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histories |热度 83 | 英文原著 | 上传: 世纪史诗 |更新时间:2017-03-20
109 ADHISTORIESby P. Cornelius Tacitustranslated by Alfred John Church and William Jackson BrodribbBOOK I, January - March, A.D. 69I BEGIN my work with the time when Servius Galba was consul forthe second time with Titus Vinius for his colleague. Of the formerperiod, the 820 years dating from the founding of the city, manyauthors have treated; and while they had to record the transactions ofthe Roman people, they wrote with equal eloquence and freedom. Afterthe conflict at Actium, and when it became essential to peace, that... 
agis |热度 84 | 英文原著 | 上传: 童舟 |更新时间:2017-03-20
AGIS264-241 B.C.by Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenTHE fable of Ixion, who, embracing a cloud instead of Juno, begotthe Centaurs, has been ingeniously enough supposed to have beeninvented to represent to us ambitious men, whose minds, doting onglory, which is a mere image of virtue, produce nothing that isgenuine or uniform, but only, as might be expected of such aconjunction, misshapen and unnatural actions. Running after theiremulations and passions, and carried away by the impulses of themoment, they may say with the herdsmen in the tragedy of Sophocles-... 
of essay writing |热度 80 | 英文原著 | 上传: 京文 |更新时间:2017-03-20
David Hume1742OF ESSAY WRITINGThe elegant part of mankind, who are not immersed in theanimal life, but employ themselves in the operations of the mind,may be divided into the and . The learnedare such as have chosen for their portion the higher and moredifficult operations of the mind, which require leisure and... 
the snow queen in seven storie |热度 71 | 英文原著 | 上传: 京文 |更新时间:2017-03-20
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE SNOW QUEENIN SEVEN STORIESby Hans Christian AndersenSTORY THE FIRSTWHICH describes a looking-glass and the broken fragments.You must attend to the commencement of this story, for when we getto the end we shall know more than we do now about a very wickedhobgoblin; he was one of the very worst, for he was a real demon.One day, when he was in a merry mood, he made a looking-glass whichhad the power of making everything good or beautiful that wasreflected in it almost shrink to nothing, while everything that was... 
the new mcguffey first reader( |热度 266 | 英文原著 | 上传: 蒂帆 |更新时间:2017-03-20
THE NEW MCGUFFEY FIRST READERTHE NEW MCGUFFEYFIRST READER1- Page 2-THE NEW MCGUFFEY FIRST READERPREFACEThe New McGuffey First Reader has been prepared in conformitywith the latest and most approved ideas regarding the teaching of reading,and its lessons embody and illustrate the best features of the word, thephonic, and the sentence or thought methods.While all the stories in this book are new, or have been rewritten... 
don quixote(堂·吉珂德) |热度 182 | 英文原著 | 上传: 中国必胜 |更新时间:2017-03-20
CHAPTER IWHICH TREATS OF THE CHARACTER AND PURSUITS OF THE FAMOUS GENTLEMANDON QUIXOTE OF LA MANCHAIN a village of La Mancha, the name of which I have no desire tocall to mind, there lived not long since one of those gentlemen thatkeep a lance in the lance-rack, an old buckler, a lean hack, and agreyhound for coursing. An olla of rather more beef than mutton, asalad on most nights, scraps on Saturdays, lentils on Fridays, and apigeon or so extra on Sundays, made away with three-quarters of hisincome. The rest of it went in a doublet of fine cloth and velvetbreeches and shoes to match for holidays, while on week-days he made abrave figure in his best homespun. He had in his house a houseke 
the cruise of the jasper b[1]. |热度 156 | 英文原著 | 上传: 竹水冷 |更新时间:2017-03-20
THE CRUISE OF THE JASPER B.THE CRUISE OF THEJASPER B.BY DON MARQUIS1- Page 2-THE CRUISE OF THE JASPER B.CHAPTER IA BRIGHT BLADE LEAPSFROM A RUSTY SCABBARDOn an evening in April, 191-, Clement J. Cleggett walked sedately intothe news room of the New York Enterprise with a drab-colored walking-stick in his hand. He stood the cane in a corner, changed his sober streetcoat for a more sober office jacket, adjusted a green eyeshade below his... 
rasselas, prince of abyssinia |热度 1613 | 英文原著 | 上传: 敏儿不觉 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Rasselas, Prince of Abyssiniaby Samuel JohnsonCHAPTER I - DESCRIPTION OF A PALACE IN A VALLEY.YE who listen with credulity to the whispers of fancy, and pursue with eagerness the phantoms of hope; who expect that age will perform the promises of youth, and that the deficiencies of the present day will be supplied by the morrow, attend to the history of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia.Rasselas was the fourth son of the mighty Emperor in whose dominions the father of waters begins his course - whose bounty pours down the streams of plenty, and scatters over the world the harvests of Egypt.According to the custom which has descended from age to age among the monarchs of the torrid zone,  
an episode of fiddletown |热度 138 | 英文原著 | 上传: 淋雨 |更新时间:2017-03-20
AN EPISODE OF FIDDLETOWNIn 1858 Fiddletown considered her a very pretty woman. She had aquantity of light chestnut hair, a good figure, a dazzlingcomplexion, and a certain languid grace which passed easily forgentle-womanliness. She always dressed becomingly, and in whatFiddletown accepted as the latest fashion. She had only twoblemishes: one of her velvety eyes, when examined closely, had aslight cast; and her left cheek bore a small scar left by a singledrop of vitriol happily the only drop of an entire phialthrownupon her by one of her own jealous sex, that reached the prettyface it was intended to mar. But when the observer had studied the... 
prometheus bound |热度 325 | 英文原著 | 上传: 标点 |更新时间:2017-03-20
460 BCPROMETHEUS BOUNDby AeschylusCharacters in the PlayKratosBiaHephaestusPrometheusChorus of the OceanidesOceanusIoHermesMountainous country, and in the middle of a deep gorge a Rock,towards which KRATOS and BIA carry the gigantic form OF PROMETHEUS.HEPHAESTUS follows dejectedly with hammer, nails, chains, etc.KRATOSNow have we journeyed to a spot of earthRemote-the Scythian wild, a waste untrod.And now, Hephaestus, thou must execute... 
chamber music |热度 182 | 英文原著 | 上传: 指点迷津 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Chamber Musicby James JoyceContents:IStrings in the earth and airMake music sweet;IIThe twilight turns from amethystTo deep and deeper blue,IIIAt that hour when all things have repose,O lonely watcher of the skies,IVWhen the shy star goes forth in heavenAll maidenly, disconsolate,VLean out of the window,Goldenhair,VII would in that sweet bosom be(O sweet it is and fair it is!)VIIMy love is in a light attireAmong the apple-trees,VIIIWho goes amid the green woodWith springtide all adorning her?... 
tamburlaine the great, pt 1 |热度 203 | 英文原著 | 上传: 抵制日货 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Tamburlaine the Great, Part 1by Christopher MarloweThis is Part 1EDITED BY THE REV. ALEXANDER DYCE.Tamburlaine the Great. Who, from a Scythian Shepheardeby his rare and woonderfull Conquests, became a mostpuissant and mightye Monarque. And (for his tyranny,and terrour in Warre) was tearmed, The Scourge of God.Deuided into two Tragicall Discourses, as they weresundrie times shewed vpon Stages in the Citie of London.By the right honorable the Lord Admyrall, his seruauntes.Now first, and newlie published. London. Printed byRichard Ihones: at the signe of the Rose and Crowneneere Holborne Bridge. 1590. 4to.... 
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