贝壳电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版 >


时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第57章

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  actually arrested her was because she gave him the finger when he 
  asked if she had; in fact; pulled her pants down 。 。 。”

  “Oh; my god。 I can’t take it anymore。 This is what it must feel like 
  to be a mother。”

  “。 。 。 but they let her go with just a warning; and she’s going back 
  to her apartment to recover—sounds like she was pretty drunk。 I 
  mean; why else would someone flip off a police officer? So don’t 
  worry。 Let’s get you moved in and then we can go see her if you 
  want。” He headed toward the cart my dad had left in the middle of 
  the living room and started unloading boxes。

  I couldn’t wait until later; I had to see what had happened。 She 
  picked up on the fourth ring; right before it clicked into voice 
  mail; as if she’d been debating whether or not to answer it。

  “Are you OK?” I asked her the second I heard her voice。

  “Hey; Andy。 Hope I’m not screwing up the move at all。 You don’t need 
  me; right? Sorry about all this。”

  “No; I don’t care about that; I care about you。 Are you OK?” It had 
  just occurred to me that Lily may have spent the night at the police 
  station; considering that it was early Saturday morning and she was 
  just leaving。 “Did you stay overnight? Injail? ”

  “Well; yeah; I guess you could say that。 It wasn’t so bad; nothing 
  like TV or anything。 I just slept in this room with one other 
  totally harmless girl who was in for something just as stupid。 The 
  guards were totally cool—it really wasn’t a big deal。 No bars or 
  anything。” She laughed; but it sounded hollow。

  I digested this for a moment; tried to reconcile the image of sweet 
  little hippie Lily getting cornered in a urine…flooded cell by an 
  extremely angry and possessive lesbian。 “Where the hell was Tongue 
  Ring Boy through all of this? Did he just leave you to rot in jail?” 
  But before she could answer; it occurred to me: Where the hell was I 
  through all of this? Why hadn’t Lily called me?

  “He was actually really great; he—”

  “Lily; why—”

  “。 。 。 offered to stay with me and even called his parents’ lawyer—”

  “Lily。 Lily! Stop for a second。 Why didn’t you call me? You know I 
  would’ve been there in a second and not left until they’d let you 
  go。 So why? Why didn’t you call me?”

  “Oh; Andy; it doesn’t matter anymore。 It really wasn’t that bad; I 
  swear。 I can’t believe how stupid I was; and trust me; I’m over 
  getting that drunk。 It’s just not worth it。”

  “Why? Why didn’t you call? I was Home all night。”

  “It’s not important; really。 I didn’t call because I figured you 
  were either working or really; really tired; and I didn’t want to 
  bother you。 Especially on a Friday night。”

  I thought back to what I’d been doing the night before and the only 
  thing that stuck clearly in my mind was watchingDirty Dancing on TNT 
  for exactly the sixty…eighth time in my life。 And out of all those 
  times; that had been the first that I’d fallen asleep before Johnny 
  announced; “No one puts Baby in the corner;” and proceeded to; quite 
  literally; lift her off her feet; until Dr。 Houseman admits that he 
  knows Johnny wasn’t the one who got Penny in trouble; and claps him 
  on the back and kisses Baby; who has recently reclaimed the name 
  Frances。 I considered the whole scene a defining factor in my 

  “Working? You thought I was working? And what does too tired have to 
  do with it when you need help? Lil; I don’t get it。”

  “Look; Andy; let’s drop it; OK? You work constantly。 Day and night; 
  and lots of times on weekends。 And when you’re not working; you’re 
  plaining about work。 Not that I don’t understand; because I know 
  how tough your job is; and I know you work for a lunatic。 But I 
  wasn’t going to be the one to interrupt a Friday night when you 
  might actually be relaxing or hanging out with Alex。 I mean; he says 
  he never sees you; and I didn’t want to take that away from him。 If 
  I’d really needed you; I would’ve called; and I know you would’ve 
  e running。 But I swear; it wasn’t so bad。 Please; can we forget 
  it? I’m exhausted and I really need a shower and my own bed。”

  I was so stunned I couldn’t speak; but Lily took my silence for 

  “You there?” she asked after nearly thirty seconds; during which I 
  was desperately trying to find the words to apologize or explain or 
  something。 “Listen; I just got Home。 I need sleep。 Can I call you 

  “Um; uh; sure;” I managed。 “Lil; I’m so sorry。 If I’ve ever given 
  you the impression that you can’t—”

  “Andy; don’t。 Nothing’s wrong—I’m fine; we’re fine。 Let’s just talk 

  “OK。 Sleep well。 Call me if I can do anything 。 。 。”

  “Will do。 Oh; how’s the new place; by the way?”

  “It’s great; Lil; it really is。 You did a fantastic job with it。 
  It’s better than I’d ever imagined。 We’re going to love it here。” My 
  voice sounded empty to my own ears; and it was obvious I was talking 
  just for the sake of it; keeping her on the phone to make sure our 
  friendship hadn’t changed in some inexplicable but permanent way。

  “Great。 I’m so glad you like it。 Hopefully Tongue Ring Boy will like 
  it; too;” she joked; although that; too; sounded hollow。

  We hung up and I stood in the living room; staring at the phone 
  until my mom walked in to announce that they were going to take Alex 
  and me out for lunch。

  “What’s wrong; Andy? And where’s Lily? I figured she’d need some 
  help with her stuff; too; but we’re not going to stick around much 
  after three。 Is she on her way?”

  “No; she’s; uh; she got sick last night。 It’s been ing on for a 
  few days; I guess; so she probably won’t move in until tomorrow。 
  That was just her on the phone。”

  “Well; you’re sure she’s all right? Do you think we should go over 
  there? I always feel so badly for that girl—no real parents; just 
  that cranky old bat of a grandmother。” She put her hand on my 
  shoulder; as if to drive Home the pain。 “She’s lucky she’s got you 
  for a friend。 Otherwise she’d be all alone in the world。”

  My voice caught in my throat; but after a few seconds I managed a 
  few words。 “Yeah; I guess so。 But she’s fine; she really is。 Just 
  going to sleep it off。 Let’s get sandwiches; OK? The doorman said 
  there’s a great deli four blocks down。”

  “Miranda Priestly’s office;” I answered in my now usual bored tone 
  that I hoped conveyed my misery to whoever was daring to interrupt 
  my e…mailing time。

  “Hi; is that Em…Em…Em…Emily?” asked a lisping; stuttering voice on 
  the other end。

  “No; it’s Andrea。 I’m Miranda’s new assistant;” I said; even though 
  I’d already introduced myself to a thousand curious callers。

  “Ah; Miranda’s new assistant;” the strange female voice roared。 
  “Aren’t you the luckiest girl in the w…w…w…world! How are you 
  finding your tenure with supreme evil thus far?”

  I perked up。 This was new。 In all the days I’d worked atRunway; I’d 
  never met a single person who dared to badmouth Miranda so boldly。 
  Was she serious? Could she be baiting me?

  “Um; well; working atRunway has been a really great learning 
  experience;” I heard myself stutter。 “It’s a job a million girls 
  would die for; of course。” Did I just say that?

  There was a moment of silence; followed by a hyena…like howl。 “Oh; 
  that’s just f…f…f…fucking perfect!” she screeched; doing some sort 
  of simultaneous laugh…choke。 “Does she lock you in your West Village 
  studio apartment and deprive you of all things G…g…g…gucci until 
  you’re brainwashed enough to actually say shit like that? 
  F…f…f…fantastic! That woman is really a piece of work! Well; Miss 
  Learning Experi

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