贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the patchwork girl of oz >


the patchwork girl of oz-第7章

小说: the patchwork girl of oz 字数: 每页4000字

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fright; now came nearer and looked from one to

another of the people with deep interest。 Then she

looked at herself and laughed。 Noticing the

mirror; she stood before it and examined her

extraordinary features with amazementher button

eyes; pearl bead teeth and puffy nose。 Then;

addressing her reflection in the glass; she exclaimed:

〃Whee; but there's a gaudy dame!

Makes a paint…box blush with shame。

Razzle…dazzle; fizzle…fazzle!

Howdy…do; Miss What's…your…name?〃

She bowed; and the reflection bowed。 Then

she laughed again; long and merrily; and the

Glass Cat crept out from under the table and said:

〃I don't blame you for laughing at yourself。

Aren't you horrid?〃

〃Horrid?〃 she replied。 〃Why; I'm thoroughly

delightful。 I'm an Original; if you please; and

therefore incomparable。 Of all the comic; absurd;

rare and amusing creatures the world contains; I

must be the supreme freak。 Who but poor Margolotte

could have managed to invent such an unreasonable

being as I? But I'm gladI'm awfully glad!that

I'm just what I am; and nothing else。〃

〃Be quiet; will you?〃 cried the frantic

Magician; 〃be quiet and let me think! If I don't

think I shall go mad。〃

〃Think ahead;〃 said the Patchwork Girl; seating

herself in a chair。 〃Think all you want to。 I

don't mind。〃

〃Gee! but I'm fired playing that tune;〃 called

the phonograph; speaking through its horn in

a brazen; scratchy voice。 〃If you don't mind;

Pipt; old boy; I'll cut it out and take a rest。〃

The Magician looked gloomily at the music…


〃What dreadful luck!〃 he wailed; despondently。

〃The Powder of Life must have fallen on the


He went up to it and found that the gold bottle

that contained the precious powder had dropped

upon the stand and scattered its life…giving

grains over the machine。 The phonograph was very

much alive; and began dancing a jig with the legs

of the table to which it was attached; and this

dance so annoyed Dr。 Pipt that he kicked the thing

into a corner and pushed a bench against it; to

hold it quiet。

〃You were bad enough before;〃 said the Magician;

resentfully; 〃but a live phonograph is enough to

drive every sane person in the Land of Oz stark


〃No insults; please;〃 answered the phonograph in

a surly; tone。 〃You did it; my boy; don't blame

me。 〃

〃You've bungled everything; Dr。 Pipt;〃 added

the Glass Cat; contemptuously。

〃Except me;〃 said the Patchwork Girl; jumping up

to whirl merrily around the room。

〃I think;〃 said Ojo; almost ready to cry

through grief over Unc Nunkie's sad fate; 〃it

must all be my fault; in some way。 I'm called

Ojo the Unlucky; you know。〃

〃That's nonsense; kiddie;〃 retorted the

Patchwork Girl cheerfully。 〃No one can be unlucky

who has the intelligence to direct his own

actions。 The unlucky ones are those who beg for a

chance to think; like poor Dr。 Pipt here。 What's

the row about; anyway; Mr。 Magic…maker?〃

〃The Liquid of Petrifaction has accidentally

fallen upon my dear wife and Unc Nunkie and

turned them into marble;〃 he sadly replied。

〃Well; why don't you sprinkle some of that

powder on them and bring them to life again?〃

asked the Patchwork Girl。

The Magician gave a jump。

〃Why; I hadn't thought of that!〃 he joyfully

cried; and grabbed up the golden bottle; with

which he ran to Margolotte。

Said the Patchwork Girl:

〃Higgledy; piggledy; dee…

What fools magicians be!

His head's so thick

He can't think quick;

So he takes advice from me。〃

Standing upon the bench; for he was so

crooked he could not reach the top of his wife's

head in any other way; Dr。 Pipt began shaking

the bottle。 But not a grain of powder came out。

He pulled off the cover; glanced within; and

then threw the bottle from him with a wail of


〃Gone…gone! Every bit gone;〃 he cried。

〃Wasted on that miserable phonograph when

it might have saved my dear wife!〃

Then the Magician bowed his head on his

crooked arms and began to cry。

Ojo was sorry for him。 He went up to the

sorrowful man and said softly:

〃You can make more Powder of Life; Dr。 Pipt。〃

〃Yes; but it will take me six yearssix long;

weary years of stirring four kettles with both

feet and both hands;〃 was the agonized reply。 〃Six

years! while poor Margolotte stands watching me as

a marble image。 〃

〃Can't anything else be done?〃 asked the

Patchwork Girl。

The Magician shook his head。 Then he seemed to

remember something and looked up。

〃There is one other compound that would destroy

the magic spell of the Liquid of Petrifaction and

restore my wife and Unc Nunkie to life;〃 said he。

〃It may be hard to find the things I need to make

this magic compound; but if they were found I

could do in an instant what will otherwise take

six long; weary years of stirring kettles with

both hands and both feet。〃

〃All right; let's find the things; then;〃

suggested the Patchwork Girl。 〃That seems a lot

more sensible than those stirring times with the


〃That's the idea; Scraps;〃 said the Glass Cat;

approvingly。 〃I'm glad to find you have decent

brains。 Mine are exceptionally good。 You can

see em work; they're pink。〃

〃Scraps?〃 repeated the girl。 〃Did you call me

'Scraps'? Is that my name?〃

〃II believe my poor wife had intended to

name you 'Angeline;'〃 said the Magician。

〃But I like 'Scraps' best;〃 she replied with a

laugh。 〃It fits me better; for my patchwork is

all scraps; and nothing else。 Thank you for

naming me; Miss Cat。 Have you any name of

your own?〃

〃I have a foolish name that Margolotte once

gave me; but which is quite undignified for

one of my importance;〃 answered the cat。 〃She

called me 'Bungle。'〃

〃Yes;〃 sighed the Magician; 〃you were a sad

bungle; taken all in all。 I was wrong to make

you as I did; for a more useless; conceited and

brittle thing never before existed。〃

〃I'm not so brittle as you think;〃 retorted the

cat。 〃I've been alive a good many years; for

Dr。 Pipt experimented on me with the first

magic Powder of Life he ever made; and so

far I've never broken or cracked or chipped any

part of me。〃

〃You seem to have a chip on your shoulder;〃

laughed the Patchwork Girl; and the cat went

to the mirror to see。

〃Tell me;〃 pleaded Ojo; speaking to the

Crooked Magician; 〃what must we find to make

the compound that will save Unc Nunkie?〃

〃First;〃 was the reply; 〃I must have a six…

leaved clover。 That can only be found in the green

country around the Emerald City; and six…leaved

clovers are very scarce; even there。〃

〃I'll find it for you;〃 promised Ojo。

〃The next thing;〃 continued the Magician;

〃is the left wing of a yellow butterfly。 That

color can only be found in the yellow country

of the Winkies; West of the Emerald City。〃

〃I'll find it;〃 declared Ojo。 〃Is that all?〃

〃Oh; no; I'll get my Book of Recipes and see

what comes next。〃

Saying this; the Magici

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