贝壳电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版 >


时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第94章

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  didn’t want the girls to have to miss a day of school。 It 
  wasn’t until we’d actually pulled up in front of a duplex 
  apartment on Boulevard Saint Germain that I wondered what it 
  was exactly that I was supposed to do all night。 She’d always 
  been rather good about not abusing Emily or me or any of her 
  staff in public; which indicated—at least on some level—that 
  she knew she was doing it in the first place。 So if she 
  couldn’t really order me to fetch her drinks or find her 
  someone on the phone or have something dry…cleaned while we 
  were standing there; what was I to do?

  “Ahn…dre…ah; this party is being hosted by a couple with whom 
  I was friendly when we lived in Paris。 They requested that I 
  bring along an assistant to entertain their son; who generally 
  finds these events rather dull。 I’m sure the two of you will 
  get along well。” She waited until the driver opened her door; 
  then she daintily stepped out in her perfect Jimmy Choo pumps。 
  Before I could open my own door; she had climbed the three 
  steps and was already handing her coat to the butler; who was 
  clearly awaiting her arrival。 I slumped back into the soft 
  leather seat for just a minute; trying to process this new gem 
  of information she’d so coolly relayed。 The hair; the makeup; 
  the rescheduling; the panicked consultation with the style 
  book; the biker…chick boots; were all so I could spend the 
  night babysitting some rich couple’s snot…nosed kid? And 
  aFrench snot…nosed kid; no less。

  I spent three full minutes reminding myself thatThe New Yorker 
  was now only a couple months away; that my year of servitude 
  was about to pay off; that I could surely make it through one 
  more night of tedium to get my dream job。 It didn’t help。 All 
  of a sudden; I desperately wanted to curl up on my parents’ 
  couch and have my mom microwave me some tea while my dad set 
  up the Scrabble board。 Jill and even Kyle would be visiting; 
  too; with baby Isaac; who would coo and smile when he saw me 
  and Alex would call and tell me he loved me。 No one would care 
  that my sweatpants were stained or my toes were frightfully 
  unpedicured or that I was eating a big; fat chocolate éclair。 
  Not a single person would even know that there were fashion 
  shows going on somewhere across the Atlantic; and they sure as 
  hell wouldn’t be interested in hearing about them。 But all of 
  that seemed incredibly far away; a lifetime actually; and 
  right now I had to contend with a coterie of people who lived 
  and died on the runway。 That; and what was sure to be a 
  screaming; spoiled little boy speaking some French gibberish。

  When I finally pulled my scantily…but…stylishly clad self from 
  the limo; the butler was no longer expecting anyone。 There was 
  music ing from a live band and the smell of scented candles 
  wafted outside from a window above the small garden。 I took a 
  deep breath and reached up to knock; but the door swung open。 
  It’s safe to say that never; ever; in my young life had I been 
  more surprised than I was that night: Christian was smiling 
  back at me。

  “Andy; darling; so glad you could make it;” he said; leaning 
  in and kissing me full on the mouth—a bit intimate considering 
  my mouth had been hanging wide open in disbelief。

  “What are you doing here?”

  He grinned and pushed that ever…present curl off his forehead。 
  “Shouldn’t I be asking you the same thing? Because you seem to 
  follow me everywhere I go; I’m going to have to assume you 
  want to sleep with me。”

  I blushed and; always the lady; snorted loudly。 “Yeah; 
  something like that。 Actually; I’m not here as a guest; I’m 
  just a very well dressed babysitter。 Miranda asked me to e 
  along and didn’t tell me until the last second that I’m 
  supposed to be watching the hosts’ bratty son tonight。 So; if 
  you’ll excuse me; I better go make sure he has all the milk 
  and crayons he’ll need。”

  “Oh; he’s just fine; and I’m pretty sure the only thing he’ll 
  be needing tonight is another kiss from his babysitter。” And 
  he cupped my face in his hands and kissed me again。 I opened 
  my mouth to protest; to ask him what the hell was going on; 
  but he took that as enthusiasm and slid his tongue into my 

  “Christian!” I was hissing quietly; wondering just how quickly 
  Miranda would fire me if she caught me making out with some 
  random guy at one of her own parties。 “What the hell are you 
  doing? Let go of me!” I squirmed away; but he just continued 
  to grin that annoyingly adorable smile。

  “Andy; since you seem to be a little slow on the uptake here; 
  this ismy house。My parents are hosting this party; and I was 
  clever enough to have them ask your boss to bring you along。 
  Did she tell you I was ten years old; or did you just decide 
  that for yourself?”

  “You’re joking。 Tell me you’re joking。 Please?”

  “Nope。 Fun; right? Since I can’t seem to pin you down any 
  other way; I thought this might work。 My stepmother and 
  Miranda used to be friendly when Miranda worked at 
  FrenchRunway —she’s a photographer and does shoots for them 
  all the time—so I just had her tell Miranda that her lonely 
  son wouldn’t mind a little pany in the form of one 
  attractive assistant。 Worked like a charm。 e on; let’s get 
  you a drink。” He put his hand on the small of my back and led 
  me toward a massive oak bar in the living room; which 
  currently had three uniformed bartenders administering 
  martinis and glasses of Scotch and elegant flutes of 

  “So; let me just get this straight: I don’t have to babysit 
  for anyone tonight? You don’t have a baby brother or anything 
  like that; do you?” It was inprehensible that I had driven 
  to a party with Miranda Priestly and had no responsibilities 
  for the entire night except to hang out with a Hot Smart 
  Writer。 Maybe they’d invited me because they were planning to 
  make me dance or sing to entertain the guests; or perhaps they 
  were really short one cocktail waitress and figured I was the 
  easiest last…minute fill…in? Or maybe we were headed to the 
  coat check; where I would relieve the girl who sat there now; 
  looking bored and tired? My mind refused to wrap itself around 
  Christian’s story。

  “Well; I’m not saying you don’t have to babysit at all 
  tonight; because I plan on needing lots and lots of attention。 
  But I think it’ll be a better night than you’d anticipated。 
  Wait right here。” He kissed me on the cheek and disappeared 
  into the crowd of partygoers; mostly distinguished…looking men 
  and sort of artsy; fashionable women in their forties and 
  fifties; what appeared to be a mix of bankers and magazine 
  people; with a few designers; photographers; and models thrown 
  in for good measure。 There was a small; elegant stone patio in 
  the back of the townhouse; all lit by white candles; where a 
  violinist played softly; and I peeked outside。 Immediately I 
  recognized Anna Wintour; looking absolutely ravishing in a 
  cream…colored silk slip dress and beaded Manolo sandals。 She 
  was talking animatedly to a man I presumed to be her 
  boyfriend; although her giant Chanel sunglasses prevented me 
  from being able to tell if she was amused; indifferent; or 
  sobbing。 The press loved to pare the antics and attitudes 
  of Anna and Miranda; but I found it impossible to believe that 
  anyone could be quite as unbearable as my boss。

  Behind her stood what I presumed to be a fewVogue editors; 
  eyeing Anna warily and wearily like our own Clackers eye 
  Miranda; and next to them was a screeching Donatella Versace。 
  Her face was so caked with makeup; her clothes were so 
  phenomenally tight; that she actually looked 

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