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the higher learning in america-第58章

小说: the higher learning in america 字数: 每页4000字

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learning; and therefore to defeat the ends for which a university

is maintained。 This result follows; primarily; from the

substitution of impersonal; mechanical relations; standards and

tests; in the place of personal conference; guidance and

association between teachers and students; as also from the

imposition of a mechanically standardized routine upon the

members of the staff; whereby any disinterested preoccupation

with scholarly or scientific inquiry is thrown into the

background and falls into abeyance。 Few if any who are competent

to speak in these premises will question that such has been the

outcome。 To offset against this work of mutilation and

retardation there are certain gains in expedition; and in the

volume of traffic that can be carried by any given equipment and

corps of employees。 Particularly will there be a gain in the

statistical showing; both as regards the volume of instruction

offered; and probably also as regards the enrolment; since

accountancy creates statistics and its absence does not。

    Such increased enrolment as may be due to businesslike

management and methods is an increase of undergraduate enrolment。

The net effect as regards the graduate enrolment  apart from

any vocational instruction that may euphemistically be scheduled

as 〃graduate〃  is in all probability rather a decrease than an

increase。 Through indoctrination with utilitarian (pecuniary)

ideals of earning and spending; as well as by engendering

spendthrift and sportsmanlike habits; such a businesslike

management diverts the undergraduate students from going in for

the disinterested pursuit of knowledge; and so from entering on

what is properly university work; as witness the relatively

slight proportion of graduate students outside of the

professional schools  who come up from the excessively large

undergraduate departments of the more expansive universities; as

contrasted with the number of those who come into university work

from the smaller and less businesslike colleges。

    The ulterior consequences that follow from such businesslike

standardization and bureaucratic efficiency are evident in the

current state of the public schools; especially as seen in the

larger towns; where the principles of business management have

had time and scope to work out in a fair degree of consistency。

The resulting abomination of desolation is sufficiently

notorious。 And there appears to be no reason why a similarly

stale routine of futility should not overtake the universities;

and give similarly foolish results; as fast as the system of

standardization; accountancy and piece…work goes consistently

into effect;  except only for the continued enforced employment

of a modicum of impracticable scholars and scientists on the

academic staff; whose unbusinesslike scholarly proclivities and

inability to keep the miner's…inch of scholastic credit always in

mind; must in some measure always defeat the perfect working of

standardization and accountancy。

    As might be expected; this r間ime of graduated sterility has

already made fair headway in the undergraduate work; especially

in the larger undergraduate schools; and this in spite of any

efforts On the part of the administration to hedge against such

an outcome by recourse to an intricate system of electives and a

wide diversification of the standard units of erudition so


    In the graduate work the like effect is only less visible;

because the measures leading to it have come into bearing more

recently; and hitherto less unreservedly。 But the like results

should follow here also; just so fast and so far as the same

range of business principles come to be worked into the texture

of the university organization in the same efficacious manner as

they have already taken effect in the public schools。 And; pushed

on as it is by the progressive substitution of men imbued with

the tastes and habits of practical affairs; in the place of

unpractical scholarly ideals; the movement toward a perfunctory

routine of mediocrity should logically be expected to go forward

at a progressively accelerated rate。 The visible drift of things

in this respect in the academic pursuit of the social sciences;

so…called; is an argument as to what may be hoped for in the

domain of academic science at large。 It is only that the

executive is actuated by a sharper solicitude to keep the

academic establishment blameless of anything like innovation or

iconoclasm at this point; which reinforces the drift toward a

mechanistic routine and a curtailment of inquiry in this field;

it is not that these sciences that deal with the phenomena of

human life lend themselves more readily to mechanical description

and enumeration than the material sciences do; nor is their

subject matter intrinsically more inert or less provocative of



    Throughout the above summary review; as also through the

foregoing inquiry; the argument continually returns to or turns

about two main interests;  notoriety and the academic

executive。 These two might be called the two foci about which

swings the orbit of the university world。 These conjugate foci

lie on a reasonably short axis; indeed; they tend to coincide; so

that the orbit comes near the perfection of a circle; having

virtually but a single centre; which may perhaps indifferently be

spoken of as the university's president or as its renown;

according as one may incline to conceive these matters in terms

of tangible fact or of intangible。

    The system of standardization and accountancy has this renown

or prestige as its chief ulterior purpose;  the prestige of the

university or of its president; which largely comes to the same

net result。 Particularly will this be true in so far as this

organization is designed to serve competitive ends; which are; in

academic affairs; chiefly the ends of notoriety; prestige;

advertising in all its branches and bearings。 It is through

increased creditable notoriety that the universities seek their

competitive ends; and it is on such increase of notoriety;

accordingly; that the competitive endeavours of a businesslike

management are chiefly spent。 It is in and through such accession

of renown; therefore; that the chief and most tangible gains due

to the injection of competitive business principles in the

academic policy should appear。

    Of course; this renown; as such; has no substantial value to

the corporation of learning; nor; indeed; to any one but the

university executive by whose management it is achieved。 Taken

simply in its first incidence; as prestige or notoriety; it

conduces in no degree to the pursuit of knowledge; but in its

ulterior consequences; it appears currently to be believed; at

least ostensibly; that such notoriety must greatly enhance the

powers of the corporation of learning。 These ulterior

consequences are (believed to be); a growth in the material

resources and the volume of traffic。

    Such good effects as may follow from a sedulous attention to

creditable publicity; therefore; are the chief gains to be set

off against the mischief incident to 〃scientific management〃 in

academic affairs。 Hence any line of inquiry into the business

management of the universities continually leads back to the

cares of publicity; with what might to an outsider seem undue

insistence。 The reason is that the businesslike management and

arrangements in questio

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