THE GOLDEN BRANCHONCE upon a time there was a King who was so morose anddisagreeable that he was feared by all his subjects, and withgood reason, as for the most trifling offences he would have theirheads cut off. This King Grumpy, as he was called, had oneson, who was as different from his father as he could possibly be.No prince equalled him in cleverness and kindness of heart, butunfortunately he was most terribly ugly. He had crooked legs andsquinting eyes, a large mouth all on one side, and a hunchback.Never was there a beautiful soul in such a frightful little body, butin spite of his appearance everybody loved him. The Queen, his...
Poems by Wilfred OwenPoemsWilfred Owen1- Page 2-Poems by Wilfred OwenIntroductionIn writing an Introduction such as this it is good to be brief. The poemsprinted in this book need no preliminary commendations from me oranyone else. The author has left us his own fragmentary but impressiveForeword; this, and his Poems, can speak for him, backed by the authorityof his experience as an infantry soldier, and sustained by nobility and...
By P. G. Wodehouse 1 In a day in June, at the hour when London moves abroad in quest of lunch, a young man stood at the entrance of the Bandolero Restaurant looking earnestly up Shaftesbury Avenuea large young man in excellent condition, with a pleasant, good-humoured, brown, clean-cut face. He paid no attention to the stream of humanity that flowed past him. His mouth was set and his eyes wore a serious, almost a wistful expression. He was frowning slightly. One would have said that here was a man with a secret sorrow. William FitzWilliam Delamere Chalmers, Lord Dawlish, had no secret sorrow. All that he was thinking of at that moment was the best method of laying a golf ball dead in fr
A sea of mist drifted through the cloud forest: soft, grey, luminescent. On the high ridges the fog showed brighter as the morning sun began to warm and lift the moisture, although in the ravine a cool, soundless dimness still counterfeited a pre-dawn twilight. mander Cordelia Naismith glanced at her team botanist and adjusted the straps of her biological collecting equipment a bit more fortably before continuing her breathless climb. She pushed a long tendril of fog-dampened copper hair out of her eyes, clawing it impatiently toward the clasp at the nape of her neck. Their next survey area would definitely be at a lower altitude. The gravity of this planet was slightly lower than their ho
"Reptiles are abhorrent because of their cold body, pale color, cartilaginous skeleton, filthy skin, fierce aspect, calculating eye, offensive smell, harsh voice, squalid habitation, and terrible venom; wherefore their Creator has not exerted his powers to make many of them." LINNAEUS, 1797 "You cannot recall a new form of life." ERWIN CHARGAFF, 1972 Introduction "The InGen Incident"The late twentieth century has witnessed a scientific gold rush of astonishing proportions: the headlong and furious haste to mercialize genetic engineering. This enterprise has proceeded so rapidly-with so little outside mentary-that its dimensions and implications are hardly understood at all....
SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE NAVAL TREATYby Sir Arthur Conan DoyleTHE NAVAL TREATYThe July which immediately succeeded my marriage was madememorable by three cases of interest, in which I had the privilegeof being associated with Sherlock Holmes and of studying hismethods. I find them recorded in my notes under the headings of "TheAdventure of the Second Stain," "The Adventure of the Naval Treaty,"and "The Adventure of the Tired Captain." The first of these, however,deals with interests of such importance and implicates so many ofthe first families in the kingdom that for many years it will be...
THE GOLDEN THRESHOLDTHE GOLDENTHRESHOLDBy Sarojini Naidu1- Page 2-THE GOLDEN THRESHOLDINTRODUCTIONIt is at my persuasion that these poems are now published. Theearliest of them were read to me in London in 1896, when the writer wasseventeen; the later ones were sent to me from India in 1904, when shewas twenty-five; and they belong, I think, almost wholly to those twoperiods. As they seemed to me to have an individual beauty of their own,...
BruceBruceAlbert Payson Terhune1- Page 2-BruceWho are far wiser in their way and far better in every way, than I; andyet who have not the wisdom to know it Who do not merely think I amperfect, but who are calmly and permanently convinced of my perfection;--and this in spite of fifty disillusions a day Who are frantically happy atmy coming and bitterly woebegone in my absence Who never bore me andnever are bored by me Who never talk about themselves and who alwayslisten with rapturous interest to anything I may say Who, having no...
THE LAZY TOUR OF TWO IDLE APPRENTICESTHE LAZY TOUR OFTWO IDLEAPPRENTICES1- Page 2-THE LAZY TOUR OF TWO IDLE APPRENTICESCHAPTER IIn the autumn month of September, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven,wherein these presents bear date, two idle apprentices, exhausted by thelong, hot summer, and the long, hot work it had brought with it, ran awayfrom their employer. They were bound to a highly meritorious lady(named Literature), of fair credit and repute, though, it must be...
THE SEVEN POOR TRAVELLERSTHE SEVEN POORTRAVELLERSby Charles Dickens1- Page 2-THE SEVEN POOR TRAVELLERSCHAPTER IIN THE OLD CITYOF ROCHESTERStrictly speaking, there were only six Poor Travellers; but, being aTraveller myself, though an idle one, and being withal as poor as I hope tobe, I brought the number up to seven. This word of explanation is due atonce, for what says the inscription over the quaint old door?RICHARD WATTS, Esq. by his Will, dated 22 Aug. 1579, founded...
THE CRUISE OF THE JASPER B.THE CRUISE OF THEJASPER B.BY DON MARQUIS1- Page 2-THE CRUISE OF THE JASPER B.CHAPTER IA BRIGHT BLADE LEAPSFROM A RUSTY SCABBARDOn an evening in April, 191-, Clement J. Cleggett walked sedately intothe news room of the New York Enterprise with a drab-colored walking-stick in his hand. He stood the cane in a corner, changed his sober streetcoat for a more sober office jacket, adjusted a green eyeshade below his...