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in the shadow of the glen |热度 38 | 英文原著 | 上传: 猜火车 |更新时间:2017-03-20
In the Shadow of the Glenby J. M. SyngeIN THE SHADOW OF THE GLENA PLAY IN ONE ACTFirst performed at the Molesworth Hall,Dublin, October 8th, 1903.PERSONSDAN BURKE (farmer and herd) . George RobertsNORA BURKE (his wife) . . . Maire Nic ShiubhlaighMICHEAL DARA (a young herd) . P. J. KellyA TRAMP . . . . . . . . W. G. FayIN THE SHADOW OF THE GLENA PLAY IN ONE ACTSCENE. {The last cottage at the head of along glen in County Wicklow.Cottage kitchen; turf fire on the right; a bed near it againstthe wall with a body lying on it covered with a sheet. A door isat the other end of the room, with a low table near it, andstools, or wooden chairs. There are a couple of glasses on the... 
of commerce |热度 36 | 英文原著 | 上传: 炒作 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Of Commerceby David HumeThe greater part of mankind may be divided into two classes;that of shallow thinkers, who fall short of the truth; and thatof abstruse thinkers, who go beyond it. The latter class are byfar the most rare: and I may add, by far the most useful andvaluable. They suggest hints, at least, and start difficulties,which they want, perhaps, skill to pursue; but which may producefine discoveries, when handled by men who have a more just way ofthinking. At worst, what they say is uncommon; and if it shouldcost some pains to comprehend it, one has, however, the pleasureof hearing something that is new. An author is little to bevalued, who tells us nothing but what we can learn  
never again |热度 42 | 英文原著 | 上传: 瞎说呗 |更新时间:2017-03-20
NEVER AGAINA protest and a warning addressed to the peoples of Europeby Edward CarpenterNever again must this Thing happen. The time has come if the humanrace does not wish to destroy itself in its own madness for mento make up their minds as to what they will do in the future; fornow indeed is it true that we are come to the cross-roads, we standat the Parting of the Ways.The rapid and enormous growth of scientific invention makes it obviousthat Violence ten times more potent and sinister than that whichwe are witnessing to-day may very shortly be available for our use orabuse in War. On the other hand who can doubt that the rapid growthof interchange and understanding among the peop 
the lake gun |热度 30 | 英文原著 | 上传: 阎王 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Lake Gunby James Fenimore CooperThe Seneca is remarkable for its "Wandering Jew," and the"Lake Gun." The first is a tree so balanced that when itsroots are clear of the bottom it floats with its broken andpointed trunk a few feet above the surface of the water,driving before the winds, or following in the course of thecurrents. At times, the "Wandering Jew" is seen offJefferson, near the head of this beautiful sheet; and next itwill appear anchored, as it might be, in the shallow waternear the outlet.{"Wandering Jew" = The medieval legend of Ahasueras,who mocked Christ on his way to the cross and wascondemned to live until Judgment Day, is widespread... 
14-former inhabitants and wint |热度 32 | 英文原著 | 上传: 朝令夕改 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Former Inhabitants and Winter VisitorsI weathered some merry snow-storms, and spent some cheerfulwinter evenings by my fireside, while the snow whirled wildlywithout, and even the hooting of the owl was hushed. For many weeksI met no one in my walks but those who came occasionally to cut woodand sled it to the village. The elements, however, abetted me inmaking a path through the deepest snow in the woods, for when I hadonce gone through the wind blew the oak leaves into my tracks, wherethey lodged, and by absorbing the rays of the sun melted the snow,and so not only made a my bed for my feet, but in the night theirdark line was my guide. For human society I was obliged to conjure... 
06-visitors |热度 50 | 英文原著 | 上传: 旅游巴士 |更新时间:2017-03-20
VisitorsI think that I love society as much as most, and am ready enoughto fasten myself like a bloodsucker for the time to any full-bloodedman that comes in my way. I am naturally no hermit, but mightpossibly sit out the sturdiest frequenter of the bar-room, if mybusiness called me thither.I had three chairs in my house; one for solitude, two forfriendship, three for society. When visitors came in larger andunexpected numbers there was but the third chair for them all, butthey generally economized the room by standing up. It is surprisinghow many great men and women a small house will contain. I have had... 
the shadow |热度 44 | 英文原著 | 上传: 巴乔的中场 |更新时间:2017-03-20
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE SHADOWby Hans Christian AndersenIN very hot climates, where the heat of the sun has great power,people are usually as brown as mahogany; and in the hottestcountries they are negroes, with black skins. A learned man oncetravelled into one of these warm climates, from the cold regions ofthe north, and thought he would roam about as he did at home; but hesoon had to change his opinion. He found that, like all sensiblepeople, he must remain in the house during the whole day, with everywindow and door closed, so that it looked as if all in the house... 
a charmed life |热度 31 | 英文原著 | 上传: 青词 |更新时间:2017-03-20
A Charmed Lifeby Richard Harding DavisShe loved him so, that when he went away to a little war in whichhis country was interested she could not understand, nor quiteforgive.As the correspondent of a newspaper, Chesterton had looked on atother wars; when the yellow races met, when the infidel Turkspanked the Christian Greek; and one he had watched from inside aBritish square, where he was greatly alarmed lest he should betrampled upon by terrified camels. This had happened before he andshe had met. After they met, she told him that what chances he hadchosen to take before he came into her life fell outside of herjurisdiction. But now that his life belonged to her, this talk of... 
on ulcers |热度 31 | 英文原著 | 上传: 巴乔的中场 |更新时间:2017-03-20
400 BCON ULCERSby Hippocratestranslated by Francis AdamsWe must avoid wetting all sorts of ulcers except with wine, unlessthe ulcer be situated in a joint. For, the dry is nearer to the sound,and the wet to the unsound, since an ulcer is wet, but a sound part isdry. And it is better to leave the part without a bandage unless aunless a cataplasm be applied. Neither do certain ulcers admit ofcataplasms, and this is the case with the recent rather than theold, and with those situated in joints. A spare diet and water agree... 
口语8000句-17生气 |热度 166 | 英文原著 | 上传: 梦幻天书 |更新时间:2017-03-20
●不满和牢骚时啊呸!真见鬼!Oh, heck! *heck表示有点灰心和失望。Oh, heck! I failed the test. (噢,见鬼!没考及格。)Oh, darn!Oh, no!什么!Shucks! *承认自己的错误,或回应别人对自己的不满时。Where is your homework? (你的作业在哪儿呢?)Shucks! I forgot it at home. (哎呀!我忘在家里了。)真见鬼!Shoot! *表示厌恶、激怒、惊奇等。常用来表示事情并不像自己所想像的那样顺利时。Shoot! I Missed the train. (真见鬼!我没赶上电车。)Sheesh!他妈的!Shit! *听起来很低级。shoot是shit的委婉说法。啊!糟了!Uh-oh. *表示“不好”、“糟了”,带有惊讶的语气。Did you bring the book I lent you? (你借我的书带来了吗?)Uh-oh. I forgot. (啊,糟了,我忘了。)有的事是行不通的。Not everything is logical. *logical “合逻辑的”、“合乎道理的”。... 
ib and little christina |热度 32 | 英文原著 | 上传: 击水三千 |更新时间:2017-03-20
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENIB AND LITTLE CHRISTINAby Hans Christian AndersenIN the forest that extends from the banks of the Gudenau, in NorthJutland, a long way into the country, and not far from the clearstream, rises a great ridge of land, which stretches through thewood like a wall. Westward of this ridge, and not far from theriver, stands a farmhouse, surrounded by such poor land that the sandysoil shows itself between the scanty ears of rye and wheat whichgrow in it. Some years have passed since the people who lived herecultivated these fields; they kept three sheep, a pig, and two oxen;... 
18-conclusion |热度 30 | 英文原著 | 上传: 丁格 |更新时间:2017-03-20
ConclusionTo the sick the doctors wisely recommend a change of air andscenery. Thank Heaven, here is not all the world. The buckeye doesnot grow in New England, and the mockingbird is rarely heard here.The wild goose is more of a cosmopolite than we; he breaks his fastin Canada, takes a luncheon in the Ohio, and plumes himself for thenight in a southern bayou. Even the bison, to some extent, keepspace with the seasons cropping the pastures of the Colorado onlytill a greener and sweeter grass awaits him by the Yellowstone. Yetwe think that if rail fences are pulled down, and stone walls piledup on our farms, bounds are henceforth set to our lives and our... 
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