贝壳电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版 >


时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第14章

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  stare: there were enough clothes to constitute four or more total 
  preteen wardrobes。Who the hell are Cassidy and Caroline? I wondered; 
  staring at the loot。 What self…respecting person wears Tommy 
  Hilfiger jeans—in three different colors; no less?

  I must’ve looked thoroughly confused; because Leanne quite purposely 
  turned her back while repacking the clothes and said; “I just know 
  Miranda’s daughters will love this stuff。 We’ve been dressing them 
  for years; and Tommy insists on picking the clothes out for them 
  himself。” I shot her a grateful look and threw the bag over my 

  “Good luck!” she called as the elevator doors closed; a genuine 
  smile taking up most of her face。 “You’re lucky to have such an 
  awesome job!” Before she could say it; I found myself mentally 
  finishing the sentence—a million girls would die for it。And for that 
  moment; having just seen a famous designer’s studio and in 
  possession of thousands of dollars worth of clothes; I thought she 
  was right。

  Once I got the hang of things; the rest of the day flew。 I debated 
  for a few minutes whether anyone would be mad if I took a minute to 
  pick up a sandwich; but I had no choice。 I hadn’t eaten anything 
  since my croissant at seven this morning; and it was nearly two。 I 
  asked the driver to pull over at a deli and decided at the last 
  minute to get him one; too。 His jaw dropped when I handed him the 
  turkey and honey mustard; and I wondered if I had made him 

  “I just figured you were hungry; too;” I said。 “You know; driving 
  around all day; you probably don’t have much time for lunch。”

  “Thank you; miss; I appreciate it。 It’s just that I’ve been driving 
  around Elias…Clark girls for twelve years; and they are not so nice。 
  You are very nice;” he said in a thick but indeterminate accent; 
  looking at me in the rearview mirror。 I smiled at him and felt a 
  momentary flash of foreboding。 But then the moment passed and we 
  each munched our turkey wraps while sitting in gridlock and 
  listening to his favorite CD; which sounded to me like little more 
  than a woman shrieking the same thing over and over in an unknown 
  language; the whole thing set to sitar music。

  Emily’s next written instruction was to pick up a pair of white 
  shorts that Miranda desperately needed for tennis。 I figured we’d be 
  headed to Polo; but she had written Chanel。 Chanel made white tennis 
  shorts? The driver took me to the private salon; where an older 
  saleswoman whose facelift had left her eyes looking like slits 
  handed me a pair of white cotton…Lycra hot pants; size zero; pinned 
  to a silk hanger and draped in a velvet garment bag。 I looked at the 
  shorts; which appeared as though they wouldn’t fit a six…year…old; 
  and looked back to the woman。

  “Um; do you really think Miranda will wear these?” I asked 
  tentatively; convinced the woman could open that pit…bull mouth of 
  hers and consume me whole。 She glared at me。

  “Well; I should hope so; miss; considering they’re custom measured 
  and cut; according to her exact specifications;” she snarled as she 
  handed the minishorts over。 “Tell her Mr。 Kopelman sends his 
  best。”Sure; lady。 Whoever that is。

  My next stop was what Emily wrote as “way downtown;” J&R puter 
  World near City Hall。 Seemed it was the only store in the entire 
  city that sold Warriors of the West; a puter game that Miranda 
  wanted to purchase for Oscar and Annette de la Renta’s son; Moises。 
  By the time I made it downtown an hour later; I’d realized that the 
  Cell Phone could make long…distance calls; and I was happily dialing 
  my parents and telling them how great the job was。

  “Um; Dad? Hi; it’s Andy。 Guess where I am now? Yes; of course I’m at 
  work; but that happens to be in the backseat of a chauffeured car 
  cruising around Manhattan。 I’ve already been to Tommy Hilfiger and 
  Chanel; and after I buy this puter game; I’m on my way to Oscar 
  de la Renta’s apartment on Park Avenue to drop all the stuff off。 
  No; it’s not for him! Miranda’s in the DR and Annette’s flying there 
  to meet them all tonight。 On a private plane; yes! Dad! It stands 
  for the Dominican Republic; of course!”

  He sounded wary but pleased that I was so happy; and I came to 
  decide that I was hired as college…educated messenger。 Which was 
  absolutely fine with me。 After leaving the bag of Tommy clothes; the 
  hot pants; and the puter game with a very distinguished…looking 
  doorman in a very plush Park Avenue lobby (so this is what people 
  mean when they talk about Park Avenue!); I headed back to the 
  Elias…Clark building。 When I walked into my office area; Emily was 
  sitting Indian…style on the floor; wrapping presents in plain white 
  paper with white ribbons。 She was surrounded by mountains of 
  red…and…white boxes; all identical in shape; hundreds; perhaps 
  thousands; scattered between our desks and overflowing into 
  Miranda’s office。 Emily was unaware that I was watching her; and I 
  saw that it took her only two minutes to wrap each individual box 
  perfectly and an additional fifteen seconds to tie on a white satin 
  ribbon。 She moved efficiently; not wasting a single second; piling 
  the wrapped white boxes in new mountains behind her。 The wrapped 
  pile grew and grew; but the unwrapped pile didn’t shrink。 I 
  estimated that she could be at it for the next four days and still 
  not finish。

  I called her name over the eighties CD she had playing from her 
  puter。 “Um; Emily? Hi; I’m back。”

  She turned toward me and for a brief moment appeared to have no idea 
  who I was。 pletely blank。 But then my new…girl status came 
  rushing back。 “How’d it go?” she asked quickly。 “Did you get 
  everything on the list?”

  I nodded。

  “Even the video game? When I called; there was only one copy left。 
  It was there?”

  I nodded again。

  “And you gave it all to the de la Rentas’ doorman on Park? The 
  clothes; the shorts; everything?”

  “Yep。 No problem。 It went very smoothly; and I dropped it all off a 
  few minutes ago。 I was wondering; will Miranda actually wear those—”

  “Listen; I need to run to the bathroom and I’ve been waiting for you 
  to get back。 Just sit by the phone for a minute; OK?”

  “You haven’t gone to the bathroom since I left?” I asked 
  incredulously。 It had been five hours。 “Why not?”

  Emily finished tying the ribbon on the box she had just wrapped and 
  looked at me coolly。 “Miranda doesn’t tolerate anyone except her 
  assistants answering her phone; so since you weren’t here; I didn’t 
  want to go。 I suppose I could have run out for a minute; but I know 
  she’s having a hectic day; and I want to make sure that I’m always 
  available to her。 So no; we do not go to the bathroom—or anywhere 
  else—without clearing it with each other。 We need to work together 
  to make sure that we are doing the best job possible for her。 OK?”

  “Sure;” I said。 “Go ahead。 I’ll be right here。” She turned and 
  walked away; and I put my hand on the desk to steady myself。 No 
  going to the bathroom without a coordinated war plan? Did she really 
  sit in that office for the past five hours willing her bladder to 
  behave because she worried that a woman across the Atlantic may call 
  in the two and a half minutes it would take to run to the ladies’ 
  room? Apparently so。 It seemed a little dramatic; but I assumed that 
  was just Emily being overly enthusiastic。 There was no way that 
  Miranda actually demanded that of her assistants。 I was sure of it。 
  Or did she?

  I picked up a few sheets of paper from the printer and saw that it 
  was titled “X…Mas Presents Received。” One; two; three; four; 
  five;six single…spaced

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