贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the patchwork girl of oz >


the patchwork girl of oz-第13章

小说: the patchwork girl of oz 字数: 每页4000字

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Ojo's got a job; you bet!〃

〃Is the owl so very foolish?〃 asked the boy。

〃Extremely so;〃 replied the donkey。 〃Notice what

vulgar expressions she uses。 But I admire the owl

for the reason that she is positively foolish。

Owls are supposed to be so very wise; generally;

that a foolish one is unusual; and you perhaps

know that anything or anyone unusual is sure to be

interesting to the wise。〃

The owl flapped its wings again; muttering

these words:

〃It's hard to be a glassy cat

No cat can be more hard than that;

She's so transparent; every act

Is clear to us; and that's a fact。〃

〃Have you noticed my pink brains?〃 inquired

Bungle; proudly。 〃You can see 'em work。〃

〃Not in the daytime;〃 said the donkey。 〃She

can't see very well by day; poor thing。 But her

advice is excellent。 I advise you all to follow it。〃

〃The owl hasn't given us any advice; as yet;〃

the boy declared。

〃No? Then what do you call all those sweet


〃Just foolishness;〃 replied Ojo。 〃Scraps does

the same thing。〃

〃Foolishness! Of course! To be sure! The Foolish

Owl must be foolish or she wouldn't be the Foolish

Owl。 You are very complimentary to my partner;

indeed;〃 asserted the donkey; rubbing his front

hoofs together as if highly pleased。

〃The sign says that you are wise;〃 remarked

Scraps to the donkey。 〃I wish you would prove it。〃

〃With great pleasure;〃 returned the beast。

〃Put me to the test; my dear Patches; and I'll

prove my wisdom in the wink of an eye。

〃What is the best way to get to the Emerald

City?〃 asked Ojo。

〃Walk;〃 said the donkey。

〃I know; but what road shall I take?〃 was the

boy's next question。

〃The road of yellow bricks; of course。 It leads

directly to the Emerald City。〃

〃And how shall we find the road of yellow


〃By keeping along the path you have been

following。 You'll come to the yellow bricks pretty

soon; and you'll know them when you see them

because they're the only yellow things in the

blue country。〃

〃Thank you;〃 said the boy。 〃At last you have

told me something。〃

〃Is that the extent of your wisdom?〃 asked


〃No;〃 replied the donkey; 〃I know many

other things; but they wouldn't interest you。

So I'll give you a last word of advice: move on;

for the sooner you do that the sooner you'll

get to the Emerald City of Oz。〃

〃Hoot…ti…toot…ti…toot…ti…too!〃 screeched the owl;

〃Off you go! fast or slow;

Where you're going you don't know。

Patches; Bungle; Muchkin lad;

Facing fortunes good and bad;

Meeting dangers grave and sad;

Sometimes worried; sometimes glad

Where you're going you don't know;

Nor do I; but off you go!〃

〃Sounds like a hint; to me;〃 said the Patchwork Girl。

〃Then let's take it and go;〃 replied Ojo。

They said good…bye to the Wise Donkey and the

Foolish Owl and at once resumed their journey。

Chapter Nine

They Meet the Woozy

〃There seem to be very few houses around here;

after all;〃 remarked Ojo; after they had walked

for a time in silence。

〃Never mind;〃 said Scraps; 〃we are not looking

for houses; but rather the road of yellow bricks。

Won't it be funny to run across something yellow

in this dismal blue country?〃

〃There are worse colors than yellow in this

country;〃 asserted the Glass Cat; in a spiteful


〃Oh; do you mean the pink pebbles you call

your brains; and your red heart and green eyes?〃

asked the Patchwork Girl。

〃No; I mean you; if you must know it;〃 growled

the cat。

〃You're jealous!〃 laughed Scraps。 〃You'd give

your whiskers for a lovely variegated complexion

like mine。〃

〃I wouldn't!〃 retorted the cat。 〃I've the

clearest complexion in the world; and I don't

employ a beauty…doctor; either。〃

〃I see you don't;〃 said Scraps。

〃Please don't quarrel;〃 begged Ojo。 〃This is an

important journey; and quarreling makes me

discouraged。 To be brave; one must be cheerful; so

I hope you will be as good…tempered as possible。〃

They had traveled some distance when suddenly

they faced a high fence which barred any further

progress straight ahead。 It ran directly across

the road and enclosed a small forest of tall

trees; set close together。 When the group of

adventurers peered through the bars of the fence

they thought this forest looked more gloomy and

forbidding than any they had ever seen before。

They soon discovered that the path they had

been following now made a bend and passed

around the enclosure; but what made Ojo stop

and look thoughtful was a sign painted on the

fence which read:


〃That means;〃 he said; 〃that there's a Woozy

inside that fence; and the Woozy must be a

dangerous animal or they wouldn't tell people

to beware of it。〃

〃Let's keep out; then;〃 replied Scraps。 〃That

path is outside the fence; and Mr。 Woozy may have

all his little forest to himself; for all we care。〃

〃But one of our errands is to find a Woozy;〃

Ojo explained。 〃The Magician wants me to get

three hairs from the end of a Woozy's tail。〃

〃Let's go on and find some other Woozy;〃

suggested the cat。 〃This one is ugly and

dangerous; or they wouldn't cage him up。 Maybe

we shall find another that is tame and gentle。〃

〃Perhaps there isn't any other; at all;〃

answered Ojo。 〃The sign doesn't say: 'Beware a

Woozy'; it says: 'Beware the Woozy;' which may;

mean there's only one in all the Land of Oz。

〃Then;〃 said Scraps; 〃suppose we go in and

find him? Very likely if we ask him politely to

let us pull three hairs out of the tip of his tail

he won't hurt us。〃

〃It would hurt him; I'm sure; and that would

make him cross;〃 said the cat。

〃You needn't worry; Bungle;〃 remarked the

Patchwork Girl; 〃for if there is danger you can

climb a tree。 Ojo and I are not afraid; are we;


〃I am; a little;〃 the boy admitted; 〃but this

danger must be faced; if we intend to save poor

Unc Nunkie。 How shall we get over the fence?〃

〃Climb;〃 answered Scraps; and at once she began

climbing up the rows of bars。 Ojo followed and

found it more easy than he had expected。 When they

got to the top of the fence they began to get down

on the other side and soon were in the forest。 The

Glass Cat; being small; crept between the lower

bars and joined them。

Here there was no path of any sort; so they

entered the woods; the boy leading the way;

and wandered through the trees until they were

nearly in the center of the forest。 They now

came upon a clear space in which stood a rocky


So far they had met no living creature; but

when Ojo saw the cave he knew it must be the

den of the Woozy。

It is hard to face any savage beast without

a sinking of the heart; but still more terrifying

is it to face an unknown beast; which you have

never seen even a picture of。 So there is little

wonder that the pulses of the Munchkin boy


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