on liberty-第12章
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opinion to be rejected wisely and considerately; though it may still
be rejected rashly and ignorantly; for to shut out discussion entirely
is seldom possible; and when it once gets in; beliefs not grounded
on conviction are apt to give way before the slightest semblance of an
argument。 Waiving; however; this possibility… assuming that the true
opinion abides in the mind; but abides as a prejudice; a belief
independent of; and proof against; argument… this is not the way in
which truth ought to be held by a rational being。 This is not
knowing the truth。 Truth; thus held; is but one superstition the more;
accidentally clinging to the words which enunciate a truth。
If the intellect and judgment of mankind ought to be cultivated; a
thing which Protestants at least do not deny; on what can these
faculties be more appropriately exercised by any one; than on the
things which concern him so much that it is considered necessary for
him to hold opinions on them? If the cultivation of the
understanding consists in one thing more than in another; it is surely
in learning the grounds of one's own opinions。 Whatever people
believe; on subjects on which it is of the first importance to believe
rightly; they ought to be able to defend against at least the common
objections。 But; some one may say; 〃Let them be taught the grounds
of their opinions。 It does not follow that opinions must be merely
parroted because they are never heard controverted。 Persons who
learn geometry do not simply commit the theorems to memory; but
understand and learn likewise the demonstrations; and it would be
absurd to say that they remain ignorant of the grounds of
geometrical truths; because they never hear any one deny; and
attempt to disprove them。〃 Undoubtedly: and such teaching suffices
on a subject like mathematics; where there is nothing at all to be
said on the wrong side of the question。 The peculiarity of the
evidence of mathematical truths is that all the argument is on one
side。 There are no objections; and no answers to objections。 But on
every subject on which difference of opinion is possible; the truth
depends on a balance to be struck between two sets of conflicting
reasons。 Even in natural philosophy; there is always some other
explanation possible of the same facts; some geocentric theory instead
of heliocentric; some phlogiston instead of oxygen; and it has to be
shown why that other theory cannot be the true one: and until this
is shown; and until we know how it is shown; we do not understand
the grounds of our opinion。
But when we turn to subjects infinitely more complicated; to morals;
religion; politics; social relations; and the business of life;
three…fourths of the arguments for every disputed opinion consist in
dispelling the appearances which favour some opinion different from
it。 The greatest orator; save one; of antiquity; has left it on record
that he always studied his adversary's case with as great; if not
still greater; intensity than even his own。 What Cicero practised as
the means of forensic success requires to be imitated by all who study
any subject in order to arrive at the truth。 He who knows only his own
side of the case; knows little of that。 His reasons may be good; and
no one may have been able to refute them。 But if he is equally
unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side; if he does not so
much as know what they are; he has no ground for preferring either
opinion。 The rational position for him would be suspension of
judgment; and unless he contents himself with that; he is either led
by authority; or adopts; like the generality of the world; the side to
which he feels most inclination。 Nor is it enough that he should
hear the arguments of adversaries from his own teachers; presented
as they state them; and accompanied by what they offer as refutations。
That is not the way to do justice to the arguments; or bring them into
real contact with his own mind。 He must be able to hear them from
persons who actually believe them; who defend them in earnest; and
do their very utmost for them。 He must know them in their most
plausible and persuasive form; he must feel the whole force of the
difficulty which the true view of the subject has to encounter and
dispose of; else he will never really possess himself of the portion
of truth which meets and removes that difficulty。
Ninety…nine in a hundred of what are called educated men are in this
condition; even of those who can argue fluently for their opinions。
Their conclusion may be true; but it might be false for anything
they know: they have never thrown themselves into the mental
position of those who think differently from them; and considered what
such persons may have to say; and consequently they do not; in any
proper sense of the word; know the doctrine which they themselves
profess。 They do not know those parts of it which explain and
justify the remainder; the considerations which show that a fact which
seemingly conflicts with another is reconcilable with it; or that;
of two apparently strong reasons; one and not the other ought to be
preferred。 All that part of the truth which turns the scale; and
decides the judgment of a completely informed mind; they are strangers
to; nor is it ever really known; but to those who have attended
equally and impartially to both sides; and endeavoured to see the
reasons of both in the strongest light。 So essential is this
discipline to a real understanding of moral and human subjects; that
if opponents of all important truths do not exist; it is indispensable
to imagine them; and supply them with the strongest arguments which
the most skilful devil's advocate can conjure up。
To abate the force of these considerations; an enemy of free
discussion may be supposed to say; that there is no necessity for
mankind in general to know and understand all that can be said against
or for their opinions by philosophers and theologians。 That it is
not needful for common men to be able to expose all the
misstatements or fallacies of an ingenious opponent。 That it is enough
if there is always somebody capable of answering them; so that nothing
likely to mislead uninstructed persons remains unrefuted。 That
simple minds; having been taught the obvious grounds of the truths
inculcated on them; may trust to authority for the rest; and being
aware that they have neither knowledge nor talent to resolve every
difficulty which can be raised; may repose in the assurance that all
those which have been raised have been or can be answered; by those
who are specially trained to the task。
Conceding to this view of the subject the utmost that can be claimed
for it by those most easily satisfied with the amount of understanding
of truth which ought to accompany the belief of it; even so; the
argument for free discussion is no way weakened。 For even this
doctrine acknowledges that mankind ought to have a rational
assurance that all objections have been satisfactorily answered; and
how are they to be answered if that which requires to be answered is
not spoken? or how can the answer be known to be satisfactory; if
the objectors have no opportunity of showing that it is
unsatisfactory? If not the public; at least the philosophers and
theologians who are to resolve the difficulties; must make
themselves familiar with those difficulties in their most puzzling
form; and this cannot be accomplished unless they are freely stated;
and placed in the most advantageous light which they admit of。 The
Catholic Church has its own way of dealing with this embarrassing
problem。 It makes a broad separation between those who can be
permitted to receive its doctrines on conviction; and those who must