贝壳电子书 > 科幻未来电子书 > 11_metamorphosis >



小说: 11_metamorphosis 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Disturbance in Hive Center!〃 thundered the Sensor; in the voice of the Regis。


Plutarch said courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness。 Shakespeare said it mounteth with occasion。 What we've got here is living proof。
Scott Bernard's mission notes

Rand skidded to a halt; spun; and saw what had happened。 〃Typical!〃

But he went dashing back; as Controllers turned to converge on the spot where Annie lay。 Their bulging arms were raised and pointed; and their built…in weapons were ready to fire。 〃Intruders。 Two in number。 Neutralize them;〃 the Regis exhorted her troops。

Annie levered herself up miserably。 〃No; please don't! We didn't mean anything!〃

Rand calculated time and angles。 〃Just hang tough; Mint。 These jerks won't know what hit them in a coupla' seconds。〃

〃Surrender; Humans; or be destroyed;〃 the Regis demanded。 Rand watched the Controllers close in; his hand on his H90。 Then he holstered it and put both hands over his ears and opened his mouth wide; to lessen the impact of the blast。 Annie; terrified; did the same。 〃Humans; this is your final warn…〃

Most of the blast from the limpets' shaped charges was directed inward; into the grotesque coils of the Sensor; but the backwash was more than enough to knock the leading three Controllers sideways。

The Sensor bore the brunt of a stupendous blast。

Marlene gasped。

Scott; too busy to notice; was watching through his binocular as smoke roiled from one of the snowpeak's upper openings。 〃They did it! Isn't that a beautiful…〃

He lowered the binocular and turned; hearing Marlene cry out and then collapse into racking sobs。 Rook and the others rushed to her side。 〃Is it the same thing as last time?〃 Lancer asked; gently trying to quiet her。

〃She's screaming at me!〃 Marlene managed; through convulsing shudders。

Lunk's low brows met。 〃Who is?〃

Rook tore her gaze away from the smoking fortress and tried not to fear that Rand had been hurt or killed。 〃Is there any way we can help; Marlene? Tell us what to do!〃

Marlene was on her knees; holding her head in her hands。 But she shook it no; her hair swinging。

〃Let's get moving;〃 Scott barked; to snap his team out of it。 〃Rand and Annie might need help even more。〃

〃I。。。don't。。。believe it;〃 Annie stammered; gazing upward。

Rand stood tranfixed near where she lay; looking up as well。 〃That…that thing。。。〃

The Controllers were all down; smoking; either from the initial blast or from secondary explosions。 And the Sensor had vanished from its nutrient bath; all right。 But now sickly pinkish blobs of it; in various sizes; bobbed and drifted around the Hive Center。 They tumbled like slow…moving meteors; drifting; caroming off each other; spreading like floating amoebas to fill the place。

My god! We hit it with enough wallop to knock off a half…dozen Shock Troopers; and yet…〃It's dissolved into some kind of; of protoplasmic flesh!〃 He wasn't even sure what the phrase meant himself。 Perhaps; he babbled to himself; 〃Protoculture ectoplasm〃 would be more the term?

Annie was struggling to get to her feet。 〃It's ing straight for us!〃 The deploying blobs had somehow located them; and were homing in from all over the chamber like evil clouds of murderous jelly。

Annie threw her arms around Rand's waist。 〃It's g…gonna eat me!〃

Rand had his H90 out; gripping it in both hands。 〃Eat this;〃 he told the remains of the Sensor; and began firing。 But the bolts just split the flying lumps into smaller ones; and the firing somehow made them charge at high speed。

The Regis's voice came from every doughy lump; down to the least globule; as if from a vast chorus; 〃Attack!〃

Rand fired hopelessly as Annie screamed。

One pilot short; the team still got all VTs into the air。 The Beta was linked to Scott's Alpha; which increased its firepower and speed。 The fighters moved forward on thrusters that shook the earth and started minor avalanches in the valley behind them。 Down below; Lunk's APC; rigged for cold…weather work; moved cross…country almost as nimbly as a snow…mobile; bound straight for the fortress's main portal。

As they jumped off a snowbank and roared on again; Lunk said out of the side of his mouth; 〃I hope your stomach's stronger than your head; Marlene。〃 But she sat hugging herself; eyes unfocused; shivering in spite of the outpouring of the heaters。

Rand tried not to retch; as wad after wad of the stuff that had been the Sensor splattered into him; coating him。 The stuff had the consistency of runny putty but was warm to the touch。 The most horrible thing about it; though; was that it moved by itself; snaillike; spreading wherever it hit。 And it wouldn't e off。

The Sensor knew; even in its dispersed state; that it was dying。 But it knew; too; who its enemies…its slayers…were; and it would have its revenge。

Annie's mind was about to snap。 She closed her eyes as she rubbed and brushed at the stuff; uselessly tore it with her nails; batted it and shrilled; 〃No; no; no; no; no!〃

She flung herself back at Rand; who was trying to clear the plugged muzzle of the H90。 He was already wearing a pink mantle that was surging to cover his head。 There was a waist…high pile all around them; making it impossible to run。

Rand beat; trying to shield Annie 〃Annie; listen to me!〃

〃Auff。 It's getting in my mouth!〃

The amorphous clots of residue streamed down at them from every quarter。 He heaved at her。 〃Hang onto me and try to keep your head above it!〃

Her voice was muffled by a mask of the stuff。 〃I can't breathe!〃

His arms were all but paralyzed。 〃Annie; listen! Check the emergency tracking beam! Is it still flashing?〃 The crud was surging up around his face。

She gathered all her courage and forced down her panic。 With a supreme effort; she got her head around and managed to get a glance down at the thing like a silvery fountain pen with a flashing tip that was clipped to one of her pockets。

She forced herself to get out the words; 〃I think so…yes!〃

The Pincer Ships still casting about for Rook's trail weren't prepared for the sudden appearance of a vengeful trio of Veritechs。 The dogfight had barely begun when four of the Invid personal…armor mecha were falling in whirling; flaming fragments。 The team spent its missiles prodigally; their kill score climbed。

Lunk's truck; bounding and slewing across the open snowfield; attracted other attention。 He saw cannons in a half…dozen niches in the cliff face open fire; and he began dodging and juking。 Invid annihilation discs began Frisbeeing all around him。 Snow was melted and earth blown high in fountains of flame and smoke。 As was his habit; Lunk froze from his thoughts the image of what even one hit would do to him; Marlene; and the truck; in view of the ordnance and Protoculture they were hauling。

But Scott had seen what was happening; and dove in; loosing more missiles。 The gun emplacements were knocked out in cascades of snow and broken rock; leaving only smoking holes like horizontal chimneys。

Rook and Lancer had vanquished the last of the opposition; the VTs made an attack run and blew open the main gate of the Invid fortress。 The fighters slowed; moving on hoverthrusters; sailing into the colossal main corridor。 Lunk's APC brought up the rear; his finger on the autocannon's steering wheel trigger。

They had little time to observe the fortress; with its bizarre and unnerving bination of alien technology and XT organics。 Following Annie's tracer beam; they came to the Hive Center at last。 The aircraft had been forced to slow down in the maze; so that Lunk pulled to a stop just as they grounded VTOL style。

The VTs knelt in a Hive Center of twisting; still…burning Controller mecha。 The place was filled with thick smoke; the stench of incinerated organic material; and the reek of the disintegrating matter that had been the Sensor。 The pilots jumped down; as Lunk and Marlene both coughed from the foulness around them。

At last they spotted the mound of pinkish stuff that had been the Sensor。 Then they saw the dim flashing ing from its summit。 Scott dashed toward it。 〃Gimme a hand here!〃

The Sensor…stuff was beginning to melt; in another moment; Scott and Lunk had pull

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