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小说: 魔法英语同步新课堂(高二·下) 字数: 每页4000字

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    13。From then on; all black people had the right to vote。(READING)从那时起,所有的黑人都有选举权。    
    from then /that time on是介词短语,在句中通常用作状语,意为“从那时起”。    
    From that time on he received lots of praise from scientists all over the world。 从那时起,他受到全世界科学家的赞扬。    
    He worked still harder from that time on。 从那时以后,他工作更加努力了。    
    14。People struggled for the right to be free in their choice of which god to believe in。(INTEGRATING SKILLS)人们为自由选择自己信仰的上帝(宗教)而斗争。    
    She gets a free afternoon once a week。每周她有一个空闲的下午。     
    He asked many famous stars to sing on his record for free。他请许多著名的歌星为他义务灌制唱片。    
    Don’t  let the dog run free on the main road。 不要让狗在公路上随意乱串。     
    Babies are allowed to travel free on buses。婴儿乘公共汽车可以免费。    
    ◎freely也可表示“自由地”或“随意地”的意思,可以与free互换,也可意为“自愿地”、“(活动或行为)没有阻力地”、“慷慨地”、“大方地”、“坦诚地”或“大量地”,常修饰speak; talk; write等动态动词。    
    I freely admit that what I said was wrong。我主动承认我所说的不对。     
    You may speak quite freely in front of me。 I shall not tell anyone what you say。在我面前,你可以坦诚地谈,我不会把你说的话告诉别人的。     
    He gives freely to many organizations that help the poor。他对那些帮助穷人的组织慷慨援助。     
    The wound was bleeding freely。伤口大量出血。    
    15。The main ideas were that all people are brothers and sisters。(INTEGRATING SKILLS)中心思想是所有的人皆兄弟姐妹。    
    句中that引导表语从句,在从句中不作具体成分,在语法上只起连接的作用,但不可省略。引导表语从句的连接词有that,whether,as if,as though等,连接代词有what,which,who,whom,whose等,连接副词有when,where,how,why等。    
    The question is that he is also short of money。问题是他也缺钱。    
    The question is whether he will agree to the suggestion or not。问题是他是否会同意这个建议。    
    The important thing is what a man does; not what he says。重要的是一个人做什么,而不是说什么。    
    That is why she left her hometown in her teens。那就是她十几岁离开家乡的原因。

Unit 14    Freedom fighters单元语法知识归纳

    He told me a story。 →I was told a story。→A story was told to me。    
    2。“get + 过去分词”表示的被动语态    
    “get + 过去分词”这种用法口语化,其含义是强调动作的结果。这种结构中,通常不用“by + 动作的执行者”。常用短语有:get broken; get burnt; get hurt; get killed; get lost; get married; get wounded等。    
    She got hurt in the car accident last week。她在上周的车祸中受伤了。    
    3。一些相当于及物动词的短语动词可用于被动语态。这时,短语动词在被动语态结构中是一个不可分割的整体,不可丢掉后面的介词或副词等。这类短语动词有look after; take care of; put on; take off; call on; call at; put down等。具体分类如下:    
    The children are being looked after well there。孩子们目前在那儿受到很好的照料。    
    The radio has been turned on。收音机已经打开。    
    Your pronunciation must be paid attention to。你的发音得注意一下。    
    They were looked down upon in the city。他们在城里受歧视。    
    He persuaded me to give up smoking →I was persuaded to give up smoking。    
    ②若宾语补足语是不带to的不定式时,变为被动语态后,该不定式要加上“to”。此类动词有feel; hear; make; see; observe; help; listen to; look at等。但此类动词中have; notice; watch一般不用被动语态。    
    We saw them play volleyball just now。→They were seen to play volleyball just now。     
    A。 当let后的宾语补足语较长时,let通常不用被动语态,而用allow或permit取而代之。    
    The nurse let me go to see my classmate in the hospital。→I was allowed to see my classmate in the hospital。    
    B。 当let后只有一个单音节动词,变为被动语态时,可用不带to的不定式。    
    They let the stranger go。→The stranger was let go。    
    ①某些表示特定意义的动词,如fit(合身), have(有), hold(容纳), marry(与……结婚); own(据有;拥有); wish(祝愿); cost(花费)等。    
    The coat fits me well。这件大衣我穿非常合身。(不能说:I am fitted by the coat。)    
    ②某些相当于及物动词的短语动词,如agree with; arrive at/in; shake hands with; succeed in; suffer from; happen to; take part in; walk into; belong to等。    
    The dictionary belongs to me。这本词典属于我。(不能说:I am belonged to by the dictionary。)    
    ③不及物动词无被动语态。容易弄错的词有appear(出现); die(死去); end(结束); fail(失败); fall(跌倒); happen(发生); last(持续); remain(留下); sit(坐); spread(传播); stand(站)等。    
    ④不及物动词短语无被动语态。此类短语有break out; come true; come into being; fall asleep; keep silence; take place等。    
    ⑤连系动词无被动语态。此类连系动词有appear(显得); be(是); become(变得); seem(似乎); fall (变得); feel(摸起来); sound(听起来), taste(尝起来); smell(闻起来); get(变得); stay(保持); turn(变得)等。    
    ⑥带同源宾语的及物动词不能用于被动语态。如die…death; live…life; dream…dream等。    
    She likes to swim。她喜欢游泳。(不能说:To swim is liked by her。)    
    ①某些可用来表示主语内在品质或性能的不及物动词,如lock; shut; open; read; write; sell; wash; clean等。    
    This book sells well。这本书很畅销。    
    The door doesnt shut。这个门关不住。    
    ②某些可以用于“主语+谓语+主语补足语”结构中的不及物动词,如wear; blow等。    
    The cloth has worn thin。这块布料已经洗薄了。    
    The window blew open。窗户(风)吹开了。    
    He found some food to eat。他找到一些东西吃。(不能说:Some food to eat was found 。 )    
    ④在“主语+ be + 形容词+不定式”的结构中,主语是不定式动词动作的承受者。    
    The problem is difficult to understand。 这个问题难于理解。    
    ⑤动词need; want; require等作“需要”讲,其后跟动词作它的宾语时,必须用动名词的主动式或不定式的被动式表示被动意义。    
    The colour TV set needs repairing。(= The colour TV set needs to be repaired。 )这台彩电需要修理。    
    ⑥在“主语+ be + worth + v…ing”的结构中的动词…ing形式须用主动式表达被动意义。    
    What he said wasn’t worth listening to。他所说的不值一听。

Unit 14    Freedom fighters单元同步小测试

    1。The patient         now in the hospital。    
    A。 is operating on       B。 operates on   C。 is being operated on     D。 has been operated on    
    2。The civil war        which ten years ago       five years。    
    A。 breaks out; lasted          B。 broke out; was lasted    
    C。 was broken out; was lasted         D。 broke out; lasted    
    3。The man said that the car        day after day by him for ten long years by the end of the next year。    
    A。 would be driven            B。 would be driving     
    C。 would have been driven            D。 would have been driving    
    4。Do I have to take this medicine? It        so terrible。    
    A。 tastes          B。 is tasting           C。 is tasted             D。 has tasted    
    5。This question        a little last week。    
    A。 got talked about        B。 talked about      
    C。 would be talked about       D。 has been talked ab

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