Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, V6by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de BourrienneHis Private SecretaryEdited by R. W. PhippsColonel, Late Royal Artillery1891CONTENTS:CHAPTER IX. to CHAPTER XVIII. 1802-1803CHAPTER IX.1802.Proverbial falsehood of bulletinsM. DoubletCreation of theLegion of HonourOpposition to it in the Council and otherauthorities of the StateThe partisans of an hereditary systemThe question of the Consulship for life.The historian of these times ought to put no faith in the bulletins,despatches, notes, and proclamations which have emanated from Bonaparte,or passed through his hands. For my part, I believe that the proverb,...
THE SCIENCE OF RIGHTby Immanual Kanttranslated by W. HastieINTRODUCTION TO THE SCIENCE OF RIGHT.GENERAL DEFINITIONS, AND DIVISIONS.A. What the Science of Right is.The Science of Right has for its object the principles of all thelaws which it is possible to promulgate by external legislation. Wherethere is such a legislation, it becomes, in actual application toit, a system of positive right and law; and he who is versed in theknowledge of this system is called a jurist or jurisconsult(jurisconsultus). A practical jurisconsult (jurisperitus), or a...
TO STAN, CHRISTOPHER AND MICHELE RICE TO SUZANNE SCOTT QUIROZ AND VICTORIA WILSON TO THE MEMORY OF JOHN PRESTON TO THE IRISH OF NEW ORLEANS WHO, IN THE 1850S, BUILT ON CONSTANCE STREET THE GREAT CHURCH OF ST. ALPHONSUS, WHILE PASSING ON TO US THROUGH FAITH, ARCHITECTURE AND ART A SPLENDID MONUMENT TO "THE GLORY THAT WAS GREECE AND THE GRANDEUR THAT WAS ROME" Of Mrs. Moore and the echo in the Marabar Caves: ...but the echo began in some indescribable way to undermine her hold on life. ing at a moment when she chanced to be fatigued, it had managed to murmur "Pathos, piety, courage - they exist, but are identical, and so is filth. Everything exists, nothing has value."...
The dawn of amateur radio in the U.K. and Greece : a personal viewThe dawn of amateurradio in the U.K.Norman F. Joly.1- Page 2-The dawn of amateur radio in the U.K. and Greece : a personal viewPrologueThales of Miletus.Thales, who was born in 640 B.C., was a man of exceptional wisdomand one of the Seven Sages of Ancient Greece. He was the father of Greek,and consequently of European philosophy and science. His speculationsembraced a wide range of subjects relating to political as well as to...
Maid Marianby Thomas Love PeacockCHAPTER INow come ye for peace here, or come ye for war? SCOTT."The abbot, in his alb arrayed," stood at the altar in the abbey-chapel of Rubygill, with all his plump, sleek, rosy friars, in goodly lines disposed, to solemnise the nuptials of the beautiful Matilda Fitzwater, daughter of the Baron of Arlingford, with the noble Robert Fitz-Ooth, Earl of Locksley and Huntingdon. The abbey of Rubygill stood in a picturesque valley, at a little distance from the western boundary of Sherwood Forest, in a spot which seemed adapted by nature to be the retreat of monastic mortification, being on the banks of a fine trout-stream, and in the midst of woodland coverts
The Life of Thomas Telford by Smilesby Samuel Smiles"Let us travel, and wherever we find no facility fortravelling from a city to a town, from a village to ahamlet, we may pronounce the people to be barbarous"Abbe Raynal"The opening up of the internal communications of acountry is undoubtedly the first and most importantelement of its growth in commerce and civilization"Richard CobdenCONTENTSPrefaceEARLY ROADS AND MODES OF TRAVELLINGCHAPTER I. Old RoadsRoads as agents of civilizationTheir important usesAncient British trackways or ridgewaysThe Romans and their roads in Britain...
"THE SPIRIT OF 1776"_To Thomas Lomax__Monticello, Mar. 12, 1799_DEAR SIR, Your welcome favor of last month came to my handsin Philadelphia. So long a time has elapsed since we have beenseparated by events, that it was like a letter from the dead, andrecalled to my memory very dear recollections. My subsequent journeythrough life has offered nothing which, in comparison with those, isnot cheerless & dreary. It is a rich comfort sometimes to look backon them.I take the liberty of enclosing a letter to mr. Baylor, open,because I solicit your perusal of it. It will, at the same time,...
PEN, PENCIL AND POISON - A STUDY IN GREENIt has constantly been made a subject of reproach against artistsand men of letters that they are lacking in wholeness andcompleteness of nature. As a rule this must necessarily be so.That very concentration of vision and intensity of purpose which isthe characteristic of the artistic temperament is in itself a modeof limitation. To those who are preoccupied with the beauty ofform nothing else seems of much importance. Yet there are manyexceptions to this rule. Rubens served as ambassador, and Goetheas state councillor, and Milton as Latin secretary to Cromwell.Sophocles held civic office in his own city; the humourists,...
A Journey to the Western Isles of Scotlandby Samuel JohnsonINCH KEITHI had desired to visit the Hebrides, or Western Islands ofScotland, so long, that I scarcely remember how the wish wasoriginally excited; and was in the Autumn of the year 1773 inducedto undertake the journey, by finding in Mr. Boswell a companion,whose acuteness would help my inquiry, and whose gaiety ofconversation and civility of manners are sufficient to counteractthe inconveniences of travel, in countries less hospitable than wehave passed.On the eighteenth of August we left Edinburgh, a city too wellknown to admit description, and directed our course northward,along the eastern coast of Scotland, accompanied the firs
THE IDLE THOUGHTS OF AN IDLE FELLOW.THE IDLE THOUGHTSOF AN IDLE JEROME K. JEROME.1- Page 2-THE IDLE THOUGHTS OF AN IDLE FELLOW.PREFACEOne or two friends to whom I showed these papers in MS. havingobserved that they were not half bad, and some of my relations havingpromised to buy the book if it ever came out, I feel I have no right tolonger delay its issue. But for this, as one may say, public demand, I...
ONE BASKETONE BASKETTHIRTY-ONE SHORT STORIESEDNA FERBER1- Page 2-ONE BASKETThe Woman Who Tried to Be Good[1913]Before she tried to be a good woman she had been a very badwomanso bad that she could trail her wonderful apparel up and downMain Street, from the Elm Tree Bakery to the railroad tracks, without oncehaving a man doff his hat to her or a woman bow. You passed her on thestreet with a surreptitious glance, though she was well worth looking at...
The Wood Beyond the Worldby William MorrisCHAPTER I: OF GOLDEN WALTER AND HIS FATHERAwhile ago there was a young man dwelling in a great and goodly cityby the sea which had to name Langton on Holm. He was but of fiveand twenty winters, a fair-faced man, yellow-haired, tall andstrong; rather wiser than foolisher than young men are mostly wont;a valiant youth, and a kind; not of many words but courteous ofspeech; no roisterer, nought masterful, but peaceable and knowinghow to forbear: in a fray a perilous foe, and a trusty war-fellow.His father, with whom he was dwelling when this tale begins, was agreat merchant, richer than a baron of the land, a head-man of the...