贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the patchwork girl of oz >


the patchwork girl of oz-第10章

小说: the patchwork girl of oz 字数: 每页4000字

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a bench and laughed so hard that he could not

speak for a long time。

This man was a woodchopper and lived all alone

in the little house。 He had bushy blue whiskers

and merry blue eyes and his blue clothes were quite

old and worn。

〃Mercy me!〃 exclaimed the woodchopper; when at

last he could stop laughing。 〃Who would think such

a funny harlequin lived in the Land of Oz? Where

did you come from; Crazy…quilt?〃

〃Do you mean me?〃 asked the Patchwork Girl。

〃Of course;〃 he replied。

〃You misjudge my ancestry。 I'm not a crazy…

quilt; I'm patchwork;〃 she said。

〃There's no difference;〃 he replied; beginning

to laugh again。 〃When my old grandmother sews such

things together she calls it a crazy…quilt; but I

never thought such a jumble could come to life。〃

〃It was the Magic Powder that did it;〃 explained


〃Oh; then you have come from the Crooked

Magician on the mountain。 I might have known it;

forWell; I declare! here's a glass cat。 But the

Magician will get in trouble for this; it's

against the law for anyone to work magic except

Glinda the Good and the royal Wizard of Oz。 If you

peopleor thingsor glass spectaclesor crazy…

quiltsor whatever you are; go near the Emerald

City; you'll be arrested。〃

〃We're  going  there;  anyhow;〃  declared

Scraps; sitting upon the bench and swinging her

stuffed legs。

〃If any of us takes a rest;

We'll be arrested sure;

And get no restitution

'Cause the rest we must endure。〃

〃I see;〃 said the woodchopper; nodding; 〃you're

as crazy as the crazy…quilt you're made of。〃

〃She really is crazy;〃 remarked the Glass Cat。

〃But that isn't to he wondered at when you

remember how many different things she's made of。

For my part; I'm made of pure glassexcept my

jewel heart and my pretty pink brains。 Did you

notice my brains; stranger? You can see em work。〃

〃So I can;〃 replied the woodchopper; 〃but I

can't see that they accomplish much。 A glass cat

is a useless sort of thing; but a Patchwork Girl

is really useful。 She makes me laugh; and laughter

is the best thing in life。 There was once a

woodchopper; a friend of mine; who was made all of

tin; and I used to laugh every time I saw him。〃

〃A tin woodchopper?〃 said Ojo。 〃That is


〃My friend wasn't always tin;〃 said the man;

〃but he was careless with his axe; and used to

chop himself very badly。 Whenever he lost an arm

or a leg he had it replaced with tin; so after a

while he was all tin。〃

〃And could he chop wood then?〃 asked the boy。

〃He could if he didn't rust his tin joints。 But

one day he met Dorothy in the forest and went with

her to the Emerald City; where he made his

fortune。 He is now one of the favorites of

Princess Ozma; and she has made him the Emperor of

the Winkiesthe Country where all is yellow。〃

〃Who is Dorothy?〃 inquired the Patchwork Girl。

〃A little maid who used to live in Kansas; but

is now a Princess of Oz。 She's Ozma's best

friend; they say; and lives with her in the royal


〃Is Dorothy made of tin?〃 inquired Ojo。

〃Is she patchwork; like me?〃 inquired Scraps。

〃No;〃 said the man; 〃Dorothy is flesh; just as I

am。 I know of only one tin person; and that is

Nick Chopper; the Tin Woodman; and there will

never be but one Patchwork Girl; for any magician

that sees you will refuse to make another one like


〃I suppose we shall see the Tin Woodman; for we

are going to the Country of the Winkies;〃 said the


〃What for?〃 asked the woodchopper。

〃To get the left wing of a yellow butterfly。〃

〃It is a long journey;〃 declared the man; 〃and

you will go through lonely parts of Oz and cross

rivers and traverse dark forests before you get


〃Suits me all right;〃 said Scraps。 〃I'll get a

chance to see the country。〃

〃You're crazy; girl。 Better crawl into a rag…bag

and hide there; or give yourself to some little

girl to play with。 Those who travel are likely to

meet trouble; that's why I stay at home。〃

The woodchopper then invited them all to

stay the night at his little hut; but they were

anxious to get on and so left him and continued

along the path; which was broader; now; and

more distinct。

They expected to reach some other house before

it grew dark; but the twilight was brief and Ojo

soon began to fear they had made a mistake in

leaving the woodchopper。

〃I can scarcely see the path;〃 he said at last。

〃Can you see it; Scraps?〃

〃No;〃 replied the Patchwork Girl; who was

holding fast to the boy's arm so he could

guide her。

〃I can see;〃 declared the Glass Cat。 〃My eyes

are better than yours; and my pink brains〃

〃Never mind your pink brains; please;〃 said

Ojo hastily; 〃just run ahead and show us the

way。 Wait a minute and I'll tie a string to you;

for then you can lead us。〃

He got a string from his pocket and tied it

around the cat's neck; and after that the creature

guided them along the path。 They had proceeded in

this way for about an hour when a twinkling blue

light appeared ahead of them。

〃Good! there's a house at last;〃 cried Ojo。

〃When we reach it the good people will surely

welcome us and give us a night's lodging。〃 But

however far they walked the light seemed to get

no nearer; so by and by the cat stopped short;


〃I think the light is traveling; too; and we

shall never be able to catch up with it。 But here

is a house by the roadside; so why go farther?〃

〃Where is the house; Bungle?〃

〃Just here beside us; Scraps。〃

Ojo was now able to see a small house near

the pathway。 It was dark and silent; but the boy

was tired and wanted to rest; so he went up to

the door and knocked。

〃Who is there?〃 cried a voice from within。

〃I am Ojo the Unlucky; and with me are

Miss Scraps Patchwork and the Glass Cat;〃 he


〃What do you want?〃 asked the Voice。

〃A place to sleep;〃 said Ojo。

〃Come in; then; but don't make any noise;

and you must go directly to bed;〃 returned the


Ojo unlatched the door and entered。 It was

very dark inside and he could see nothing at all。

But the cat exclaimed: 〃Why; there's no one


〃There must be;〃 said the boy。 〃Some one

spoke to me。〃

〃I can see everything in the room;〃 replied the

cat; 〃and no one is present but ourselves。 But

here are three beds; all made up; so we may as

well go to sleep。〃

〃What is sleep?〃 inquired the Patchwork Girl。

〃It's what you do when you go to bed;〃 said Ojo。

〃But why do you go to bed?〃 persisted the

Patchwork Girl。

〃Here; here! You are making altogether too

much noise;〃 cried the Voice they had heard

before。 〃Keep quiet; strangers; and go to bed。〃

The cat; which could see in the dark; looked

sharply around for the owner of the Voice; hut

could discover no one; although the Voice had

seemed close beside them。 She arched her back

a little and seemed afraid。 Then she whispered

to Ojo: 〃Come!〃 and led him to a bed。


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