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wind sand and stars st.antoine de saint-exupery-第5章

小说: wind sand and stars st.antoine de saint-exupery 字数: 每页4000字

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a is like a splintered mirror。 But the hydroplane pilot knows there is no landing here。 
  The hours during which a man flies over this mirror are hours in which there is no assurance of the possession of anything in the world。 These palms beneath the plane are so many poisoned flowers。 And even when the flight is an easy one; made under a shining sun; the pilot navigating at some point on the line is not gazing upon a scene。 These colors of earth and sky; these traces of wind over the face of the sea; these clouds golden in the afterglow; are not objects of the pilot's admiration; but of his cogitation。 He looks to them to tell him the direction of the wind or the progress of the storm; and the quality of the night to e。 
  Even as the peasant strolling about his domain is able to foresee in a thousand signs the ing of the spring; the threat of frost; a promise of rain; so all that happens in the sky signals to the pilot the oning snow; the expectancy of fog; or the peace of a blessed night。 The machine which at first blush seems a means of isolating man from the great problems of nature; actually plunges him more deeply into them。 As for the peasant so for the pilot; dawn and twilight bee events of consequence。 His essential problems are set him by the mountain; the sea; the wind。 Alone before the vast tribunal of the tempestuous sky; the pilot defends his mails and debates on terms of equality with those three elemental divinities。 
  The mail pouches for which he is responsible are stowed away in the after hold。 They constitute the dogma of the religion of his craft; the torch which; in this aerial race; is passed from runner to runner。 What matter though they hold but the scribblings of tradesmen and nondescript lovers。 The interests which dictated them may very well not be worth the embrace of man and storm; but I know what they bee once they have been entrusted to the crew; taken over; as the phrase is。 The crew care not a rap for banker or tradesman。 If; some day; the crew are hooked by a cliff it will not have been in the interest of tradespeople that they will have died; but in obedience to orders which ennoble the sacks of mail once they are on board ship。 
  What concerns us is not even the orders … it is the men they cast in their mould。 
  Wind; Sand and Stars by Antoine de Saint…Exupery 
  Chapter 1 … The CraftTitle: Wind; Sand; and Stars 
  Author: Antoine de Saint…Exupery 
  Translator: Lewis Galantiere 
  Publisher: Harcourt Brace Javanovich; New York; 1967 
  Date first posted: February 2000 
  Date most recently updated: January 2006 
  XML markup by Wesman 02/23/2000。 
  Wind Sand and Stars
  Antoine de Saint…Exupery
  The Men
  Mermoz is one airline pilot; and Guillaumet another; of whom I shall write briefly in order that you may see clearly what I mean when I say that in the mould of this new profession a new breed of men has been cast。 
  A handful of pilots; of whom Mermoz was one; surveyed the CasabIanca…Dakar line across the territory inhabited by the refractory tribes of the Sahara。 Motors in those days being what they were; Mermoz was taken prisoner one day by the Moors。 The tribesmen were unable to make up their minds to kill him; kept him a captive a fortnight; and he was eventually ransomed。 Whereupon he continued to fly over the same territory。 
  When the South American line was opened up Mermoz; ever the pioneer; was given the job of surveying the division between Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile。 He who had flung a bridge over the Sahara was now to do the same over the Andes。 They had given him a plane whose absolute ceiling was sixteen thousand feet and had asked him to fly it over a mountain range that rose more than twenty thousand feet into the air。 His job was to search for gaps in the Cordilleras。 He who had studied the face of the sands was now to learn the contours of the peaks; those crags whose scarfs of snow flutter restlessly in the winds; whose surfaces are bleached white in the storms; whose blustering gusts sweep through the narrow walls of their rocky corridors and force the pilot to a sort of hand…to…hand bat。 Mermoz enrolled in this war in plete ignorance of his adversary; with no notion at all of the chances of ing forth alive from battle with this enemy。 His job was to 〃try out〃 for the rest of us。 And; 〃trying out〃 one day; he found himself prisoner of the Andes。 
  Mermoz and his mechanic had been forced down at an altitude of twelve thousand feet on a table…land at whose edges the mountain dropped sheer on all sides。 For two mortal days they hunted a way off this plateau。 But they were trapped。 Everywhere the same sheer drop。 And so they played their last card。 
  Themselves still in it; they sent the plane rolling and bouncing down an incline over the rocky ground until it reached the precipice; went off into air; and dropped。 In falling; the plane picked up enough speed to respond to the controls。 Mermoz was able to tilt its nose in the direction of a peak; sweep over the peak; and; while the water spurted through all the pipes burst by the night frost; the ship already disabled after only seven minutes of flight; he saw beneath him like a promised land the Chilean plain。 
  And the next day he was at it again。 
  When the Andes had been thoroughly explored and the technique of the crossings perfected; Mermoz turned over this section of the line to his friend Guillaumet and set out to explore the night。 The lighting of our airports had not yet been worked out。 Hovering in the pitch black night; Mermoz would land by the faint glimmer of three gasoline flares lined up at one end of the field。 This trick; too; he taught us; and then; having tamed the night; he tried the ocean。 He was the first; in 1931; to carry the mails in four days from Toulouse to Buenos Aires。 On his way home he had engine trouble over a stormy sea in mid…Atlantic。 A passing steamer picked him up with his mails and his crew。 
  Pioneering thus; Mermoz had cleared the desert; the mountains; the night; and the sea。 He had been forced down more than once in desert; in mountain; in night; and in sea。 And each time that he got safely home; it was but to start out again。 Finally; after a dozen years of service; having taken off from Dakar bound for Natal; he radioed briefly that he was cutting off his rear right…hand engine。 Then silence。 
  There was nothing particularly disturbing in this news。 Nevertheless; when ten minutes had gone by without report there began for every radio station on the South Atlantic line; from Paris to Buenos Aires; a period of anxious vigil。 It would be ridiculous to worry over someone ten minutes late in our day…to…day existence; but in the air…mail service ten minutes can be pregnant with meaning。 At the heart of this dead slice of time an unknown event is locked up。 Insignificant; it may be; a mishap; possibly: whatever it is; the event has taken place。 Fate has pronounced a decision from which there is no appeal。 An iron hand has guided a crew to a sea…landing that may have been safe and may have been disastrous。 And long hours must go by before the decision of the gods is made known to those who wait。 
  We waited。 We hoped。 Like all men at some time in their lives we lived through that inordinate expectancy which like a fatal malady grows from minute to minute harder to bear。 Even before the hour sounded; in our hearts many among us were already sitting up with the dead。 All of us had the same vision before our eyes。 It was a vision of a cockpit still inhabited by living men; but the pilot's hands were telling him very little now; and the world in which he groped and fumbled was a world he did not recognize。 Behind him; in the glimmer of the cabin light; a shapeless uneasiness floated。 The crew 。moved to and fro; discussed their plight; feigned sleep。 A restless slumber it was; like the stirring of drowned men。 The only element of sanity; of intelligibility; was the whirring of the three engines with its reassuring evidence that time still existed for them。 
  We were haunted for hours by this vision of a plane in distress。 But the hands of the clock were going round and little by li

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