贝壳电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版 >


时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第59章

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  011。33。1。55。22。92。64: driver

  011。33。1。55。66。76。33: assistant’s number in Paris; in case you 
  cannot find him

  9。00: Natalie from Glorious Foods called to see whether you’d prefer 
  that the Vacherin be filled with mixed berries praline or warm 
  rhubarb pote。 Please call her。


  9。00: Ingrid Sischy called to congratulate you on the April issue。 
  Says the cover is “spectacular; as always” and wants toknow who 
  styled the front…of…book beauty shoot。 Please call her。

  555。6246: office

  555。8833: Home

  Note: Miho Kosudo called to apologize for being unable to deliver 
  Damien Hirst’s flower arrangement。 They said to be sure to tell you 
  that they waited outside his building for four hours; but since he 
  doesn’t have a doorman; they had to leave。 They will try again 

  9。15: Mr。 Samuels called。 He will be unreachable until after lunch; 
  but wants to remind you of parent…teacher conferences tonight at 
  Horace Mann。 He would like to discuss Caroline’s history project 
  with you before hand。 Please call him after 2。00P 。M。 but before 
  4。00P 。M。


  9。15: Mr。 Tomlinson called again。 He asked Andrea to make 
  reservations for dinner tonight after parent…teacher conferences。 
  Please call him。 He is on cell。

  Note: Andrea made reservations for you and Mr。 Tomlinson tonight at 
  8。00P 。M。 at La Caravelle。 Rita Jammet said she is looking forward 
  to seeing you again; and she’s delighted you chose her restaurant。

  9。30: Donatella Versace called。 She said everything’s confirmed for 
  your visit。 Will you be needing any staff besides a driver; a chef; 
  a trainer; a hair and makeup person; a personal assistant; three 
  maids; and a yacht captain? If so; please let her know before she 
  leaves for Milan。 She will also provide Cell Phones; but won’t be 
  able to join you as she’ll be preparing for the shows。


  9。45: Judith Mason called。 Please call her back。


  I crumpled the sheet and tossed it in the basket under my desk; 
  where it immediately soaked up the leftover grease from Miranda’s 
  third morning breakfast that I’d already thrown out。 So far; a 
  relatively normal day as far as the Bulletin was concerned。 I was 
  just about to click “inbox” on my Hotmail account to see if anyone 
  had e…mailed yet when she cruised into the office。 Damn that Sophy! 
  She’d forgotten the warning call again。

  “I expect the Bulletin is updated;” she said icily without making 
  eye contact or otherwise acknowledging our presence。

  “It is; Miranda;” I replied; holding it up to her so she needn’t so 
  much as reach for it。Three words and counting; I thought to myself; 
  predicting—and praying—it wouldn’t be more than a seventy…five…word 
  day on my part。 She removed her waist…length mink; so plush I had to 
  restrain myself from burying my face into it right there; and tossed 
  it onto my desk。 As I went to hang that magnificent dead animal in 
  the closet; trying to rub it discreetly against my cheek; I felt a 
  quick shock of cold and wet: there were tiny bits of still…frozen 
  sleet stuck to the fur。 How fabulously apropos。

  Pulling the lid from a lukewarm latte; I carefully arranged today’s 
  greasy pile of bacon; sausage; and cheese…filled pastry on a filthy 
  plate。 I tiptoed into her office and carefully placed everything 
  unobtrusively on a corner of her desk。 She was concentrating on 
  writing a note on her ecru Dempsey and Carroll stationery and spoke 
  so softly I almost didn’t hear。

  “Ahn…dre…ah; I need to discuss the engagement party with you。 Get a 

  I nodded; simultaneously realizing that nodding doesn’t count as a 
  word。 This engagement party had already bee the bane of my 
  existence and it was still more than a month away; but since Miranda 
  was leaving for the European shows soon and would be gone for two 
  weeks; planning this party had occupied the vast majority of both 
  our recent workdays。 I returned to her office with a pad and pen; 
  preparing myself to not understand a single word she’d say。 I 
  considered sitting for just a moment since it’d make taking 
  dictation much more fortable; but wisely resisted。

  She sighed as though this were so taxing she wasn’t sure if she’d 
  make it and tugged on the white Hermès scarf that she’d woven into a 
  braceletlike thing around her wrist。 “Find Natalie at Glorious Foods 
  and tell her that I prefer the rhubarb pote。 Do not let her 
  convince you that she needs to speak with me directly; because she 
  does not。 Also talk to Miho and make sure they understand my orders 
  for the flowers。 Get Robert Isabell on the phone for me sometime 
  before lunch to go over tablecloths; place cards; and serving trays。 
  Also that girl from the Met to see when I can go over to make sure 
  everything is set up properly; and tell her to fax over the table 
  configurations so I may do seating charts。 That’s all for now。”

  She had rattled off that list without a single pause in her note 
  writing; and when she finished speaking she handed me her newly 
  crafted note to mail。 I finished scribbling on my pad; hoping I’d 
  understood everything correctly; which; considering the accent and 
  the rapid…fire cadence; wasn’t always simple。

  “OK;” I muttered and turned to go; bringing up my Total Miranda 
  Words to four。Maybe I won’t break fifty; I thought。 I could feel her 
  eyes examining the size of my butt as I walked back to my desk and 
  briefly considered whipping around to walk backward like a religious 
  Jew would do when leaving the Wailing Wall。 Instead; I tried to 
  glide toward the hidden safety of my desk while picturing thousands 
  and thousands ofHasidim in Prada black; walking backward circles 
  around Miranda Priestly。


  The blissful day I’d been waiting for; dreaming of; had finally; 
  finally arrived。 Miranda had not only departed the office; but she’d 
  left the country as well。 She’d jumped into her Concorde seat less 
  than an hour before to meet with a few of the European designers; 
  making me at present the indisputably happiest girl on the planet。 
  Emily kept trying to convince me that Miranda was even more 
  demanding when she was abroad; but I wasn’t buying it。 I was in the 
  middle of mapping out exactly how I was going to spend every 
  ecstatic moment of the next two weeks when I got an e…mail from 

  Hey babe; how are you? Hope your day is at least ok。 You must be 
  loving that she left; right? Enjoy it。 Anyway; just wanted to see if 
  you think you’ll be able to call me around three…thirty today。 I 
  have a free hour then before the reading program starts and I need 
  to talk to you。 Nothing major; but I would like to talk。 Love; A

  To which I immediately worried and replied to ask if everything was 
  OK; but he must have logged off right away because he never wrote 
  back again。 I made a mental note to call him at exactly 
  three…thirty; loving the feeling of freedom that es from knowing 
  that She wouldn’t be around to screw it up。 But just in case; I 
  pulled a piece ofRunway stationery from the pile and wrote CALL A; 
  3:30 P。M。 TODAY and taped it to the side of my monitor。 Just as I 
  was going to call back a friend from school who’d left a message on 
  my Home machine a week earlier; the phone rang。

  “Miranda Priestly’s office;” I all but sighed; figuring that there 
  wasn’t a single person on earth I wanted to speak with at that 

  “Emily? Is that you? Emily?” The unmistakable voice filled the phone 
  line and seemed to seep into the air in the office。 Even though she 
  couldn’t have possibly heard from across the suite; Emily looked up 
  at me。

  “Hello; Mirand

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