贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 22-the golden branch >


22-the golden branch-第2章

小说: 22-the golden branch 字数: 每页4000字

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though indeed it was so old and battered…looking that he would

never have noticed it of his own accord。 At first he could not see

any keyhole; but after a careful search he found one hidden in the

carving; and the golden key just fitted it; so the Prince gave it a

vigorous turn and the doors flew open。

Ugly and old as the cabinet was outside; nothing could have been

more rich and beautiful than what met the Prince's astonished eyes。

Every drawer was made of crystal; of amber; or of some precious

stone; and was quite full of every kind of treasure。 Prince Curlicue

was delighted; he opened one after another; until at last he came to

one tiny drawer which contained only an emerald key。

‘I believe that this must open that little golden door in the

middle;' said the Prince to himself。 And he fitted in the little key

and turned it。 The tiny door swung back; and a soft crimson light

gleamed over the whole cabinet。 The Prince found that it proceeded

from an immense glowing carbuncle; made into a box; which lay

before him。 He lost no time in opening it; but what was his horror

when he found that it contained a man's hand; which was holding

a portrait。 His first thought was to put back the terrible box and

fly from the turret; but a voice in his ear said; ‘This hand belonged

to one whom you can help and restore。 Look at this beautiful

portrait; the original of which was the cause of all my misfortunes;

and if you wish to help me; go without a moment's delay to the

great gallery; notice where the sun's rays fall most brightly; and if

you seek there you will find my treasure。'

The voice ceased; and though the Prince in his bewilderment

asked various questions; he received no answer。 So he put back the

box and locked the cabinet up again; and; having replaced the key

in the crack in the wall; hastened down to the gallery。

When he entered it all the windows shook and clattered in the

strangest way; but the Prince did not heed them; he was looking

so carefully for the place where the sun shone most brightly; and it

seemed to him that it was upon the portrait of a most splendidly

handsome young man。

He went up and examined it; and found that it rested against the

ebony and gold panelling; just like any of the other pictures in the

gallery。 He was puzzled; not knowing what to do next; until it

occurred to him to see if the windows would help him; and; looking

at the nearest; he saw a picture of himself lifting the picture from

the wall。

The Prince took the hint; and lifting aside the picture without

difficulty; found himself in a marble hall adorned with statues; from

this he passed on through numbers of splendid rooms; until at last

he reached one all hung with blue gauze。 The walls were of

turquoises; and upon a low couch lay a lovely lady; who seemed to be

asleep。 Her hair; black as ebony; was spread across the pillows;

making her face look ivory white; and the Prince noticed that she

was unquiet; and when he softly advanced; fearing to wake her; he

could hear her sigh; and murmur to herself:

‘Ah! how dared you think to win my love by separating me

from my beloved Florimond; and in my presence cutting off that

dear hand that even you should have feared and honoured?'

And then the tears rolled slowly down the lovely lady's cheeks;

and Prince Curlicue began to comprehend that she was under an

enchantment; and that it was the hand of her lover that he had


At this moment a huge Eagle flew into the room; holding in its

talons a Golden Branch; upon which were growing what looked like

clusters of cherries; only every cherry was a single glowing ruby。

This he presented to the Prince; who guessed by this time that

he was in some way to break the enchantment that surrounded the

sleeping lady。 Taking the branch he touched her lightly with it;


‘Fair one; I know not by what enchantment thou art bound; but

in the name of thy beloved Florimond I conjure thee to come back

to the life which thou hast lost; but not forgotten。'

Instantly the lady opened her lustrous eyes; and saw the Eagle

hovering near。

‘Ah! stay; dear love; stay;' she cried。 But the Eagle; uttering a

dolorous cry; fluttered his broad wings and disappeared。 Then the

lady turned to Prince Curlicue; and said:

‘I know that it is to you I owe my deliverance from an enchantment

which has held me for two hundred years。 If there is anything

that I can do for you in return; you have only to tell me; and

all my fairy power shall be used to make you happy。'

‘Madam;' said Prince Curlicue; ‘I wish to be allowed to restore

your beloved Florimond to his natural form; since I cannot forget

the tears you shed for him。'

‘That is very amiable of you; dear Prince;' said the Fairy; ‘but

it is reserved for another person to do that。 I cannot explain more

at present。 But is there nothing you wish for yourself?'

‘Madam;' cried the Prince; flinging himself down at her feet;

‘only look at my ugliness。 I am called Curlicue; and am an

object of derision; I entreat you to make me less ridiculous。'

‘Rise; Prince;' said the Fairy; touching him with the Golden

Branch。 ‘Be as accomplished as you are handsome; and take the

name of Prince Peerless; since that is the only title which will

suit you now。'

Silent from joy; the Prince kissed her hand to express his thanks;

and when he rose and saw his new reflection in the mirrors which

surrounded him; he understood that Curlicue was indeed gone for


‘How I wish;' said the Fairy; ‘that I dared to tell you what is

in store for you; and warn you of the traps which lie in your path;

but I must not。 Fly from the tower; Prince; and remember that

the Fairy Douceline will be your friend always。'

When she had finished speaking; the Prince; to his great

astonishment; found himself no longer in the tower; but set down in a

thick forest at least a hundred leagues away from it。 And there

we must leave him for the present; and see what was happening


When the guards found that the Prince did not ask for his supper

as usual; they went into his room; and not finding him there; were

very much alarmed; and searched the tower from turret to dungeon;

but without success。 Knowing that the King would certainly have

their heads cut off for allowing the Prince to escape; they then

agreed to say that he was ill; and after making the smallest among

them look as much like Prince Curlicue as possible; they put him

into his bed and sent to inform the King。

King Grumpy was quite delighted to hear that his son was ill;

for he thought that he would all the sooner be brought to do as he

wished; and marry the Princess。 So he sent back to the guards to

say that the Prince was to be treated as severely as before; which

was just what they had hoped he would say。 In the meantime the

Princess Cabbage…Stalk had reached the palace; travelling in a litter。

King Grumpy went out to meet her; but when he saw her; with

a skin like a tortoise's; her thick eyebrows meeting above her large

nose; and her mouth from ear to ear; he could not help crying out:

‘Well; I must say Curlicue is ugly enough; but I don't think

YOU need have thought twice before consenting to marry him。'

‘Sire;' she replied; ‘I know too well what I am like to be hurt

by what you say; but I assure you that I have no wish to marry

your son I had rather be called Princess Cabbage…Stalk than Queen


This made King Grumpy very angry。

‘Your father has sent you here to marry my son;' he said; ‘and

you may be sure that I am not going to offend him by altering his

arrangements。' So the poor Princess was sent away in disgrace to

her own apartments; and the ladies who attended upon her were

charged to bring her to a better mind。

At this juncture the guards; who were in great fear that they

would be found out; sent to tell the King that

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