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小说: 莱尔主教holiness 字数: 每页4000字

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   And yet 〃he lingered。〃

   Lot knew the fearful judgment ing down on all within its walls。 The
   angels had said plainly; 〃The Lord hath sent us to destroy it。〃 (Gen。
   xix。 13。) And yet 〃he lingered。〃

   Lot knew that God was a God who always kept His word; and if He said a
   thing would surely do it。 He could hardly be Abraham's nephew; and live
   long with him; and not be aware of this。 Yet 〃he lingered。〃

   Lot believed there was dangerfor he went to his sons…in…law; and
   warned them to flee。 〃Up!〃 he said; 〃Get you out of this place; for the
   Lord will destroy this city。〃 (Gen。 xix。 14。) And yet 〃he lingered。〃

   Lot saw the angels of God standing by; waiting for him and his family
   to go forth。 He heard the voice of those ministers of wrath ringing in
   his ears to hasten him〃Arise! take thy wife and thy two daughters
   which are here; lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city。〃
   (Gen。 xix。 15。) And yet 〃he lingered。〃

   He was slow when he should have been quickbackward when he should
   have been forwardtrifling when he should have been
   hasteningloitering when he should have been hurryingcold when he
   should have been hot。 It is passing strange! It seems almost
   incredible! It appears too wonderful to be true! But the Spirit writes
   it down for our learning。 And so it was。

   And yet; wonderful as it may appear at first sight; I fear there are
   many of the Lord Jesus Christ's people very like Lot。

   I ask every reader of this paper to mark well what I say。 I repeat it
   that there may be no mistake about my meaning。 I have shown you that
   Lot 〃lingered。〃I say that there are many Christian men and Christian
   women in this day very like Lot。

   There are many real children of God who appear to know far more than
   they live up to; and see far more than they practise; and yet continue
   in this state for many years。 Wonderful that they go as far as they do;
   and yet go no further!

   They acknowledge the Head; even Christ; and love the truth。 They like
   sound preaching; and assent to every article of Gospel doctrine; when
   they hear it。 But still there is an indescribable something which is
   not satisfactory about them。 They are constantly doing things which
   disappoint the expectations of their ministers; and of more advanced
   Christian friends。 Marvellous that they should think as they do; and
   yet stand still!

   They believe in heaven; and yet seem faintly to long for it; and in
   hell; and yet seem little to fear it; They love the Lord Jesus; but the
   work they do for Him is small。 They hate the devil; but they often
   appear to tempt him to e to them。 They know the time is short; but
   they live as if it were long。 They know they have a battle to fight;
   yet a man might think they were at peace。 They know they have a race to
   run; yet they often look like people sitting still。 They know the Judge
   is at the door; and there is wrath to e; and yet they appear half
   asleep。 Astonishing they should be what they are; and yet be nothing

   And what shall we say of these people? They often puzzle godly friends
   and relations。 They often cause great anxiety。 They often give rise to
   great doubts and searchings of heart。 But they may be classed under one
   sweeping description: they are all brethren and sisters of Lot。 They

   These are they who get the notion into their minds that it is
   impossible for all believers to be so very holy and very spiritual!
   They allow that eminent holiness is a beautiful thing。 They like to
   read about it in books; and even to see it occasionally in others。 But
   they do not think that all are meant to aim at so high a standard。 At
   any rate; they seem to make up their minds it is beyond their reach。

   These are they who get into their heads false ideas of charity; as they
   call it。 They are morbidly afraid of being illiberal and narrow…minded;
   and are always flying into the opposite extreme。 They would fain please
   everybody; and suit everybody; and be agreeable to everybody。 But they
   forget they ought first to be sure that they please God。

   These are they who dread sacrifices; and shrink from self…denial。 They
   never appear able to apply our Lord's mand; to 〃take up the cross;〃
   and 〃cut off the right hand and pluck out the right eye。〃 (Matt。 v。 29;
   30。) They cannot deny that our Lord used these expressions; but they
   never find a place for them in their religion。 They spend their lives
   in trying to make the gate more wide; and the cross more light。 But
   they never succeed。

   These are they who are always trying to keep in with the world。 They
   are ingenious in discovering reasons for not separating decidedly; and
   in framing plausible excuses for attending questionable amusements; and
   keeping up questionable friendships。 One day you are told of their
   attending a Bible…reading: the next day perhaps you hear of their going
   to a ball。 One day they fast; or go to the Lord's table and receive the
   sacrament: another day they go to the race…course in the morning and
   the opera at night。 One day they are almost in hysterics under the
   sermon of some sensational preacher: another day they are weeping over
   some novel。 They are constantly labouring to persuade themselves that
   to mix a little with worldly people on their own ground does good。 Yet
   in their case it is very clear they do no good; and only get harm。

   These are they who cannot find it in their hearts to quarrel with their
   besetting sin; whether it be sloth; indolence; ill…temper; pride;
   selfishness; impatience; or what it may。 They allow it to remain a
   tolerably quiet and undisturbed tenant of their hearts。 They say; 〃it
   is their health; or their constitutions; or their temperaments; or
   their trials; or their way。 Their father; or mother; or grandmother;
   was so before themselves; and they are sure they cannot help it。〃 And
   when you meet after the absence of a year or so; you hear the same

   But all; all; all may be summed up in one single sentence。 They are the
   brethren and sisters of Lot。 They linger。

   Ah; if you are a lingering soul; you are not happy! You know you are
   not。 It would be strange indeed if you were so。 Lingering is the sure
   destruction of a happy Christianity。 A lingerer's conscience forbids
   him to enjoy inward peace。

   Perhaps at one time you did run well。 But you have left your first
   loveyou have never felt the same fort since; and you never will
   till you return to your 〃first works。〃 (Rev。 ii。 5。) Like Peter; when
   the Lord Jesus was taken prisoner; you are following the Lord afar off;
   and; like him; you will find the way not pleasant; but hard。

   e and look at Lot。 e and mark Lot's history。 e and consider
   Lot's 〃lingering;〃 and be wise。

   III。 Let us next consider the reasons that may account for Lot's

   This is a question of great importance; and I ask most serious
   attention to it。 To know the root of a disease is one step towards a
   remedy。 He that is forewarned is forearmed。

   Who is there among the readers of this paper that feels secure; and has
   no fear of lingering? e and listen while I tell you a few passages
   of Lot's history。 Do as he did; and it will be a miracle indeed if you
   do not get into the same state of soul at last。

   One thing then I observe in Lot is thishe made a wrong choice in
   early life。

   There was a time when Abraham and Lot lived together。 They both became
   rich; and could live together no longer。 Abraham; the elder of the two;
   in the true spirit of humility and courtesy; gave Lot the choice of the
   country; when they resolved to part pany: 〃If thou;〃 he said; 〃wilt
   take the left hand; then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to
   the right hand; then I will go to the left。〃 (Gen。 xiii。 9。)

   And what did Lot do?We are told he saw that the plains of Jordan;
   near Sodom; were rich; fertile; and well watered。 It was a good land
   for cattle; and full of p

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