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小说: 魔法英语同步新课堂(高二·下) 字数: 每页4000字

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    He picked up a stone and aimed it at the dog。他捡起一块石头朝狗扔去。    
    I aim at becoming an astronaut。(英)/I aim to become an astronaut。(美)我的目标是要成为一名宇航员。    
    14。It seems to be love at first byte for China and computers。(INTEGRATING SKILLS)这就好像中国和计算机一见钟情一样。    
    byte是计算机用语,意为“(二进制)字节”、“(二进制)位元组”。句中at first byte等于at first sight,表示“初见”、“乍见”、“未加研究”等。    
    He fell in love with her at first sight。他对她一见钟情。    
    15。For the first time ever; scientists have been able to create a chemical element that can fight cancer cells。(INTEGRATING SKILLS)科学家有史以来第一次有能力创造出能够杀死癌细胞的化学元素。    
    (1)for the first time属于固定搭配,是介词短语,在句中一般用作状语,意为“第一次”。    
    He cast his net for the first time; and drew in a dead donkey。 他撒了第一网,拉上来一头死驴。    

Unit 11 Scientific achievement单元语法知识归纳

    longterm 长期的openair 户外的homesick 想家的;思念家乡的    sightseeing 观光    
    crossroad 十字路口       takeoff起飞    
    kindhearted 心肠好的     coldblooded 冷血的    
    nobleminded 高尚的      goodtempered 脾气好的    
    goodlooking 好看的      finesounding 动听的     
    easygoing 脾气随和的,随便的    
    hardworking 勤劳的 farreaching 深远的    
    peaceloving 热爱和平的 epochmaking 划时代的    
    stateowned 国有的    heartfelt 由衷的     
    radioequipped 装备有无线电的    Chinesedesigned 中国设计的    
    widelyused 广泛使用的 wellknown 著名的     
    widespread 广泛流传的    
    largescale 大规模的   highclass 高级的     
    everyday 日常的 worldfamous 世界著名的    
    airsick 晕机的  dutyfree 免税的    
    fouryearold 四岁的  twometretall 两米高     
    tenfootdeep 十英尺深    
    silkworm 蚕bloodtest 验血halfmoon半月(形)    
    doubledealer 两面派  shorthand 速记    
    waitingroom 候车室  sleepingpill 安眠药    
    pickpocket 扒手  breakwater 防波堤    
    handwriting 书法  sunbathing 日光浴    
    gettogether 联欢会  breakthrough 突破    
    outbreak 爆发  downfall 垮台    
    sleepwalk 梦游    
    overthrow 推翻  undergo 经历    
    whitewash 粉刷  blacklist 列入黑名单    
    maybe 或许  myself 我自己     
    moreover 而且  forever 永远地     
    everything 一切 however 但是     
    wholeheartedly 全心全意地 nevertheless 尽管如此

Unit 11 Scientific achievement单元同步小测试

    1。Dr。Bethune devoted his whole life to         。    
    A。 benefit mankind       B。 benefit the mankind    
    C。 benefiting mankind        D。 benefiting the mankind    
    2。He’s         to know the answer。    
    A。 likely          B。 probable      C。 maybe                D。 possible    
    3。         a foreign language; you ought to have a lot of         。    
    A。 To master; practice         B。 Mastering;  practise    
    C。 To grasp; practice        D。 Grasping;  practise    
    4。The airline         for a plane to take us to Boston yesterday。    
    A。 called           B。 arranged   C。 asked            D。 sent    
    5。         teaches         。    
    A。 Failure; success         B。 Success; failure    
    C。 Fail; succeed             D。 Succeed; fail    
    6。He hopes to         all his aims by the end of the year。    
    A。 gain     B。 receive          C。 achieve            D。 get    
    7。The broadcasting station        last night that a typhoon was approaching。    
    A。 declared             B。 announced   C。 proclaimed             D。 published    
    8。The most important         of his speech was that we should all work whole…heartedly for the people。    
    A。 element          B。 spot       C。 sense                D。 point    
    9。We         him; but he would not listen to us。    
    A。 persuaded          B。 tried to persuade     C。 want to persuade            D。 advise    
    10。I smoke out of         habit; not for pleasure; for         I have been in the habit for twenty years。    
    A。 a; the             B。 the; a         C。 /; the                D。 /; /    
    11。—Emily; my husband is too lazy!    
    —My husband is no more helpful。 When I am rushed off my feet doing housework; he never lifts a (an)         to help。    
    A。 lip           B。 hand      C。 finger                 D。 eye    
    12。Only in that way        find out how this kind of animal lived and then finish the research on time。    
    A。 could they        B。 they could      C。 were they able to        D。 they were able to    
    13。Children; for example; in my opinion;          creative ability is unthinkably rich;       is seldom taken notice of by us; should be trained in that areA。     
    A。 which; that        B。 which; which       C。 whose; which         D。 whose; that    
    14。To our surprise; the painting considered        should have won the prize。    
    A。 being copied        B。 having been copied           
    C。 to have copied           D。 to have been copied    
    15。—Jack; you sweep the floor today;         ?    
    —But I swept it yesterday。    
    A。 have you         B。 will you      C。 didn’t you           D。 don’t  you    
    This was one of my experiences at work。 When I was 16; I was working for a large international company which had its head office in London。 I was working in the 17 department。    
    The company had a training centre which was just outside London。 Different courses were 18 there throughout the year and I 19 go on one training course a year。 These usually started 20 a Sunday evening and lasted six days。    
    Once I was 21 a week’s training course with about forty 22 sales people。 I was in the bar on the Friday evening and suddenly a woman who was 23 behind the bar asked me a curious question。 “I hope you don’t   24 my asking;” she said; “but I’ve been 25 about it all week。 Have you got a sister 26 Mary?” The woman’s name was June; and she used to do various jobs at the training centre。 She worked in the office; she organized all the food and drink for the centre and she worked in the bar at lunchtime and in the evening。    
    My answer 27 June’s question was “Yes”; and June said; “I thought 28。 I met her last September when she was organizing a course here。” At that time; my sister was working for29 company but in a different part of the country。 That was  30 she came to be at the training centre。    
    31 surprised me was how June guessed we were brother and sister。 Three things made it even more 32。 First; she had met my sister six months before she met me。 Second; they have about sixty new people every week at the training centre。 So about one thousand five hundred people had 33 the centre in those six months。 And 34; my si

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