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小说: 莱尔主教holiness 字数: 每页4000字

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   what they were。〃 I answer; why did they pray much?Simply because they
   had much faith。 What is prayer; but faith speaking to God?

   Another perhaps will say; 〃They were so diligent and laboriousthat
   accounts for their success。〃 I answer; why were they so
   diligent?Simply because they had faith。 What is Christian diligence;
   but faith at work?

   Another will tell me; 〃They were so boldthat rendered them so
   useful。〃 I answer; why were they so bold?Simply because they had much
   faith。 What is Christian boldness; but faith honestly doing its duty?

   And another will cry; 〃It was their holiness and spiritualitythat
   gave them their weight。〃 For the last time I answer; what made them
   holy?Nothing but a living; realizing spirit of faith。 What is
   holiness; but faith visible and faith incarnate?

   Now does any reader of this paper desire to grow in grace; and in the
   knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ? Would you bring forth much fruit?
   Would you be eminently holy and useful? Would you be bright; and shine
   as a light in your day? Would you; like Moses; make it clear as noonday
   that you have chosen God before the world? I dare be sure that every
   believer will reply; 〃Yes! yes! yes! these are the things we long for
   and desire。〃

   Then take the advice I give you this daygo and cry to the Lord Jesus
   Christ; as the disciples did; 〃Lord; increase our faith。〃 Faith is the
   root of a real Christian's character。 Let your root be right; and your
   fruit will soon abound。 Your spiritual prosperity will always be
   according to your faith。 He that believeth shall not only be saved; but
   shall never thirstshall overeshall be establishedshall walk
   firmly on the waters of this worldand shall do great works。

   Reader; if you believe the things contained in this paper; and desire
   to be a thoroughly holy man; begin to act on your belief。 Take Moses
   for your example。 Walk in his steps。 Go and do likewise。

   '40' In Eastern countries the liberty to adopt children who are not
   blood…relatives; and to give them the privileges of sons; is
   notoriously carried out most extensively。



   〃He lingered。〃Gen。 xix。 16。〃

   THE Holy Scriptures; which were written for our learning; contain
   beacons as well as patterns。 They show us examples of what we should
   avoid; as well as examples of what we should follow。 The man whose name
   heads this page is set for a beacon to the whole Church of Christ。 His
   character is put before us in one little word〃He lingered。〃 Let us
   sit down and look at this beacon for a few minutes。 Let us consider

   Who is this man that lingered?It is the nephew of faithful Abraham。
   And when did he linger?The very morning Sodom was to be destroyed。
   And where did he linger?Within the walls of Sodom itself。 And before
   whom did he linger?Under the eyes of the two angels; who were sent to
   bring him out of the city。 Even then 〃he lingered!〃

   The words are solemn; and full of food for thought。 They ought to sound
   like a trumpet in the ears of all who make any profession of religion。
   I trust they will make every reader of this paper think。 Who knows but
   they are the very words your soul requires? The voice of the Lord Jesus
   mands you to 〃remember Lot's wife。〃 (Luke xvii。 32。) The voice of
   one of His ministers invites you this day to remember Lot。

   Let me try to show

   I。 What Lot was himself;

   II。 What the text already quoted tells you of him;

   III。 What reasons may account for his lingering;

   IV。 What kind of fruit his lingering brought forth。

   I ask the special attention of all who have reason to hope they are
   real Christians; and desire to live holy lives。 Let it be a settled
   principle in our minds; if we follow holiness; that we must not

   Once more; I say; 〃Lot is a beacon。〃

   I。 What was Lot?

   This is a most important point。 If I leave it unnoticed; I shall
   perhaps miss that class of professing Christians I want especially to
   benefit。 If I did not make it quite clear; many would perhaps say;
   after reading this paper; 〃Ah! Lot was a bad mana poor; wicked; dark
   creaturean unconverted mana child of this world!no wonder he

   But mark now what I say。 Lot was nothing of the kind。 Lot was a true
   believera converted persona real child of Goda justified soula
   righteous man。

   Has any one of my readers grace in his heart?So also had Lot。 Has any
   one of my readers a hope of salvation?So also had Lot。 Is any one of
   my readers a traveller in the narrow way which leads unto life?So
   also was Lot。

   Let no one think this is only my private opiniona mere arbitrary
   fancy of my owna notion unsupported by Scripture。 Let no one suppose
   I want him to believe it merely because I say it。 The Holy Ghost has
   placed the matter beyond controversy; by calling him 〃just〃 and
   〃righteous〃 (2 Peter ii。 7; 8); and has given us good evidence of the
   grace that was in him。

   One evidence is; that he lived in a wicked place; 〃seeing and hearing〃
   evil all around him (2 Peter ii。 8); and yet was not wicked himself。
   Now to be a Daniel in Babylonan Obadiah in Ahab's housean Abijah in
   Jeroboam's familya saint in Nero's court; and a 〃righteous man〃 in
   Sodom; a man must have the grace of God。 Without grace it would be

   Another evidence is that he 〃vexed his soul with the unlawful deeds〃 he
   beheld around him。 (2 Peter ii。 8。) He was wounded; grieved; pained;
   and hurt at the sight of sin。 This was feeling like holy David; who
   says; 〃I beheld the transgressors; and was grieved; because they kept
   not Thy word。〃 〃Rivers of waters run down mine eyes; because they keep
   not Thy law。〃 (Psalm cxix。 136; 158。) This was feeling like St。 Paul;
   who says; 〃I have great sorrow and continual heaviness in my heartfor
   my brethren; my kinsmen according to the flesh。〃 (Rom。 ix。 2; 3。)
   Nothing will account for this but the grace of God。

   Another evidence is that he 〃vexed his soul from day to day〃 with the
   unlawful deeds he saw。 (2 Peter ii。 8。) He did not at length bee
   cool and lukewarm about sin; as many do。 Familiarity and habit did not
   take off the fine edge of his feelings; as too often is the case。 Many
   a man is shocked and startled at the first sight of wickedness; and yet
   bees at last so accustomed to see it; that he views it with
   parative unconcern。 This is especially the case with those who live
   in towns and cities; or with English people who travel on the
   Continent。 Such persons often bee utterly indifferent about
   Sabbath…breaking; and many forms of open sin。 But it was not so with
   Lot。 And this; again; is a great mark of the reality of his grace。

   Such an one was Lota just and righteous man; a man sealed and stamped
   as an heir of heaven by the Holy Ghost Himself。

   Before we pass on; let us remember that a true Christian may have many
   a blemish; many a defect; many an infirmity; and yet be a true
   Christian nevertheless。 We do not despise gold because it is mixed with
   much dross。 We must not undervalue grace because it is acpanied by
   much corruption。 Read on; and you will find that Lot paid dearly for
   his 〃lingering。〃 But do not forget; as you read; that Lot was a child
   of God。

   II。 Let us pass on to the second thing I spoke of。 What does the text;
   already quoted; tell us about Lot's behaviour?

   The words are wonderful and astounding: 〃He lingered。〃The more we
   consider the time and circumstances; the more wonderful we shall think

   Lot knew the awful condition of the city in which he stood。 〃The cry〃
   of its abominations 〃had waxen great before the Lord。〃 (Gen。 xix。 13。)
   And yet 〃he lingered。〃

   Lot knew the fearful judgment ing down on all within its walls。 The
   angels had said plainly; 〃The Lord hath sent us to 

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