贝壳电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版 >


时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第102章

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  city paid our full asking price—six hundred dollars more per 
  month than we ourselves paid。 The three hundred bucks a month 
  was more than enough for each of us to live on; especially 
  considering my parents ped us food; laundry; and the use of 
  a beat…up Camry。 The Swedes were leaving the week after New 
  Year’s; just in time for Lily to start her semester over again 
  and for me to; well; do something。

  Emily had been the one who officially fired me。 Not that I’d 
  had any lingering doubts as to my employment status after my 
  little foul…mouthed temper tantrum; but I suppose Miranda had 
  been livid enough to drive Home one last dig。 The whole thing 
  had taken only three or four minutes and had unfolded with the 
  ruthlessRunway efficiency that I loved so much。

  I’d just managed to hail a cab and pry the left boot from my 
  pulsating foot when the phone rang。 Of course my heart 
  instinctively lurched forward; but when I remembered that I’d 
  just told Miranda what she could do with herYou remind me of 
  myself when I was your age; I realized it couldn’t be her。 I 
  did a quick tabulation of the minutes that had passed: one for 
  Miranda to shut her gaping mouth and recover her cool for all 
  the Clackers who were watching; another for her to locate her 
  Cell Phone and call Emily at Home; a third to convey the 
  sordid details of my unprecedented outburst; and a final one 
  for Emily to reassure Miranda that she herself would “see to 
  it that everything was taken care of。” Yes; although the 
  caller ID simply said “unavailable” on international phone 
  calls; there wasn’t a doubt in the world who was ringing。

  “Hi; Em; how are you?” I practically sang while rubbing my 
  bare foot and trying not to let it touch the filthy taxi 

  She seemed to be caught off…guard by my downright chipper 
  tone。 “Andrea?”

  “Hey; it’s me; I’m right here。 What’s up? I’m kind of in a 
  hurry; so 。 。 。” I thought about asking her directly if she’d 
  called to fire me but decided to give her a break for once。 I 
  braced myself for the verbal tirade she was sure to let loose 
  on me—how could you let her down; me down;Runway down; the 
  wide world of fashion; blah; blah; blah—but it never came。

  “Oh yeah; of course。 So; I just spoke to Miranda 。 。 。” Her 
  voice trailed off as though she was hoping I’d continue and 
  explain that the whole thing had been a big mistake and not to 
  worry because I’d managed to fix it in the last four minutes。

  “And you heard what happened; I’m assuming?”

  “Um; yeah! Andy; what’s going on?”

  “I should probably be asking you that; right?”

  There was silence。

  “Listen; Em; I have a feeling that you called to fire me。 It’s 
  OK if you did; I know it’s not your decision。 So; did she tell 
  you to call and get rid of me?” Even though I felt lighter 
  than I had in many months; I still found myself holding my 
  breath; wondering if maybe; through some dumb stroke of luck 
  or misfortune; Miranda had respected my telling her to fuck 
  off instead of been appalled by it。

  “Yes。 She asked me to let you know that you have been 
  terminated; effective immediately; and she would like you to 
  be checked out of the Ritz before she returns from the show。” 
  She said this softly and with a trace of regret。 Perhaps it 
  was for the many hours and days and weeks she was now facing 
  of finding and training someone all over again; but there 
  sounded like there might be something even more behind it。

  “You’re going to miss me; aren’t you; Em? Go on; say it。 It’s 
  OK; I won’t tell anyone。 As far as I’m concerned; this 
  conversation never happened。 You don’t want me to go; do you?”

  Miracle of miracles; she laughed。 “What did you say to her? 
  She just kept repeating that you were crass and unlady…like。 I 
  couldn’t get anything more specific out of her than that。”

  “Oh; that’s probably because I told her to fuck herself。”

  “You did not!”

  “You’re calling to fire me。 I assure you; I did。”

  “Oh my god。”

  “Yeah; well; I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t the single most 
  satisfying moment of my pathetic life。 Of course; I have now 
  been fired by the most powerful woman in publishing。 Not only 
  do I not have a way to pay off my nearly maxed…out MasterCard; 
  but future jobs in magazines are looking rather dismal。 Maybe 
  I should try to work for one of her enemies? They’d be happy 
  to hire me; right?”

  “Sure。 Send your résumé over to Anna Wintour—they’ve never 
  liked each other very much。”

  “Hmm。 Something to think about。 Listen; Em; no hard feelings; 
  OK?” We both knew that we had absolutely; positively not a 
  single thing in mon but Miranda Priestly; but as long as we 
  were getting on so famously; I figured I’d play along。

  “Sure; of course;” she lied awkwardly; knowing full well that 
  I was about to enter into the upper stratosphere of social 
  pariah…dom。 The chances of Emily admitting she had so much as 
  known me from this day forward were nonexistent; but that was 
  OK。 Maybe in ten years when she was sitting front and center 
  at the Michael Kors show and I was still shopping at Filene’s 
  and dining at Benihana; we’d laugh about the whole thing。 But 
  probably not。

  “Well; I’d love to chat; but I’m kind of screwed up right now; 
  not sure what to do next。 I’ve got to figure out a way to get 
  Home as soon as possible。 Do you think I can still use my 
  return ticket? She can’t fire me and leave me stranded in a 
  foreign country; can she?”

  “Well of course she would be justified in doing so; Andrea;” 
  she said。 Ah…hah! One last zinger。 It was forting to know 
  that things never really changed。 “After all; it’s really you 
  who are deserting your job—you forced her to fire you。 But no; 
  I don’t think she’s a vengeful kind of person。 Just charge the 
  change fee and I’ll figure out a way to put it through。”

  “Thanks; Em。 I appreciate it。 And good luck to you; too。 
  You’re going to make a fantastic fashion editor someday。”

  “Really? You think so?” she asked eagerly; happily。 Why my 
  opinion as the biggest fashion loser ever to hit the scene was 
  at all relevant; I didn’t know; but she sounded very; very 

  “Definitely。 Not a doubt in my mind。”

  Christian called the moment I hung up with Emily。 He had; 
  unsurprisingly; already heard what happened。 Unbelievable。 But 
  the pleasure he took from hearing the sordid details; bined 
  with all sorts of promises and invitations he offered up; made 
  me feel sick again。 I told him as calmly as possible that I 
  had a lot to deal with right now; to please stop calling in 
  the meantime; that I’d get in touch if and when I felt like 

  Since they miraculously didn’t yet know that I’d flunked out 
  of my job; Monsieur Renaud and entourage fell all over 
  themselves on hearing that an emergency at Home demanded I 
  return immediately。 It took only a half hour for a small army 
  of hotel staff to book me on the next flight to New York; pack 
  my bags; and tuck me into the backseat of a limo stocked with 
  a full bar bound for Charles de Gaulle。 The driver was chatty; 
  but I didn’t really respond: I wanted to enjoy my last moments 
  as the lowest…paid but most highly perked assistant in the 
  free world。 I poured myself one final flute of perfectly dry 
  champagne and took a long; slow; luxurious sip。 It had taken 
  eleven months; forty…four weeks; and some 3;080 hours of work 
  to figure out—once and for all—that morphing into Miranda 
  Priestly’s mirror image was probably not such a good thing。

  Instead of a uniformed driver with a sign waiting for me when 
  I exited customs; 

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