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to Year 3 ?

    A。 Agriculture; munication; Transportation B。 Agriculture; munication
; Construction C。 munication; Construction ; Transportation D。 Construction
; Finance and Real Estate, Transportation E。 munication; Construction
; Finance and Real Estate

    11。 Which one of these types of industry experienced the least percent
change from Year 1 to Year4 ?

    A。 Agriculture B。 munication C。 Construction D。 Manufacturing E。

    12。 Among the following , the greatest percentage increase in ine
occurred for A。 Agriculture between Year 3 and Year 4 B。 munication
between Year 2 and Year 3 C。 Construction between Year 1 and Year 2 D。
Finance and Real Estate between Year 4 and Year 5 E。 Manufacturing between
Year 3 and Year 4

    A personnel department should first of all think of itself as a Research
group。 The research I am thinking of is a questioning of personnel techniques,
a re…examining of accepted procedures。 It is searching for facts and anticipating
future developments。 It is thinking about your job and exploring new ways
of carrying it Out。 Secondly, a personnel department should equip itself
with the knowledge and experience which will enable it to advise top management
On personnel policies and , when appropriate , to draw management's
attention to the employee relations implications of contemplated courses
of action。 Third, personnel people should work closely with line management
in developing guidelines and procedures which will help the operating
people carry out their responsibilities in the employee relations area。
Such guides will put the specialized skills which personnel people have
at the disposal of the line managers without removing the essential day…to…day
contact they should have with their own people。 Finally , the personnel
department should perform a review or survey function。 Are personnel policies
and programs being admin istered correctly? Are there particular problems
which make modifications necessary? Are the programs acplishing what
they were intended to acplish? Should changes be made to strengthen
them? These are some important questions that a review function can help

    13。 Which two personnel functions described in the passage appear
to have the most in mon?

    A。 Research and advisory B。 Research and review C。 Advisory and review
D。 Procedure and review E。 Research and procedure

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    网罗论坛( txtnovel。bbs。topzj/ )整理第八章关于笔试

    14。 〃they〃 in line 31 refers most clearly to A。 〃personnel department〃
in lines 12…13 B。 〃top management〃 in line 15 C。 〃guidelines and procedures〃
in lines 23…24 D。 〃personnel people〃 in lines 28…29 E。 〃line managers〃
in line 30

    15。 The questions posed in the last paragraph are ones which are to
be answered primarily through A。 foreseeing possible developments B。 effective
munication with employees C。 critical evaluation D。 conscientious application
of policies E。 provision of flexibility in approaches

    16。 Why does the author regard the day…to…day contact referred to
in line 31 as 〃essential〃 ?

    A。 This is needed to search for facts and anticipate developments。
B。 This is important for advising top management。 C。 This forms the basis
for developing guidelines and procedures。 D。 This is basic for knowing
that policies and programs are administered properly。 E。 The author does
not clearly say why。

    17。 In line 27, the function of the sentence beginning 〃Such guides
……〃 is that of A。 providing a rationale。 B。 emphasizing a point。 C。
indicating an analogy。 D。 adding details。 E。 presenting evidence。

    18。 All of the following are clearly indicated by the author as important
for a personnel department to be effective except A。 looking ahead to
see what will be needed in the future。 B。 seeking to find new and better
ways for handling personnel matters。 C。 giving counsel to high…level managers
on matters of personnel policy。 D。 having day…to…day contacts with people
in the various line departments。 E。 looking for new ways to make one's
job more effective。

    19。 The main point of the first paragraph is that members of a personnel
department should A。 think about their jobs so they bee as productive
as possible。 B。 have a certain kind of orientation in their work。 C。 produce
facts rather than rely on hunches。 D。 re…examine accepted personnel techniques
and procedures。 E。 emphasize anticipation of future developments。

    20。 The normal selling price of a case of soap is 10。00。 During a
special sale, the price was reduced by 10%。(Note: 10% means 10 percent。)
This sale price was 20% greater than the cost to produce a case of soap。
How much did it cost to produce a case of soap?

    A。 9。00 B。 8。00 C。 7。50 D。 7。00 E。 6。50

    21。 A picture on a page was reduced on a copier to 60% of its original
size, and this copy was then reduced by 20%。 What percent of the size
of the original picture was the final copy?

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    A。 12 B。 20 C。 40 D。 48 E。 52

    22。 In a certain department , 15% of the females and 25% of the males
are working on a project。 60% of the department is female。 What percent
of the department is working on the project ?

    A。 12 B。 19 C。 40 D。 48 E。 One cannot tell from the information given。

    23。 The total cost for five items of repair work on a car was 195。
Overhaul of the carburetor cost twice as much as the tune…up, brake pads
cost one…third as much as the carburetor overhaul , and alignment and
wheel balancing each cost one…third as much as the tune…up。 What did the
tune…up cost?

    A。 30 B。 45 C。 60 D。 90 E。 One cannot tell from the information

    24。 A certain preparation consists of liquids x , y, and z in the
proportion 5:2 :1。 How many gallons of the preparation can be made from
a stock of materials consisting of 25 gallons of x, 20 gallons of y,
and 8 gallons of z?

    A。 25 B。 40 C。 80 D。 53 E。 50

    25。 A product costing 60 cents per unit to produce had been selling
at the average rate of 1,200 ,000 units per month。 After the product
was improved, sales increased to an average of 2 ,000 ,000 units per
month。 However, the new product cost five percent more to produce。 If
the manufacturer's selling price in each instance was 75 cents per unit,
what was the manufacturer's added profit per month with the newer product?

    A。 20,000 B。 60,000 C。 200 ,000 D。 240 ,000 E。 One cannot
tell from the information given。

    8。3 银行笔试题

    8。3。1 中国工商银行笔试部分考题

    一、单项或多项选择1 、现金出纳员从银行提取现金之后,应做什么记账凭
证A 、现金收款凭证B 、现金付款凭证C 、银行存款收款凭证D 、银行存款付款
凭证2 、我国确定人民币储蓄利率的机构是:当然是中国人民银行,其他选项我
忘记了3 、IP电话是通过什么传输的A 、INTERNET B、TCP/IP网络C 、普通电话
线4 、下列机构哪个没有行政处罚权A 、国家税务总局B 、太原市公安局C 、国

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    D 、中国人民银行5 、商业银行实行基金托管后,那种投资方式带来的机遇
最大A 、养老基金B 、产业投资基金C 、封闭性投资基金D 、开放性投资基金6 、
巴塞尔协议规定的资本充足率8%,其他的不写了7 、为了保证存款人的利益,规
定()都不允许单位和个人进行查询、汇划,除了特殊规定的之外A 、个人存款
B 、单位存款C 、任何存款D 、合法存款8 、公民的权利和义务具有哪些主要特
点A 、权利和义务的广泛性B 、权利和义务的现实性C 、权利和义务的平等性D 、?

    二、英译汉大概意思是:高层主管的决策往往不是按照 CLASSICAL模式进行
进行的,许多的WRITERS ON MANAGEMENT 认识到了经理人往往通过直觉进行决策,
但是对直觉的定义却不是一致的。某些人认为直觉和 RATIONALITY是对立的,而



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