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- 上传日期:2017-03-20
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war of the spider queen 4 extinction
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Book 4 of War of the Spider Queen seriesA Forgotten Realms novelBy Lisa SmedmanChapter One Pharaun lay on the forest floor, staring up into the angry eyes of five hissing serpents. Their fangs bared and dripping with poison, their mouths open wide, the red-and-black-banded vipers strained against the whip handle from which they grew. The woman holding the whip stared down at Pharaun with tightly contained rage. Taller and stronger than the Master of Sorcere, she was an imposing figure. Pharaun could not see her face-the bright light streaming down from the sky above flooded his vision, turning her into a dark silhouette with bone-white hair-but her tone was as venomous as her serpent
- 第 1章
- 第 2章
- 第 3章
- 第 4章
- 第 5章
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