Beasts, Men and Godsby Ferdinand OssendowskiEXPLANATORY NOTEWhen one of the leading publicists in America, Dr. Albert Shaw of the Review of Reviews, after reading the manuscript of Part I of this volume, characterized the author as "The Robinson Crusoe of the Twentieth Century," he touched the feature of the narrative which is at once most attractive and most dangerous; for the succession of trying and thrilling experiences recorded seems in places too highly colored to be real or, sometimes, even possible in this day and generation. I desire, therefore, to assure the reader at the outset that Dr. Ossendowski is a man of long and diverse experience as a scientist and writer with a training
APPENDIX DThe Awful German LanguageA little learning makes the whole world kin.Proverbs xxxii, 7.I went often to look at the collection of curiositiesin Heidelberg Castle, and one day I surprised the keeperof it with my German. I spoke entirely in that language.He was greatly interested; and after I had talked a whilehe said my German was very rare, possibly a "unique";and wanted to add it to his museum.If he had known what it had cost me to acquire my art,he would also have known that it would break anycollector to buy it. Harris and I had been hard atwork on our German during several weeks at that time,...
by William WoodPREFACESixty years ago today the guns that thundered round Fort Sumterbegan the third and greatest modern civil war fought byEnglish-speaking people. This war was quite as full of politicsas were the other twothe War of the American Revolution andthat of Puritan and Cavalier. But, though the present Chroniclenever ignores the vital correlations between statesmen andcommanders, it is a book of warriors, through and through.I gratefully acknowledge the indispensable assistance of ColonelG. J. Fiebeger, a West Point expert, and of Dr. Allen Johnson,chief editor of the series and Professor of American History atYale.WILLIAM WOOD,...
The hill people and the Mexicans arrived on the same day. It was a Wednesday, early in September 1952. The Cardinals were five games behind the Dodgers with three weeks to go, and the season looked hopeless. The cotton, however, was waist-high to my father, over my head, and he and my grandfather could be heard before supper whispering words that were seldom heard. It could be a "good crop."They were farmers, hardworking men who embraced pessimism only when discussing the weather and the crops. There was too much sun, or too much rain, or the threat of floods in the lowlands, or the rising prices of seed and fertilizer, or the uncertainties of the markets. On the most perfect of days, my mo
ON THE SOULby Aristotletranslated by J. A. SmithBook I1HOLDING as we do that, while knowledge of any kind is a thing to be honoured and prized, one kind of it may, either by reason of its greater exactness or of a higher dignity and greater wonderfulness in its objects, be more honourable and precious than another, on both accounts we should naturally be led to place in the front rank the study of the soul. The knowledge of the soul admittedly contributes greatly to the advance of truth in general, and, above all, to our understanding of Nature, for the soul is in some sense the principle of animal life. Our aim is to grasp and understand, first its essenti
The Lily of the Valleyby Honore de BalzacTranslated by Katharine Prescott WormeleyDEDICATIONTo Monsieur J. B. Nacquart,Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine.Dear DoctorHere is one of the most carefully hewn stones in thesecond course of the foundation of a literary edifice which I haveslowly and laboriously constructed. I wish to inscribe your nameupon it, as much to thank the man whose science once saved me asto honor the friend of my daily life.De Balzac.THE LILY OF THE VALLEYENVOIFelix de Vandenesse to Madame la Comtesse Natalie de Manerville:...
The Diary of a Goose Girlby Kate Douglas WigginTHORNYCROFT FARM, near Barbury Green, July 1, 190-.In alluding to myself as a Goose Girl, I am using only the mostmodest of my titles; for I am also a poultry-maid, a tender ofBelgian hares and rabbits, and a shepherdess; but I particularlyfancy the role of Goose Girl, because it recalls the German fairytales of my early youth, when I always yearned, but never hoped, tobe precisely what I now am.As I was jolting along these charming Sussex roads the other day, afat buff pony and a tippy cart being my manner of progression, Ichanced upon the village of Barbury Green.One glance was enough for any woman, who, having eyes to see, could...
THE LIGHT PRINCESSTHE LIGHT PRINCESSGEORGE MACDONALD1- Page 2-THE LIGHT PRINCESS1. What! No Children?Once upon a time, so long ago that I have quite forgotten the date,there lived a king and queen who had no children.And the king said to himself, "All the queens of my acquaintance havechildren, some three, some seven, and some as many as twelve; and myqueen has not one. I feel ill-used." So he made up his mind to be crosswith his wife about it. But she bore it all like a good patient queen as she...
Indian Heroes and Great Chieftainsby Charles A. EastmanCONTENTS1. RED CLOUD2. SPOTTED TAIL3. LITTLE CROW4. TAMAHAY5. GALL6. CRAZY HORSE7. SITTING BULL8. RAIN-IN-THE-FACE9. TWO STRIKE10. AMERICAN HORSE11. DULL KNIFE12. ROMAN NOSE13. CHIEF JOSEPH14. LITTLE WOLF15. HOLE-IN-THE-DAYRED CLOUDEVERY age, every race, has its leaders and heroes. There were oversixty distinct tribes of Indians on this continent, each of whichboasted its notable men. The names and deeds of some of these menwill live in American history, yet in the true sense they are...
Mary Stuartby Alexandre Dumas, PereCHAPTER ISome royal names are predestined to misfortune: in France, there isthe name "Henry". Henry I was poisoned, Henry II was killed in atournament, Henry III and Henry IV were assassinated. As to Henry V,for whom the past is so fatal already, God alone knows what thefuture has in store for him.In Scotland, the unlucky name is "Stuart". Robert I, founder of therace, died at twenty-eight of a lingering illness. Robert II, themost fortunate of the family, was obliged to pass a part of his life,not merely in retirement, but also in the dark, on account ofinflammation of the eyes, which made them blood-red. Robert III...
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE OLD GRAVE-STONEby Hans Christian AndersenIN a house, with a large courtyard, in a provincial town, atthat time of the year in which people say the evenings are growinglonger, a family circle were gathered together at their old home. Alamp burned on the table, although the weather was mild and warm,and the long curtains hung down before the open windows, and withoutthe moon shone brightly in the dark-blue sky.But they were not talking of the moon, but of a large, old stonethat lay below in the courtyard not very far from the kitchen door....
THUVIA, MAID OF MARSTHUVIA, MAID OFMARS1- Page 2-THUVIA, MAID OF MARSCHAPTER ICARTHORIS AND THUVIAUpon a massive bench of polished ersite beneath the gorgeousblooms of a giant pimalia a woman sat. Her shapely, sandalled foot tappedimpatiently upon the jewel-strewn walk that wound beneath the statelysorapus trees across the scarlet sward of the royal gardens of Thuvan Dihn,Jeddak of Ptarth, as a dark-haired, red- skinned warrior bent low toward...