Red Eveby H. Rider HaggardDEDICATIONDitchingham,May 27, 1911.My dear Jehu:For five long but not unhappy years, seated or journeying side byside, we have striven as Royal Commissioners to find a meanswhereby our coasts may be protected from "the outrageous flowingsurges of the sea" (I quote the jurists of centuries ago), theidle swamps turned to fertility and the barren hills clothed withforest; also, with small success, how "foreshore" may be bestdefined!What will result from all these labours I do not know, nor whether...
THE MAIDEN WITH THE WOODEN HELMETIn a little village in the country of Japan there lived long,long ago a man and his wife. For many years they were happy andprosperous, but bad times came, and at last nothing was left thembut their daughter, who was as beautiful as the morning. Theneighbours were very kind, and would have done anything theycould to help their poor friends, but the old couple felt thatsince everything had changed they would rather go elsewhere, soone day they set off to bury themselves in the country, takingtheir daughter with them.Now the mother and daughter had plenty to do in keeping the houseclean and looking after the garden, but the man would sit for...
The Sequel of Appomattox, A Chronicle of the Reunion of the Statesby Walter Lynwood FlemingCHAPTER I. THE AFTERMATH OF WARWhen the armies of the Union and of the Confederacy were disbanded in 1865, two matters had been settled beyond further dispute: the Negro was to be free, and the Union was to be perpetuated. But, though slavery and state sovereignty were no longer at issue, there were still many problems which pressed for solution. The huge task of reconstruction must be faced. The nature of the situation required that the measures of reconstruction be first formulated in Washington by the victors and then worked out in the conquered South. Since the success of these policies would depe
The Cruise of the DolphinThe Cruise of theDolphinby Thomas Bailey Aldrich1- Page 2-The Cruise of the Dolphin(1 An episode from The Story of a Bad Boy, the narrator being TomBailey, the hero of the tale.)Every Rivermouth boy looks upon the sea as being in some waymixed up with his destiny. While he is yet a baby lying in his cradle, hehears the dull, far-off boom of the breakers; when he is older, he wandersby the sandy shore, watching the waves that come plunging up the beach...
Ernest HemingwayChapter OneTHEY WERE LIVING at le Grau du Roi then and the hotel was on a canal that ran from the walled city of Aigues Mortes straight down to the sea. They could see the towers of Aigues Mortes across the low plain of the Camargue and they rode there on their bicycles at some time of nearly every day along the white road that bordered the canal. In the evenings and the mornings when there was a rising tide sea bass would come into it and they would see the mullet jumping wildly to escape from the bass and watch the swelling bulge of the water as the bass attacked.A jetty ran out into the blue and pleasant sea and they fished from the jetty and swam on the beach and each da
Years and years later, I still start in the deepest part of night with his agonized face before me. And always, in these helpless dreams, I am helpless to ease his suffering. I will tell the tale then, in hope the last ghosts may be put to rest, if such a thing can ever happen in this place where there are more ghosts than living souls. But you will have to listen closely - this is a tale that the teller herself does not fully understand. I will tell you of Lord Sulis, my famous stepfather. I will tell you what the witch foretold to me. I will tell you of the love that I had and I lost. I will tell you of the night I saw the burning man. Tellarin gifted me with small things, but th
EUMENESReigned 197-160? Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenDURIS reports that Eumenes, the Cardian, was the son of a poorwagoner in the Thracian Chersonesus, yet liberally educated, both as ascholar and a soldier; and that while he was but young, Philip,passing through Cardia, diverted himself with a sight of the wrestlingmatches and other exercises of the youth of that place, among whomEumenes performing with success, and showing signs of intelligence andbravery, Philip was so pleased with him as to take him into hisservice. But they seem to speak more probably who tell us that...
Of Interestby David HumeNothing is esteemed a more certain sign of the flourishingcondition of any nation than the lowness of interest: And with reason;though I believe the cause is somewhat different from what is commonlyapprehended. Lowness of interest is generally ascribed to plenty ofmoney. But money, however plentiful, has no other effect, if fixed,than to raise the price of labour. Silver is more common than gold;and therefore you receive a greater quantity of it for the samecommodities. But do you pay less interest for it? Interest in BATAVIAand JAMAICA is at 10 per cent. in PORTUGAL at 6; though these places,as we may learn from the prices of every thing, abound more in gold...
The Land of the Changing Sunby William N. HarbenChapter I.The balloon seemed scarcely to move, though it was slowly sinking toward the ocean of white clouds which hung between it and the earth.The two inmates of the car were insensible; their faces were bloodless, their cheeks sunken. They were both young and handsome. Harry Johnston, an American, was as dark and sallow as a Spaniard. Charles Thorndyke, an English gentleman, had yellow hair and mustache, blue eyes and a fine intellectual face. Both were tall, athletic in build and well-proportioned.Johnston was the first to come to consciousness as the balloon sank into less rarefied atmosphere. He opened his eyes dreamily and looked curiou
Found At Blazing Starby Bret HarteThe rain had only ceased with the gray streaks of morning atBlazing Star, and the settlement awoke to a moral sense ofcleanliness, and the finding of forgotten knives, tin cups, andsmaller camp utensils, where the heavy showers had washed away thedebris and dust heaps before the cabin doors. Indeed, it wasrecorded in Blazing Star that a fortunate early riser had oncepicked up on the highway a solid chunk of gold quartz which therain had freed from its incumbering soil, and washed into immediateand glittering popularity. Possibly this may have been the reasonwhy early risers in that locality, during the rainy season, adopted...
Free Trade or, The Meanes To Make Trade Florish. Wherein, TheCauses of the Decay of Trade in this Kingdome, are discovered:And the Remedies also to remoove the same, are represented.Propertius, nauita de ventis, de tauris narrat arator: Enumeratmiles vulnera, pastor oues.London, Printed by John Legatt, for Simon Waterson, dwelling inPaules Church-yard at the Signe of the Crowne. 1622by Edward MisseldonTo the Prince. SirYour Highnes is no lesse Happy to bee the Sonne of so great aKing, then to be the Heire apparent of so many Kingdomes. In theone, rare endowments of Majesty and Magnanimity, are Yours bygeneration: In the other, a Royall Monarchy by inheritance and...
Miss Sarah Jack, of Spanish Town, Jamaicaby Anthony TrollopeThere is nothing so melancholy as a country in its decadence, unlessit be a people in their decadence. I am not aware that the lattermisfortune can be attributed to the Anglo-Saxon race in any part ofthe world; but there is reason to fear that it has fallen on anEnglish colony in the island of Jamaica.Jamaica was one of those spots on which fortune shone with the fullwarmth of all her noonday splendour. That sun has set;whether forever or no none but a prophet can tell; but as far as a plain man maysee, there are at present but few signs of a coming morrow, or ofanother summer.It is not just or proper that one should grieve over