贝壳电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 安妮日记英文版_安妮·弗兰克 >



小说: 安妮日记英文版_安妮·弗兰克 字数: 每页4000字

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mr。 voskuijl has been hospitalized; but mr。 kleimans back at the office。 his stomach stopped bleeding sooner than it normally does。 he told us that the county clerks office took an extra beating because the firemen flooded the entire building instead of just putting out the fire。 that does my heart good!

the carlton hotel has been destroyed。 two british planes loaded with firebombs landed right on top of the german officers club。 the entire corner of vijzelstraat and singel has gone up in flames。 the number of air strikes on german cities is increasing daily。 we havent had a good nights rest in ages; and i have bags under my eyes from lack of sleep。

our food is terrible。 breakfast consists of plain; unbuttered brea and ersatz coffee。 for the last two weeks lunch has been e。 spinach or cooked lettuce with huge potatoes that have a rotten; sweetish taste。 if youre trying to diet; the annex is the place to be! upstairs they plain bitterly; but we dont think its such a tragedy。

all the dutch men who either fought or were mobilized in 1940 have been called up to work in prisoner…of…war camps。 i bet theyre taking this precaution because of the invasion!

yours; anne 


MAY; 1943

saturday; may 1; 1943

dearest kitty;

yesterday was dussels birthday。 at first he acted as if he didnt want to celebrate it; but when miep arrived with a large shopping bag overflowing with gifts; he was as excited as a little kid。 his darling lotje〃 has sent him eggs; butter; cookies; lemonade; bread; cognac; spice cake; flowers; oranges; chocolate; books and writing paper。 he piled his presents on a table and displayed them for no fewer than three days; the silly old goat!

you mustnt get the idea that hes starving。 we found bread; cheese; jam and eggs in his cupboard。 its absolutely disgraceful that dussel; whom weve treated with such kindness and whom we took in to save from destruction; should stuff himself behind our backs and not give us anything。 after all; weve shared all we had with him! but whats worse; in our opinion; is that hes so stingy with respect to mr。 kleiman; mr。

voskuijl and bep。 he doesnt give them a thing。 in dussels view the oranges that kleiman so badly needs for his sick stomach will benefit his own stomach even more。

tonight the guns have been banging away so much that ive already had to gather up my belongings four times。 today i packed a suitcase wl f;the stuff id need in case we had to flee; but as m ther correctly noted; 〃where would you go?鈥

all of holland is being punishe or the workers strikes。 martial law has been declared; and everyone is going to get one less butter coupon。 what naughty children。

i washed mothers hair this evening; which is no easy task these days。 we have to use a very sticky liquid cleanser because theres no more shampoo。 besides that; moms had a hard time bing her hair because the family b has only ten teeth left。

yours; anne 

sunday; may 2; 1943

when i think about our lives here; i usually e to the conclusion that we live in a paradise pared to the jews who arent in hiding。 all the same; later on; when

everything has returned to normal; ill probably wonder how we; who always lived in such fortable circumstances; could have 〃sunk〃 so low。 with respect to manners; i mean。 for example; the same oilcloth has covered the dining table ever since weve been here。 after so much use; its hardly what youd call spotless。 i do my best to clean it; but since the dishcloth was also purchased before we went into hiding and consists of more holes than cloth; its a thankless task。 the van daans have been sleeping all winter long on the same flannel sheet; which cant be washed because detergent is rationed and in short supply。 besides; its of such poor quality that its practically useless。 father is walking around in frayed trousers; and his tie is also showing signs of wear and tear。 mamas corset snapped today and is beyond repair; while margot is wearing a bra thats two sizes too small; mother and margot have shared the same three undershorts the entire winter; and mine are so small they dont even cover my stomach。 these are all things that can be overe; but i sometimes wonder: how can we; whose every possession; from my underpants to fathers shaving brush; is so old and worn; ever hope to regain the position we had before the war?

sunday; may 2; 1943

the attitude of the annex residents toward the war mr。 van daan。 in the opinion of us all; this revered gentleman has great insight into politics。 nevertheless; he predicts well have to stay here until the end of 43。 thats a very long time; and yet its possible to hold out until then。 but who can assure us that this war; which has caused nothing but pain and sorrow; will then be over? and that nothing will have happened to us and our helpers long before that time? no one!

thats why each and every day is filled with tension。 expectation and hope generate tension; as does fear  for example; when we hear a noise inside or outside the house; when the guns go off or when we read new 〃proclamations〃 in the paper; since were afraid our helpers might be forced to go into hiding themselves sometime。 these days everyone is talking about having to hide。 we dont know how many people are actually in hiding; of course; the number is relatively small pared to the general population; but later on well no doubt be astonished at how many good people in holland were willing to take jews and christians; with or without money; into their homes。 therere also an unbelievable number of people with false identity papers。

mrs。 van daan。 when this beautiful damsel (by her own account) heard that it was getting easier these days to obtain false ids; she immediately proposed that we each have one made。 as if there were nothing to it; as if father and mr。 van daan were made of money。

mrs。 van daan is always sating the most ridiculous things; and her putti is often

exasperated。 but thats not surprising; because one day kerli announces; 〃when this is allover; im going to have myself baptized〃; and the next; 〃as long as i can remember; ive wanted to go to jerusalem。 i only feel at home with other jews!鈥

pim is a big optimist; but he always has his reasons。

mr。 dussel makes up everything as he goes along; and anyone wishing to contradict his majesty had better think twice。 in alfred dussels home his word is law; but that doesnt suit anne frank in the least。

what the other members of the annex family think about the war doesnt matter。

when it es to politics; these four are the only ones who count。 actually; only two of them do; but madame van daan and dussel include themselves as well。

tuesday; may 18; 1943

dearest kit; i recently witnessed a fierce dogfight between german and english pilots。

unfortunately; a couple of allied airmen had to jump out of their burning plane。 our milkman; who lives in halfweg; saw four canadians sitting along the side of the road; and one of them spoke fluent dutch。 he asked the milkman if he had a light for his cigarette; and then told him the crew had consisted of six men。 the pilot had been burned to death; and the fifth crew member had hidden himself somewhere。 the german security police came to pick up the four remaining men; none of whom were injured。 after parachuting out of a flaming plane; how can anyone have such presence of mind?

although its undeniably hot; we have to light a fire every other day to burn our vegetable peelings and garbage。 we cant throw anything into trash cans; because the warehouse employees might see it。 one small act of carelessness and were done for!

all college students are being asked to sign an official statement to the effect that they 〃sympathize with the germans and approve of the new order。〃 eighty percent have decided to obey the dictates of their conscience; but the penalty will be severe。

any student refusing to sign will be sent to a german labor camp。 whats to bee of the youth of our country if theyve all got to do hard labor in germany?

last night the guns were making so much noise that mother shut the window; i was in pims bed。 suddenly; right above our heads; we heard mrs。 van d。 leap up; as if

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