420 BCTHE CLOUDSby Aristophanesanonymous translatorCHARACTERS IN THE PLAYSTREPSIADESPHIDIPPIDESSERVANT OF STREPSIADESDISCIPLES OF SOCRATESSOCRATESJUST DISCOURSEUNJUST DISCOURSEPASIAS, a Money-lenderAMYNIAS, another Money-lenderCHORUS OF CLOUDSCLOUDS(SCENE:-In the background are two houses, that of Strepsiades andthat of Socrates, the Thoughtery. The latter is small and dingy;the in, terior of the former is shown and two beds are seen, each...
Acknowledgments First and foremost, to my friend and editor, Jason Kaufman, for working so hard on this project and for truly understanding what this book is all about. And to the inparable Heide Lange-tireless champion of The Da Vinci Code, agent extraordinaire, and trusted friend. I cannot fully express my gratitude to the exceptional team at Doubleday, for their generosity, faith, and superb guidance. Thank you especially to Bill Thomas and Steve Rubin, who believed in this book from the start. My thanks also to the initial core of early in-house supporters, headed by Michael Palgon, Suzanne Herz, Janelle Moburg, Jackie Everly, and Adrienne Sparks, as well as to the talented people of D
The Little Manby John GalsworthyCHARACTERSTHE LITTLE MAN.THE AMERICAN.THE ENGLISHMAN.THE ENGLISHWOMAN.THE GERMAN.THE DUTCH BOY.THE MOTHER.THE BABY.THE WAITER.THE STATION OFFICIAL.THE POLICEMAN.THE PORTER.SCENE IAfternoon, on the departure platform of an Austrian railwaystation. At several little tables outside the buffet personsare taking refreshment, served by a pale young waiter. On aseat against the wall of the buffet a woman of lowly station issitting beside two large bundles, on one of which she has placedher baby, swathed in a black shawl....
75 ADANTONY83?-30 B.C.by Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenANTONYTHE grandfather of Antony was the famous pleader, whom Marius put to death for having taken part with Sylla. His father was Antony, surnamed of Crete, not very famous or distinguished in public life, but a worthy good man, and particularly remarkable for his liberality, as may appear from a single example. He was not very rich, and was for that reason checked in the exercise of his good nature by his wife. A friend that stood in need of money came to borrow of him. Money he had none, but he bade a servant bring him water in a silver basin, with which, when it was brought, he wetted his face
Treatises on Friendship and Old Ageby Marcus Tullius CiceroTranslated by E S ShuckburghINTRODUCTORY NOTEMARCUS TULLIUS CICERO, the greatest of Roman orators andthe chief master of Latin prose style, was born at Arpinum, Jan.3,106 B.C. His father, who was a man of property and belongedto the class of the "Knights," moved to Rome when Cicero was achild; and the future statesman received an elaborate education inrhetoric, law, and philosophy, studying and practising under someof the most noted teachers of the time. He began his career as anadvocate at the age of twenty-five, and almost immediately cameto be recognized not only as a man of brilliant talents but also as a...
ITALIAN WITHOUT A MASTERIt is almost a fortnight now that I am domiciled in a medievalvilla in the country, a mile or two from Florence. I cannot speakthe language; I am too old not to learn how, also too busy when Iam busy, and too indolent when I am not; wherefore some willimagine that I am having a dull time of it. But it is not so.The "help" are all natives; they talk Italian to me, I answerin English; I do not understand them, they do not understand me,consequently no harm is done, and everybody is satisfied. In orderto be just and fair, I throw in an Italian word when I have one,and this has a good influence. I get the word out of the morning paper....
MINNIKINTHERE was once upon a time a couple of needy folk who livedin a wretched hut, in which there was nothing but black want;so they had neither food to eat nor wood to burn. But if they hadnext to nothing of all else they had the blessing of God so far aschildren were concerned, and every year brought them one more.The man was not overpleased at this. He was always going aboutgrumbling and growling, and saying that it seemed to him thatthere might be such a thing as having too many of these goodgifts; so shortly before another baby was born he went away intothe wood for some firewood, saying that he did not want to see thenew child; he would hear him quite soon enough when he began to..
The Yellow Wallpaperby Charlotte Perkins GilmanIt is very seldom that mere ordinary people like John andmyself secure ancestral halls for the summer.A colonial mansion, a hereditary estate, I would say ahaunted house, and reach the height of romantic felicitybutthat would be asking too much of fate!Still I will proudly declare that there is something queerabout it.Else, why should it be let so cheaply? And why have stoodso long untenanted?John laughs at me, of course, but one expects that inmarriage.John is practical in the extreme. He has no patience withfaith, an intense horror of superstition, and he scoffs openly atany talk of things not to be felt and seen and put down in...
1593VENUS AND ADONISby William ShakespeareVilia miretur vulgus; mihi flavus ApolloPocula Castalia plena ministret aquaTO THERIGHT HONOURABLEHENRY WRIOTHESLEY,EARL OF SOUTHAMPTON, AND BARONOF TITCHFIELDRight Honourable,I know not how I shall offend in dedicating my unpolished lines toyour lordship, nor how the world will censure me for choosing sostrong a prop to support so weak a burden: only, if your honour seem...
Tarzan the Terribleby Edgar Rice BurroughsCHAPTERI The PithecanthropusII "To the Death!"III Pan-at-leeIV Tarzan-jad-guruV In the Kor-ul-gryfVI The Tor-o-donVII Jungle CraftVIII A-lurIX Blood-Stained AltarsX The Forbidden GardenXI The Sentence of DeathXII The Giant StrangerXIII The MasqueraderXIV The Temple of the GryfXV "The King Is Dead!"XVI The Secret WayXVII By Jad-bal-lulXVIII The Lion Pit of Tu-lurXIX Diana of the JungleXX Silently in the NightXXI The ManiacXXII A Journey on a GryfXXIII Taken AliveXXIV The Messenger of DeathXXV HomeGlossary1The Pithecanthropus...
Sons of the Soilby Honore de BalzacTranslated by Katharine Prescott WormeleyDEDICATIONTo Monsieur P. S. B. Gavault.Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote these words at the beginning of hisNouvelle Heloise: "I have seen the morals of my time and I publishthese letters." May I not say to you, in imitation of that greatwriter, "I have studied the march of my epoch and I publish thiswork"?The object of this particular studystartling in its truth solong as society makes philanthropy a principle instead ofregarding it as an accidentis to bring to sight the leadingcharacters of a class too long unheeded by the pens of writers who...
Susy, A Story of the Plainsby Bret HarteCHAPTER I.Where the San Leandro turnpike stretches its dusty, hot, andinterminable length along the valley, at a point where the heat anddust have become intolerable, the monotonous expanse of wild oats oneither side illimitable, and the distant horizon apparently remoterthan ever, it suddenly slips between a stunted thicket or hedge of"scrub oaks," which until that moment had been undistinguishableabove the long, misty, quivering level of the grain. The thicketrising gradually in height, but with a regular slope whose gradienthad been determined by centuries of western trade winds, presently...