possessor of a library as valuable as it was interesting, a library containing volumes obtained only at the cost of great personal sacrifice, he was in the most active sympathy with the di
The wind blew hard and joggled the water of the ocean, sending ripples across its surface.Then the wind pushed the edges of the ripples until they became waves, and shoved the waves around until they became billows.The billows rolled dreadfully high: higher even than the tops of houses.Some of them, indeed, rolled as high as the tops of tall trees, and seemed like mountains; and the gulfs between the great billows were like deep valleys. All this mad dashing and splashing of the waters of the big ocean, which the mischievous wind caused without any good reason whatever, resulted in a terrible storm, and a storm on the ocean is liable to cut many queer pranks and do a lot of damage....
A Discourse of Coin and Coinageby Rice Vaughan1675A Discourse of Coin and Coinage: The first Invention, Use,Matter, Forms, Proportions and Differences, ancient & modern:with the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Rise and Fallthereof, in our own or Neighbouring Nations: and the Reasons.Together with a short Account of our Common Law therein.by Rice Vaughan, late of Grayes-Inn, Esq;London, Printed by Th. Dawks, for Th. Basset, at the George, nearCliffords-Inn, in Fleet-street. 1675.To the Right Honourable Henry Earl of Clarendon, ViscountCornbury, and Baron Hide of Hindon; Lord Chamberlain to theQueens most excellent Majesty.Most Noble Lord,...
Caesar and Cleopatraby George Bernard ShawACT IAn October night on the Syrian border of Egypt towards the end ofthe XXXIII Dynasty, in the year 706 by Roman computation,afterwards reckoned by Christian computation as 48 B.C. A greatradiance of silver fire, the dawn of a moonlit night, is risingin the east. The stars and the cloudless sky are our owncontemporaries, nineteen and a half centuries younger than weknow them; but you would not guess that from their appearance.Below them are two notable drawbacks of civilization: a palace,and soldiers. The palace, an old, low, Syrian building ofwhitened mud, is not so ugly as Buckingham Palace; and the...
The Lion and the Unicornby Richard Harding DavisIN MEMORY OF MANY HOT DAYS AND SOME HOT CORNERSTHIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TOLT.-COL. ARTHUR H. LEE, R.A.British Military Attache with the United States ArmyContentsTHE LION AND THE UNICORNON THE FEVER SHIPTHE MAN WITH ONE TALENTTHE VAGRANTTHE LAST RIDE TOGETHERTHE LION AND THE UNICORNPrentiss had a long lease on the house, and because it stood inJermyn Street the upper floors were, as a matter of course,turned into lodgings for single gentlemen; and because Prentisswas a Florist to the Queen, he placed a lion and unicorn over hisflowershop, just in front of the middle window on the first...
Letters on LiteratureLetters on LiteratureBy Andrew Lang1- Page 2-Letters on LiteratureDEDICATIONDear Mr. Way,After so many letters to people who never existed, may I venture ashort one, to a person very real to me, though I have never seen him, andonly know him by his many kindnesses? Perhaps you will add another tothese by accepting the Dedication of a little work, of a sort experimental inEnglish, and in prose, though Horacein Latin and in versewas...
THE ANCIEN REGIMETHE ANCIEN REGIMEby Charles Kingsley1- Page 2-THE ANCIEN REGIMEPREFACEThe rules of the Royal Institution forbid (and wisely) religious orpolitical controversy. It was therefore impossible for me in theseLectures, to say much which had to be said, in drawing a just andcomplete picture of the Ancien Regime in France. The passages insertedbetween brackets, which bear on religious matters, were accordingly not...
The Bravo of Venice - A Romanceby M. G. LewisINTRODUCTION.Matthew Gregory Lewis, who professed to have translated this romanceout of the German, very much, I believe, as Horace Walpole professedto have taken The Castle of Otranto from an old Italian manuscript,was born in 1775 of a wealthy family. His father had an estate inIndia and a post in a Government office. His mother was daughter toSir Thomas Sewell, Master of the Rolls in the reign of George III.She was a young mother; her son Matthew was devoted to her from thefirst. As a child he called her "Fanny," and as a man held firmlyby her when she was deserted by her husband. From Westminster...
The History and Practice of the Art of Photographyby Henry H. SnellingPREFACE.The object of this little work is to fill a void much complained of by Daguerreotypistsparticularly young beginers.The author has waited a long time in hopes that some more able pen would be devoted to the subject, but the wants of the numerous, and constantly increasing, class, just mentioned, induces him to wait no longer.All the English works on the subjectparticularly on the practical application, of Photogenic drawingare deficient in many minute details, which are essential to a complete understanding of the art. Many of their methods of operating are entirely different from, and much inferior to, those pract
War of the Classesby Jack LondonContents:PrefaceThe Class StruggleThe TrampThe ScabThe Question of the MaximumA ReviewWanted: A New Land of DevelopmentHow I Became a SocialistPREFACEWhen I was a youngster I was looked upon as a weird sort ofcreature, because, forsooth, I was a socialist. Reporters fromlocal papers interviewed me, and the interviews, when published,were pathological studies of a strange and abnormal specimen of man.At that time (nine or ten years ago), because I made a stand in mynative town for municipal ownership of public utilities, I was...
Charlotte Templeby Susanna RowsonVolume ICHAPTER I.A Boarding School.CHAPTER II.Domestic Concerns.CHAPTER III.Unexpected Misfortunes.CHAPTER IV.Change of Fortune.CHAPTER V.Such Things Are.CHAPTER VI.An Intriguing Teacher.CHAPTER VII.Natural Sense of Propriety Inherent in theFemale Bosom.CHAPTER VIII.Domestic Pleasures Planned.CHAPTER IX.We Know Not What a Day May Bring Forth.CHAPTER X.When We Have Excited Curiosity, It Is But an Act...