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小说: 魔法英语同步新课堂(高二·下) 字数: 每页4000字

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    Skiing is my favorite sport; even though I had only skied for four days in my 46。                                    
    whole life! Last year my father promised that my brother did well in his exams;     
    he would take us for a special holiday。 “When Victor got straightly A’s;” Dad     
    said; “How about a weekend visit the Botanical Gardens?” But my mother said;     
    “Yes; you promised a special holiday。 I think you should keep your word。 ”     
    Victor’ dream was to see some true snow。 So in the Christmas vacation we     
    flew to Seoul; and then took a bus to Muju Resort。 As we climbed through the     
    mountains; we saw the snow on the trees。 I was dying to get out and play the     
    snow! No one in my family had ever touched snow before。 We all like little     
    children。 We picked it up; made snowballs; and threw it at each other!     

Unit 12    Fact and fantasy重点、难点、考点精析

    1。What is the distance from the earth to the moon?(WARMING UP)地球离月亮有多远的距离?    
    distance 的用法    
    Do bees have minds? Can they figure out direction and distance? 蜜蜂有思维吗?它们能辨别方向和判断距离吗?    
    What’s the distance of the Modern Marathon? 现代马拉松赛跑的距离是多少?    
    2。What instruments do Sam and Betty use to observe the animal?(LISTENING)山姆和贝蒂利用什么仪器来观察动物?    
    (1)句中use to并非固定结构,use是句子的谓语动词,而不定式短语to observe the animal这里用作目的状语。    
    ①observe意为“观察”、“注意到”或“看到”,可用作及物动词或不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后跟名词、代词、含不带to的不定式、动词…ing形式或形容词的复合宾语、 that从句及what从句。    
    She likes to observe the stars。她喜欢观察星星。     
    He observes carefully but says little。他总是仔细观察,很少说话。    
    When they observed anything that happened; they thought about it and then drew a conclusion。 观察到所发生的事情以后,他们想了想,于是就得出结论。    
    We observed the students entering the hall。我们看着学生走进大厅。     
    The boy observed what was going on between them。这个男孩子注意到了他们之间发生的事情。     
    He observed that feathers fell the ground slowly。 他观察到羽毛落地很慢。    
    The thief was observed to open the window and run away。有人发现贼开窗户逃跑了。    
    3。His father sent him to Paris to study law; but instead Verne developed his love for the theatre。(READING)他的父亲送他到巴黎学习法律,但凡尔纳却喜欢上了戏剧。    
    If she cannot go; I can go with you instead。 如果她不能去,我可以替她与你一起去。    
    Instead; he asked his father why he was not able to hatch chickens while hens could。  他反而问他父亲,为什么他不能孵出小鸡,而母鸡却能孵出小鸡。    
    4。Jules spent many hours in Paris libraries studying botany; applied science and many other subjects。(READING)儒勒花许多时间在巴黎图书馆学习植物学、应用科学及其它许多学科。    
    Would you advised me where I should spend holiday?你说我到什么地方去度假好呢?    
    Now that you are in the senior middle school; you’ll probably spend more time in reading。 既然你已经进入高中,很可能在阅读上要花费更多的时间。    
    He is always spending。他挥霍无度。    
    ②spend可用于“spend time/money+on+名词”或“spend time/money+(in)+动词…ing短语”。    
    She spends half her money on clothes。她把一半钱花在衣服上。     
    She spends her whole life (in) looking after children。她的一生都用来照料孩子了。     
    5。Many of the instruments in his novels will remind the reader of Dr Benjamin Franklin’s experiments with electricity。(READING)他小说中的道具使读者想起本杰明·富兰克林博士所做的电的实验。    
    Did you remind him about that book he borrowed?你提醒了一下他借走的那本书了吗?     
    She reminded him of her mother。她使他想起了她的母亲。     
    This reminded them of the days when they were in the army。这使他们想起了在部队的日子。    
    6。Dr。Aronnax; his servant and a Canadian whale hunter set out to find the monster。(READING)阿兰克斯博士与他的助手和一位加拿大捕鲸者一起出发去寻找水怪。    
    set out的用法    
    ①set out意为“出发”或“启程”,等于start out,start off或set off。    
    Together the four men set out to look for the lost camel。四个人一起出发去找那头失踪的骆驼。    
    It was raining when we set out。我们出发时天正下着雨。    
    ②set out意为“开始着手”,后跟动词不定式。    
    But where did this radiation come from; and what was it like? Here was a secret of nature which she set out to discover。但是,这种射线是从哪里来的?它是什么样的东西?这就是她要去发现的一个自然界的秘密。    
    About three hundred and sixty years ago; an Italian scientist named Galileo set out to question Aristotle’s theory of falling objects。 大约360多年前,意大利的一位名叫伽利略的科学家,开始对亚里士多德的落体学说提出了质疑。    
    ③set out意为“阐述”、“表达”或“陈述”,等于state或describe。     
    The book was not intended to be an attack on Christianity。 Darwin simply set out the facts that he believed to be true。 And he based his ideas on scientific experiment。 这本书不是有意攻击基督教的。达尔文只是说明他自己认为正确可靠的事实。他的看法是以科学实验为基础的。    
    He set out his ideas in simple English。他用简单的英语表达了自己的想法。    
    7。The ship is also very strong and protected with thick iron plates。(READING)轮船也很牢固,而且船体用厚厚的铁板保护着。    
    Protect your eyes from the sun。保护你的眼睛,免受阳光的刺激。     
    We should protect our country against attack。我们应该保卫自己的国家,以免遭受攻击。    
    He wears thick clothes to protect himself from the cold。 他穿上厚衣服来御寒。     
    She protects herself against the danger。她保护自己免遭危险。    
    8。Dressed in diving suits; they walk around in this magic world; lighted by the lamps of the ship。(READING)他们穿着潜水衣,借着轮船的灯光,在这个奇妙的水底世界里漫游。    
    (1)这里Dressed in diving suits和lighted by the lamps of the ship是过去分词短语,在句中用作状语。    
    Thats a nice dress。那是件漂亮的女(童)装。     
    She buys several new dresses every season。她每个季节都买几件新衣服。    
    ①dress用作及物动词时; 只能以“人”,而不能以“衣”作宾语。    
    9。You could say he is someone yo

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