贝壳电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版 >


时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第33章

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  toppled over when one of my heels got stuck in the loops。 The walls 
  were papered in a thick; cream…colored fabric that had tiny cream 
  pinstripes running the length; and there was a suede cream bench 
  pushed against the wall。 The French doors directly in front of me 
  said PH B; but I swiveled and saw identical doors with PH A。 It took 
  every ounce of restraint not to ring the bell; but I remembered 
  Emily’s warning and slid the key in the lock。 It clicked right away; 
  and before I could fix my hair or wonder what was on the other side; 
  I was standing in a large; airy foyer and smelling the most amazing 
  scent of lamb chops。 And there she was; delicately bringing a fork 
  to her mouth while two identical; black…haired little girls yelled 
  at each other across the table and a tall; rugged…looking man with 
  silver hair and a broad; face…enpassing nose read a newspaper。

  “Mum; tell her that she can’t just walk in my room and take my 
  jeans! She won’t listen to me;” one of them pleaded of Miranda; 
  who’d set down her fork and was taking a sip of what I knew to be 
  Pellegrino with a lime; from theleft side of the table。

  “Caroline; Cassidy; enough。 I simply don’t want to hear it anymore。 
  Tomas; bring out some more mint jelly;” she called。 A man I presumed 
  to be the chef hurried into the room holding a silver bowl on a 
  silver serving platter。

  And then I realized that I’d been standing there for nearly thirty 
  seconds; observing them all having dinner。 They hadn’t seen me yet; 
  but would as soon as I moved toward the hall table。 I did so 
  gingerly but felt them all turn to look。 Just as I was about to 
  offer some sort of greeting; I remembered making a gigantic ass out 
  of myself at our first meeting earlier today; stammering and 
  stumbling like an idiot; and I kept my mouth shut。Table; table; 
  table 。 There it was。Deposit book on table 。 And now for the 
  clothes。 I looked around frantically for the place I was supposed to 
  hang the dry cleaning; but I couldn’t focus。 The dinner table had 
  grown silent; and I could feel them all watching me。 No one said 
  hello。 It didn’t seem to bother the girls that there was a perfect 
  stranger standing in their apartment。 Finally; I saw a small coat 
  closet tucked away behind the door; and I managed to get every 
  twisted; slippery hanger on the rod。

  “Not in the closet; Emily;” I heard Miranda call out; slowly; 
  deliberately。 “On the hooks that are provided for this exact 

  “Oh; um; hi there。”Idiot! Shut up! She’s not looking for a response; 
  just do what she says! But I couldn’t help it。 It was just too weird 
  that no one had said hello or wondered who I might be; or in any way 
  acknowledged that someone had just let herself into their apartment 
  and was prowling around。 AndEmily? Was she kidding? Blind? Could she 
  really not tell that I was not the girl who’d worked for her for 
  over a year already? “I’m Andrea; Miranda。 I’m your new assistant。”

  Silence。 All…pervasive; unbearable; never…ending; deafening; 
  debilitating silence。

  I knew I shouldn’t keep talking; knew that I was digging my own 
  grave; but I just couldn’t help myself。 “Um; well; sorry about the 
  confusion。 I’ll just put these on the hooks; like you said; and let 
  myself out。”Stop narrating! She doesn’t give a shit what you’re 
  doing。 Just do it and get out 。 “OK; then; have a nice dinner。 Nice 
  meeting all of you。” I turned to leave and realized that not only 
  was the mere act of talking ridiculous; but I was also saying stupid 
  things。Nice to meet you? I hadn’t been introduced to a single one of 

  “Emily!” I heard just as my hand reached the doorknob。 “Emily; let 
  this not happen tomorrow night。 We’re not interested in the 
  interruption。” And the doorknob turned itself in my hand and I was 
  finally in the hallway。 The entire thing had taken less than a 
  minute; but I felt like I’d just swum the entire length of an 
  Olympic…size pool without ing up for air。

  I slumped onto the bench and took long; controlled breaths。 That 
  bitch! The first time she called me Emily could’ve been a mistake; 
  but the second was undoubtedly deliberate。 What better way to 
  belittle and marginalize someone than to insist on calling them the 
  wrong name; after you’ve refused to so much as acknowledge their 
  presence in your own Home? I knew I was the lowest…ranking life…form 
  at the magazine already—as Emily hadn’t yet lost an opportunity to 
  impress upon me—but was it really so necessary for Miranda to make 
  sure I was aware of it; too?

  It wouldn’t have been outside the realm of reality to sit there all 
  night and shoot mental bullets at the PH A doors; but I heard a 
  throat clearing and looked up to find the sad little elevator man 
  watching the floor and patiently waiting for me to join him。

  “Sorry;” I said as I shuffled aboard。

  “No problem;” he near…whispered; intently studying the wood…paneled 
  floor。 “It’ll get easier。”

  “What? I’m sorry; I didn’t hear what you—”

  “Nothing; nothing。 Here you are; miss。 Have a nice evening。” The 
  door opened to the lobby; where Emily was loudly chattering on her 
  Cell Phone。 She clicked it closed when she saw me。

  “How’d it go? No problem; right?”

  I thought about telling her what had transpired; wished fervently 
  that she could be a sympathetic coworker; that we could be a team; 
  but I knew I’d just be setting myself up for another verbal 
  lashing。So not interested right now。

  “It was totally fine。 No problems at all。 They were eating dinner 
  and I just left everything exactly where you said。”

  “Good。 Well; that’s what you’ll do every night。 Then just take the 
  car Home and you’re done。 Anyway; have fun at Marshall’s party 
  tonight。 I’d definitely go; but I have a bikini wax appointment I 
  just can’t cancel—do you believe they’re booked for the next two 
  months? And it’s the middle of winter; too。 It must be all the 
  people who are going on winter vacations。 Right? I just can’t 
  understand why every woman in New York needs a bikini wax right now。 
  It’s just so strange; but hey; what can you do?”

  My head pounded to the tempo of her voice; and it seemed that no 
  matter what I did or how I responded; I was sentenced to forever 
  listen to her talk about bikini waxes。 It may have been better to 
  have her scream at me about interrupting Miranda’s dinner。

  “Yeah; what can you do? Well; I’d better get going; I told James I’d 
  meet him at nine and it’s already ten after。 See you tomorrow?”

  “Yep。 Will do。 Oh; just so you know; now that you’re pretty much 
  trained; you’ll still get in at seven; but I don’t e in until 
  eight。 Miranda knows—it’s understood that the senior assistant es 
  in later since she works so much harder。” I almost lunged at her 
  throat。 “So just go through the morning routine like I taught you。 
  Call me if you have to; but you should know the drill by now。 ’Bye!” 
  She hopped into the backseat of the second car that was waiting in 
  front of the building。

  “’Bye!” I trilled; a giant fake smile plastered on my face。 The 
  driver made a move to get out of the car and open the door for me; 
  but I told him I was fine to let myself into the backseat。 “The 
  Plaza; please。”

  James had been waiting for me on the stairs outside even though it 
  couldn’t have been more than twenty degrees。 He’d gone Home to 
  change and looked very; very skinny in black suede pants and a white 
  ribbed tank top; which showed off his expertly applied midwinter 
  bottle tan。 I still looked appropriately amateurish in my Gap 

  “Hey; Andy; how’d the Book dropping…off go?” We waited in

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