贝壳电子书 > 哲学宗教电子书 > 宗喀巴_三主要道英文版及解释 >



小说: 宗喀巴_三主要道英文版及解释 字数: 每页4000字

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So then after this contemplation; we need to bring to mind the next step which is contemplating on the faults of self…cherishing and the benefits of cherishing others more than oneself。 So it is said that self…cherishing leads one by the head; as it were; into all kinds of dissatisfaction or suffering。 So let us understand what is meant by self…cherishing: If we think of certain situations which we might find ourselves in … let us say we want to have some particular object; a table or whatever。 Then if we don't have the money to purchase such an item; then really wanting the best for ourselves and thinking that this 'best' will only be achieved through having such an object (in this instance; the table); then we will engage in the practice of stealing。 Then; wishing the best for ourselves; we may think that if we kill an enemy we may have greater status or greater peace or whatever … then we may engage in the practice of killing another; purely through wishing to have the best for ourselves。 Again for example; we might wish somebody to perform an action for us; and in order to bring that about; we may confuse that person or lie to that person so that they engage in such a negative action; through which we might engage in some temporary benefit。

But in all three of these examples; through wishing the best for ourselves; what we have generated is negative karma; the ripening results of which; that is to say rebirth in the lower realms of existence; are thus to be experienced in the future。 Thus it is said that this attitude … wishing the best for oneself; cherishing oneself above everything else … is that which is going to lead one to into all states of dissatisfaction And then cherishing others more than oneself is said to be the basis or the ground of all good qualities。 So if we talk from the point of view of generating the various spiritual grounds and paths; whether they be of the greater or the lesser vehicles; all of this es about through relating with others in a positive way。 For example; if we wish to engage in the practice of the various perfections … the perfection of giving then is only possible through the kindness of others。 Then if we talk about engaging in the practice of morality; which is the cause of achieving human existence … this is only possible through relations with others。 So we can see that all good qualities; all positive karmas; are brought about through viewing one's kind parent sentient beings in a positive light; and thoroughly ridding oneself of wanting the best for oneself; of this self…cherishing attitude。

So these qualities are enumerated in great detail in Shantideva's book The Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life (Bodhicaryavatara) where he says that

    All happiness and joy in the world es about through cherishing others;
    whereas all suffering in the world es about through cherishing oneself。

So as we have seen; having this attitude which puts oneself above all others is one which is just going to lead one to engage in negative actions; the ripening results of which are nothing but that which one is trying to escape … the state of dissatisfaction The Bodhicaryavatara gives manifold reasonings for the benefit of cherishing others and how terrible it is to engage in this attitude which holds oneself above others。 And in essence it concludes with

    What need is there for many words?
    Full enlightenment es about through the attitude of cherishing others;
    whereas all states of woe e about through cherishing oneself。

So we can see through this last quotation that the state of Buddhahood with the incredible qualities which are contained therein; es about solely through cherishing others; whereas all the states of suffering; in their various forms; e about through this self…cherishing attitude。

So if we wish to achieve positive states; positive qualities; then we should engage in this attitude of cherishing others; and if we wish to thoroughly abandon the causes of ddissatisfaction then we should thoroughly understand what is meant by self…cherishing; then contemplate the faults of that and then strive to change that attitude。

So these quintessential instructions … the six cause and one effect; and this equalising and exchanging self for others … these contemplations are to be emphasised; and if one can practice these as much as possible; this will give great impetus for achieving or generating the mind aspiring to highest enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings。 After having generated this mind; we have the basis for engaging in the Bodhisattva activities and whatever kind of activities we are engaging in; for example the practice of the Secret Mantra and so forth; they will bee useful and beneficial; not only to ourselves but to others。 If we engage in the practice of the mantras without this basis of bodhicitta; it's not really going to be of much use and can in some instances be rather harmful or detrimental to one。 So having this practice as the core of our whole being is one which will bring great benefit to one in one's manifold practices。 It is said that if all the wise ones came together and contemplated for aeons and aeons about which is the most beneficial thing for one; they wouldn’t find anything more exalted than this … the mind aspiring to highest enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings。 So contemplating thus we should try to bring about a change in our mind through these quintessential instructions。


So continuing on with our text then; today we are going to cover the subject of the correct view; that is to say; the correct view of reality。 Without this correct view then; it is impossible to sever the root of existence; that is to say; cut the root of the cycle of existence; that is to say; uproot the seed which brings about all the manifest sufferings within Samsara; or within the cycle of existence。 If you ask 'Why is this; what is this cause of the cycle of existence which holds us in its grip?' … that is none other than the ignorance; or the confusion; with regard to the mode of phenomena; that is to say; grasping on to self…existence; or autonomous existence。

To uproot this then; we needs its antidote; or antithesis; which is then this wisdom which cognises the actual nature of phenomena。 When this arises in our continuum; then we can be said to be on our way to getting rid of the root of the cycle of existence; kind of dragging up or tearing up this root of the cycle of existence。 Without this wisdom; it is impossible for us to sever this root of the cycle of existence; therefore it is impossible for us to gain either of the two kinds of enlightenment (that is to say; the enlightenment of the lesser vehicle or the Buddhahood of the greater vehicle) because both of these arise in dependence upon thoroughly shedding the cycle of existence。 So in order to do that; we need to generate this wisdom within our mental continuum; or mind。

The Prasangika Madhyamika view

The viewpoint which I'm going to teach from today is the highest philosophical viewpoint; that is to say; the Prasangika Madhyamika view。 Within this system what we find is that there is a unique presentation of the various grounds and paths。 With regard to the paths then; the Prasangika Madhyamika view holds that the practitioners of the hearer and the Solitary Realiser lineages cognise the emptiness; or the lack of autonomous existence; of phenomena; and through that they achieve the lesser nirvana。 The other philosophical schools; for example; Svatantrika Madhyamika; the Mind Only school and so forth; they say that these persons (that is those of the lesser vehicles lineages) do not cognise the emptiness of phenomena; and because of that; they don't achieve nirvana。 However it is difficult to assert that; so what we have to put forward is that the practitioners of these lesser vehicles; cognise the actual mode of phenomena; or the emptiness of phenomena; and from that viewpoint; we will proceed with the presentation of the Prasangika Madhyamika view。

So here what we are presenting is a view of phenomena; or what is known as the ultimate mode of abiding of phenomena; that is to say; the mode of abiding or the way of abiding o

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