贝壳电子书 > 科幻未来电子书 > 11_metamorphosis >



小说: 11_metamorphosis 字数: 每页4000字

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But the men were a bearded and mustached and headbanded bunch; carrying homemade bows; arrows; and spears; although the weapon heads were of metal。 They wore beads and feathers and shell jewelry。 Nothing made sense。

〃W…whoever they are; they look like they're honked off about something;〃 Annie observed。

An older fellow with snow…white hair and beard gestured up at them with a warclub whose head had been set with flakes of sharpened steel。 〃Bring them to the temple!〃

The way he said 〃temple〃 had Rook expecting something from one of the venerated oldtime movies; but she was wrong。 The natives marched them at spearpoint downriver to an aging; massive; hydroelectric power dam that looked to be in disrepair。

They were soon disarmed and standing out on a platform of lashed timbers on one of the dam crest piers。 The green river valley seemed to stretch out forever; and the waters of the spillway basin fought and swirled far below them。 All gates appeared to be open; and water fell in huge; white cascades; filling the area with mist。

Their hands had been tied; and each captive had been fitting with an ankle shackle rivetted to a heavy weight。 Scott was looking around for some sign of Lancer; hoping that he had gotten clear and could e to their rescue。

〃Now you will pay for your sacrilege!〃 the white…haired leader said。 〃You are outlanders and your presence in this place has offended the river god。〃

He gestured to where the open taint…or gates and lowlevel outlets were letting the level of the reservoir fall。 〃It is because of you that the river god has turned his back on us and is leaving the valley!〃

〃Oh; e on!〃 Rand shouted; and some of the spearheads wavered close to his chest。 〃You're not telling me you're going to kill us just because this friggin' dam's had a malfunction?〃

Scott already saw that that was exactly what the locals had in mind; but could make little sense of the matter。 How could such a tribal society; such a primitive belief system; spring up in a single generation?

The only answer he could think of was the fact that the team was now in the region that had bee a Zentraedi control zone; back when Khyron took refuge after the apocalyptic battle in which Dolza's force was wiped out。 The Zentraedi would certainly have found good use for the hydroelectric power; but their giant size would've made it difficult for them to operate and maintain the dam。 The answer would have been to spare a picked group of Micronian techs。

Most of the men in the group were in their mid…twenties or so; Scott judged。 If a lot of the techs had been killed; inadvertently or otherwise; upon Khyron's departure; that would have left kids and a few oldsters…like the white…haired man with the slightly unhinged look in his eye…to put together a new society of their own。 Perhaps they had borrowed elements of their crude culture from local Indians。

As to why the whole area had been roofed over; apparently by the Invid…Scott could only conclude that this was another of their experimental labs; a kind of grandiose ant farm。

〃Silence!〃 the old man was howling。 〃The only way to bring back the river god's den is to sacrifice you!〃 He gestured to the shrinking reservoir。

He must be old enough to recall the days before the Wars; Scott saw…and certainly the days before the Invid and the Robotech Masters。 But something had wrenched his mind away from the days of sanity and rational thought; and locked him into superstition。

〃My lord; I think I have an idea;〃 Scott interjected。 〃If we've sinned against your god; we plead ignorance。 But we will set things right by bringing the river god's den back to your valley。〃

The old man looked at Scott; perhaps he recalled the techs in their worksuits…not so different from Scott's uniform…who had once made the dam do their bidding。 〃You can do this?〃

〃If; in return; you let us go。〃

The old man stroked his beard with gnarled; black nailed fingers。 〃Very well; outlander。 But if you fail; your panions die!〃

Scott angled a thumb at Lunk。 〃I'll need his help。〃

And I hope it's enough。

Scott surprised himself by recalling as much about dam construction as he did from a years…ago Officer Candidate engineering class。

Lunk followed him at a dead run; and they soon reached the outlet control structure; further along the dam。 But when they got to the control room; they found a musty room of half…corroded machinery and a bewildering collection of long…outmoded technology。 Switches were frozen in place; CRTs were dark and silent。

Scott had concluded that some malfunctioning autosystem had opened the gates to release the reservoir waters。 〃We'll shut off everything until we find the right one;〃 he told Lunk。 Reopening them at a later time would be the locals' problem。

〃The outlanders have been gone a long time; Silverhair;〃 a warrior said to the white…haired chief。

〃Yes。〃 Silverhair considered that。 〃Perhaps they abandoned their panions to save themselves。〃

〃Hold on a second!〃 Rand protested。 〃If Scott says he'll do something; then he'll do it! Just give him time!〃

The old chief nodded slowly。 〃It is hard for you to face the fact that they have deserted you。 Ulu!〃

The warrior addressed as Ulu brought up his spear blade and leveled it at them。

After some time; Lunk stopped pulling levers and spinning manual valve wheels at random and began reading designation plates on the various consoles。 By miraculous good fortune; he found a mildewed manual。 The covers were rotted to soggy filth; but the schematics themselves had been laminated。

Lunk might have his problems with social interaction; but he had never been outwitted by an inanimate object yet。 He puzzled over the highpoints of the operating procedures for long minutes; then moved decisively。 〃Hey; Scott! I found it!〃

It was a massive; two…bladed lever; an emergency manual control that would in cases of power failure close the gates by means of a fluidic backup system。 But it; too; had suffered from the decades of neglect。

Lunk strained at it; the muscles of his shoulders and arms bunching and swelling。 Scott threw his strength into the fight; too; their hands clamped around the switch。

Ulu's spear blade was close。 〃Trust us; will you?〃 Rook said; not able to take her eyes off it。 〃They'll do it and be back。〃 The spearpoint edged closer; and a half dozen other warriors came after Ulu; to see that the job was done thoroughly。

The lever moved; an unbelievable quarter…inch; down its grooves。 Scott and Lunk braced their feet against the console; teeth gritted; heaving for all they were worth。 The lever moved another half inch。

〃I warned your panions that all of you…would pay the price of their failure;〃 the chief said。 The spear blades hemmed in the team members。

Suddenly there was a change in the sound of the water gushing through the gates and outlet。 The flow was lessening。

〃They did it;〃 Rand exulted。 〃They shut off the valve!〃 Annie managed a cheer。 As the team and the tribe watched; the flow was shut off; at both the top of the dam and the bottom。

〃The valley is saved;〃 the old chief said。 〃The river god is appeased at last!〃 His men were a little frightened by what they had seen; but joyous anyhow。

Scott and Lunk got back to the dam crest as fast as could; only to find that their teammates had been unshackled and were receiving the tribesmen's clamorous thanks。

〃We invite you to bee members of our tribe;〃 the old man said when Scott and Lunk got there。

〃Thank you; but first there's a missing brother of our tribe we have to find;〃 Scott deflected the invitation。

〃Hey! Silverhair!〃 came a shout。 〃I did it! I got myself a wife!〃

There was a barefoot kid in ragged cutoffs and T…shirt; maybe an undersized thirteen years old or so; ing their way。 〃I'm a man now!〃 he puffed; dragging a big; heavy old duffel bag after him。

〃It's Magruder;〃 said Silverhair the chieftain。

〃Did he say ‘wife'?〃 Rand murmured。

Magruder staggered to a stop before Silverhair and dropped the rope; as the warriors gathered round。 〃I captured myself a wife;〃 he panted again; 〃so according to tribal law; you have to make me a warrior!〃 He pushed his narrow chest out proudly。


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