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poems and songs |热度 26 | 英文原著 | 上传: 飘雪的季节 |更新时间:2017-03-20
prior analytics |热度 26 | 英文原著 | 上传: 雨帆 |更新时间:2017-03-20
PRIOR ANALYTICSby Aristotletranslated by A. J. JenkinsonBook I1WE must first state the subject of our inquiry and the faculty towhich it belongs: its subject is demonstration and the faculty thatcarries it out demonstrative science. We must next define a premiss, aterm, and a syllogism, and the nature of a perfect and of an imperfectsyllogism; and after that, the inclusion or noninclusion of one termin another as in a whole, and what we mean by predicating one term... 
part6 |热度 26 | 英文原著 | 上传: 开了 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Part 6It may be proper to ask here how long it may be supposed menmight have the seeds of the contagion in them before it discovereditself in this fatal manner, and how long they might go aboutseemingly whole, and yet be contagious to all those that came nearthem. I believe the most experienced physicians cannot answer thisquestion directly any more than I can; and something an ordinaryobserver may take notice of, which may pass their observations. Theopinion of physicians abroad seems to be that it may lie dormant inthe spirits or in the blood-vessels a very considerable time. Why elsedo they exact a quarantine of those who came into their harbours and... 
the north american species of |热度 26 | 英文原著 | 上传: 九十八度 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The North American Species of Cactus, Anhalonium, and Lophophoraby John M. CoulterA Preliminary Revision of the North American Species of Cactus, Anhalonium, and Lophophora by John M. Coulter.U. S. Department of Agriculture Division of Botany CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE U. S. NATIONAL HERBARIUM Vol. IIINo. 2 Issued June 10, 1894 Preliminary Revision of the North American Species of Cactus, Anhalonium, and Lophophora. by John M. Coulter. Published by Authority of the Secretary of Agriculture Washington Government Printing Office 1894 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U. S. Department of Agriculture Division of Botany Washington, D. C., March 21, 1894 SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith, for p 
the sun-dog trail |热度 26 | 英文原著 | 上传: 世纪史诗 |更新时间:2017-03-20
THE SUN-DOG TRAILSITKA CHARLEY smoked his pipe and gazed thoughtfully at the POLICEGAZETTE illustration on the wall. For half an hour he had beensteadily regarding it, and for half an hour I had been slylywatching him. Something was going on in that mind of his, and,whatever it was, I knew it was well worth knowing. He had livedlife, and seen things, and performed that prodigy of prodigies,namely, the turning of his back upon his own people, and, in so faras it was possible for an Indian, becoming a white man even in hismental processes. As he phrased it himself, he had come into thewarm, sat among us, by our fires, and become one of us. He had... 
01-the $30,000 bequest |热度 26 | 英文原著 | 上传: 童舟 |更新时间:2017-03-20
THE $30,000 BEQUESTCHAPTER ILakeside was a pleasant little town of five or six thousand inhabitants,and a rather pretty one, too, as towns go in the Far West.It had church accommodations for thirty-five thousand, which isthe way of the Far West and the South, where everybody is religious,and where each of the Protestant sects is represented and has a plantof its own. Rank was unknown in Lakesideunconfessed, anyway;everybody knew everybody and his dog, and a sociable friendlinesswas the prevailing atmosphere.Saladin Foster was book-keeper in the principal store, and the onlyhigh-salaried man of his profession in Lakeside. He was thirty-five... 
tales from two hemispheres[1]. |热度 26 | 英文原著 | 上传: 你妹找1 |更新时间:2017-03-20
TALES FROM TWO HEMISPHERES.TALES FROM TWOHEMISPHERES.BY HJALMAR HJORTH BOYSEN.THE MAN WHO LOST HISNAME.ION the second day of June, 186, a young Norseman, Halfdan Bjerkby name, landed on the pier at Castle Garden. He passed through thestraight and narrow gate where he was asked his name, birthplace, andhow much money he had,at which he grew very much frightened."And your destination?"demanded the gruff-looking functionary at... 
tarzan and the jewels of opar( |热度 26 | 英文原著 | 上传: 吹嘻 |更新时间:2017-03-20
Tarzan and the Jewels of OparTarzan and the Jewels ofOparby Edgar Rice Burroughs1- Page 2-Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar1Belgian and ArabLieutenant Albert Werper had only the prestige of the name he haddishonored to thank for his narrow escape from being cashiered. At firsthe had been humbly thankful, too, that they had sent him to this... 
the diamond maker |热度 26 | 英文原著 | 上传: 冷如冰 |更新时间:2017-03-20
THE DIAMOND MAKERSome business had detained me in Chancery Lane nine in theevening, and thereafter, having some inkling of a headache, I wasdisinclined either for entertainment or further work. So much ofthe sky as the high cliffs of that narrow canon of traffic leftvisible spoke of a serene night, and I determined to make my waydown to the Embankment, and rest my eyes and cool my head bywatching the variegated lights upon the river. Beyond comparisonthe night is the best time for this place; a merciful darknesshides the dirt of the waters, and the lights of this transitionalage, red glaring orange, gas-yellow, and electric white, are set in... 
the register |热度 26 | 英文原著 | 上传: 风格1 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Registerby William D. HowellsI.SCENE: In an upper chamber of a boarding-house in Melanchthon Place,Boston, a mature, plain young lady, with every appearance ofestablishing herself in the room for the first time, moves about,bestowing little touches of decoration here and there, and talkingwith another young lady, whose voice comes through the open doorwayof an inner room.MISS ETHEL REED, from within: "What in the world are you doing,Nettie?"MISS HENRIETTA SPAULDING: "Oh, sticking up a household god or two.What are you doing?"MISS REED: "Despairing."MISS SPAULDING: "Still?"MISS REED, tragically: "Still! How soon did you expect me to stop?... 
the lights of the church and t |热度 26 | 英文原著 | 上传: 抵制日货 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Lights of the Church and the Light of Scienceby Thomas Henry HuxleyThere are three ways of regarding any account of pastoccurrences, whether delivered to us orally or recordedin writing.The narrative may be exactly true. That is to say, the words,taken in their natural sense, and interpreted according to therules of grammar, may convey to the mind of the hearer, or ofthe reader an idea precisely correspondent with one which wouldhave remained in the mind of a witness. For example, thestatement that King Charles the First was beheaded at Whitehallon the 30th day of January 1649, is as exactly true as anyproposition in mathematics or physics; no one doubts that any... 
the life of stephen a. douglas |热度 26 | 英文原著 | 上传: 一半儿 |更新时间:2017-03-20
The Life of Stephen A. Douglasby William GardnerPreface.De mortuis nil nisi bonum, (of the dead speak nothing but good), is the rule which governed the friends of Stephen A. Douglas after his death. "Of political foes speak nothing but ill," is the rule which has guided much of our discussion of him for forty years. The time has now arrived when we can study him dispassionately and judge him justly, when we can take his measure, if not with scientific accuracy, at least with fairness and honesty.Where party spirit is as despotic as it is among us, it is difficult for any man who spends his life amid the storms of politics to get justice until the passions of his generation have been forgot 
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