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the kite runner-第134章

小说: the kite runner 字数: 每页4000字

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ins to mutter that prayer again:
La illaha il Allah; Muhammad u rasul ullah。
They had to transfuse several units of red cells…… How will I tell Soraya?
Twice; they had to revive him……I will do _namaz_; I will do _zakat_。
They would have lost him if his heart hadn t been young and strong……
I will fast。
He is alive。
Dr。 Nawaz smiles。 It takes me a moment to register what he has just said。 Then he says more but I don t hear him。 Because I have taken his hands and I have brought them up to my face。 I weep my relief into this stranger s small; meaty hands and he says nothing now。 He waits。
THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT is L…shaped and dim; a jumble of bleeping monitors and whirring machines。 Dr。 Nawaz leads me between two rows of beds separated by white plastic curtains。 Sohrab s bed is the last one around the corner; the one nearest the nurses  station where two nurses in green surgical scrubs are jotting notes on clipboards; chatting in low voices。 On the silent ride up the elevator with Dr。 Nawaz; I had thought I d weep again when I saw Sohrab。 But when I sit on the chair at the foot of his bed; looking at his white face through the tangle of gleaming plastic tubes and IV lines; I am dry…eyed。 Watching his chest rise and fall to the rhythm of the hissing ventilator; a curious numbness washes over me; the same numbness a man might feel seconds after he has swerved his car and barely avoided a head…on collision。
I doze off; and; when I wake up; I see the sun rising in a buttermilk sky through the window next to the nurses  station。 The light slants into the room; aims my shadow toward Sohrab。 He hasn t moved。
 You d do well to get some sleep;  a nurse says to me。 I don t recognize her……there must have been a shift change while I d napped。 She takes me to another
lounge; this one just outside the ICU。 It s empty。 She hands me a pillow and a hospital…issue blanket。 I thank her and lie on the vinyl sofa in the corner of the lounge。 I fall asleep almost immediately。
I dream I am back in the lounge downstairs。 Dr。 Nawaz walks in and I rise to meet him。 He takes off his paper mask; his hands suddenly whiter than I remembered; his nails manicured; he has
neatly parted hair; and I see he is not Dr。 Nawaz at all but Raymond Andrews; the little embassy man with the potted tomatoes。 Andrews cocks his head。 Narrows his eyes。
IN THE DAYTIME; the hospital was a maze of teeming; angled hallways; a blur of blazing…white overhead fluorescence。 I came to know its layout; came to know that the fourth…floor button in the east wing elevator didn t light up; that the door to the men s room on that same floor was jammed and you had to ram your shoulder into it to open it。 I came to know that hospital life has a rhythm; the flurry of activity just before the morning shift change; the midday hustle; the stillness and quiet of the late…night hours interrupted occasionally by a blur of doctors and nurses rushing to revive someone。 I kept vigil at Sohrab s bedside in the daytime and wandered through the hospital s serpentine corridors at night; listening to my shoe heels clicking on the tiles; thinking of what I would say to Sohrab when he woke up。 I d end up back in the ICU; by the whooshing ventilator beside his bed; and I d be no closer to knowing。
After three days in the ICU; they withdrew the breathing tube and transferred him to a ground…level bed。 I wasn t there when they moved him。 I had gone back to the hotel that night to get some sleep and ended up tossing around in bed all night。 In the morning; I tried to not look at the bathtub。 It was clean now; someone had wiped off the blood; spread new floor mats on the floor; and scrubbed the walls。 But I couldn t stop myself from sitting on its cool; porcelain edge。 I pictured Sohrab filling it with warm water。 Saw him undressing。 Saw him twisting the razor handle and opening the twin safety latches on the head; sliding the blade out; holding it between his thumb and forefinger。 I pictured him lowering himself into the water; lying there for a while; his eyes closed。 I wondered what his last thought had been as he had raised the blade and 

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