the writings-6-第40章
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Done at the city of Washington; this first day of January; A。D。 1863;
and of the independence of the United States of America the
By the President:
WILLIAM H。 SEWARD; Secretary of State。
January 1; 1863
DEAR SIR:General Burnside wishes to cross the Rappahannock with his
army; but his grand division commanders all oppose the movement。 If
in such a difficulty as this you do not help; you fail me precisely
in the point for which I sought your assistance You know what General
Burnside's plan is; and it is my wish that you go with him to the
ground; examine it as far as practicable; confer with the officers;
getting their judgment; and ascertaining their temperin a word;
gather all the elements for forming a judgment of your own; and then
tell General Burnside that you do approve or that you do not approve
his plan。 Your military skill is useless to me if you will not do
Yours very truly;
January 1; 1863
Withdrawn; because considered harsh by General Halleck。
WASHINGTON; January 2; 1863
I submit to Congress the expediency of extending to other departments
of the government the authority conferred on the President by the
eighth section of the act of the 8th of May; 1792; to appoint a
person to temporarily discharge the duties of Secretary of State;
Secretary of the Treasury; and Secretary of War; in case of the
death; absence from the seat of government; or sickness of either of
those officers。
JANUARY 2; 1863
MY DEAR SIR:Yours of December 29 by the hand of Mr。 Strong is just
received。 The day I telegraphed you suspending the order in relation
to Dr。 McPheeters; he; with Mr。 Bates; the Attorney…General; appeared
before me and left with me a copy of the order mentioned。 The doctor
also showed me the Copy of an oath which he said he had taken; which
is indeed very strong and specific。 He also verbally assured me that
he had constantly prayed in church for the President and government;
as he had always done before the present war。 In looking over the
recitals in your order; I do not see that this matter of the prayer;
as he states it; is negatived; nor that any violation of his oath is
charged nor; in fact; that anything specific is alleged against him。
The charges are all general: that he has a rebel wife and rebel
relations; that he sympathies with rebels; and that he exercises
rebel influence。 Now; after talking with him; I tell you frankly I
believe he does sympathize with the rebels; but the question remains
whether such a man; of unquestioned good moral character; who has
taken such an oath as he has; and cannot even be charged with
violating it; and who can be charged with no other specific act or
omission; can; with safety to the government; be exiled upon the
suspicion of his secret sympathies。 But I agree that this must be
left to you; who are on the spot; and if; after all; you think the
public good requires his removal; my suspension of the order is
withdrawn; only with this qualification; that the time during the
suspension is not to be counted against him。 I have promised him
this。 But I must add that the United States Government must not; as
by this order; undertake to run the churches。 When an individual in
a church or out of it becomes dangerous to the public interest; he
must be checked; but let the churches; as such; take care of
themselves。 It will not do for the United States to appoint
trustees; supervisors; or other agents for the churches。
Yours very truly;
P。 S。The committee composed of Messrs。 Yeatman and Filley (Mr。
Broadhead not attending) has presented your letter and the memorial
of sundry citizens。 On the whole subject embraced exercise your best
judgment; with a sole view to the public interest; and I will not
interfere without hearing you。
A。 LINCOLN。; January 3; 1863。
January 4; 1863。
HON。 GIDEON WELLES; Secretary of the Navy。
DEAR SIR:As many persons who come well recommended for loyalty and
service to the Union cause; and who are refugees from rebel
oppression in the State of Virginia; make application to me for
authority and permission to remove their families and property to
protection within the Union lines; by means of our armed gunboats on
the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay; you are hereby requested to
hear and consider all such applications; and to grant such assistance
to this class of persons as in your judgment their merits may render
proper; and as may in each case be consistent with the perfect and
complete efficiency of the naval service and with military
January 5; 1863
MY DEAR SIR:I am having a good deal of trouble with Missouri
matters; and I now sit down to write you particularly about it。 One
class of friends believe in greater severity and another in greater
leniency in regard to arrests; banishments; and assessments。 As
usual in such cases; each questions the other's motives。 On the one
hand; it is insisted that Governor Gamble's unionism; at most; is not
better than a secondary spring of action; that hunkerism and a wish
for political influence stand before Unionism with him。 On the other
hand; it is urged that arrests; banishments; and assessments are made
more for private malice; revenge; and pecuniary interest than for the
public good。 This morning I was told; by a gentleman who I have no
doubt believes what he says; that in one case of assessments for
10;000 the different persons who paid compared receipts; and found
they had paid 30;000。 If this be true; the inference is that the
collecting agents pocketed the odd 20;000。 And true or not in the
instance; nothing but the sternest necessity can justify the making
and maintaining of a system so liable to such abuses。 Doubtless the
necessity for the making of the system in Missouri did exist; and
whether it continues for the maintenance of it is now a practical and
very important question。 Some days ago Governor Gamble telegraphed
me; asking that the assessments outside of St。 Louis County might be
suspended; as they already have been within it; and this morning all
the members of Congress here from Missouri but one laid a paper
before me asking the same thing。 Now; my belief is that Governor
Gamble is an honest and true man; not less so than yourself; that you
and he could confer together on this and other Missouri questions
with great advantage to the public; that each knows something which
the other does not; and that acting together you could about double
your stock of pertinent information。 May I not hope that you and he
will attempt this? I could at once safely do (or you could safely do
without me) whatever you and he agree upon。 There is absolutely no
reason why you should not agree。
Yours as ever;
P。 S。I forgot to say that Hon。 James S。 Rollins; member of Congress
from one of the Missouri districts; wishes that; upon his personal
responsibility; Rev。 John M。 Robinson; of Columbia; Missouri; James
L。 Matthews; of Boone County; Missouri; and James L。 Stephens; also
of Boone County; Missouri; may be allowed to return to their
respective homes。 Major Rollins leaves with me very strong papers
from the neighbors of these men; whom he says he knows to be true
men。 He also says he has many constituen