an open letter on translating-第5章
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taught to avoid it。 Therefore; I also will not advise it and
burden my conscience with the iniquities of others。 It was
difficult for me to stop from worshipping the saints as I was so
steeped in it to have nearly drowned。 But the light of the gospel
is now shining so brightly that from now on no one has an excuse
for remaining in the darkness。 We all very well know what we are
to do。
This is itself a very risky and blasphemous way to worship for
people are easily accustomed to turning away from Christ。 They
learn quickly to trust more in the saints than in Christ himself。
When our nature is already all too prone to run from God and
Christ; and trust in humanity; it is indeed difficult to learn to
trust in God and Christ; even though we have vowed to do so and
are therefore obligated to do so。 Therefore; this offense is not
to be tolerated whereby those who are weak and of the flesh
participate in idolatry; against the first commandment and our
baptism。 Even if one tries nothing other than to switch their
trust from the saints to Christ; through teaching and practice; it
will be difficult to accomplish; that one should come to him and
rightly take hold of him。 One need not paint the Devil on the
door … he will already be present。
We can finally be certain that God is not angry with us; and that
even if we do not call on the saints for intercession; we are
secure for God has never commanded it。 God says that God is a
jealous God granting their iniquities on those who do not keep his
commandments 'Ex。20'; but there is no commandment here and;
therefore; no anger to be feared。 Since; then; there is on this
side security and on the other side great risk and offense against
the Word of God; why should we go from security into danger where
we do not have the Word of God to sustain; comfort and save us in
the times of trial? For it is written; 〃Whoever loves danger will
perish by it〃 'Ecclus。 3'; and God's commandment says; 〃You shall
not put the Lord your God to the test〃 'Matt。 4'。
〃But;〃 they say; 〃this way you condemn all of Christendom which
has always maintained this … until now。〃 I answer: I know very
well that the priests and monks seek this cloak for their
blasphemies。 They want to give to Christendom the damage caused
by their own negligence。 Then; when we say; 〃Christendom does not
err;〃 we shall also be saying that they do not err; since
Christendom believes it to be so。 So no pilgrimage can be wrong;
no matter how obviously the Devil is a participant in it。 No
indulgence can be wrong; regardless of how horrible the lies
involved。 In other words; there is nothing there but holiness!
Therefore to this you reply; 〃It is not a question of who is and
who is not condemned。〃 They inject this irrelevant idea in order
to divert us from the topic at hand。 We are now discussing the
Word of God。 What Christendom is or does belongs somewhere
else。 The question here is: 〃What is or is not the Word of God?
What is not the Word of God does not make Christendom。
We read that in the days of Elijah the prophet there was
apparently no word from God and no worship of God in Israel。 For
Elijah says; 〃Lord; they have killed your prophets and destroyed
your altars; and I am left totally alone〃 'I Kings 19'。 Here King
Ahab and others could have said; 〃Elijah; with talk like that you
are condemning all the people of God。〃 However God had at the
same time kept seven thousand 'I Kings 19'。 How? Do you not also
think that God could now; under the papacy; have preserved his
own; even though the priests and monks of Christendom have been
teachers of the devil and gone to hell? Many children and young
people have died in Christ。 For even under the anti…Christ;
Christ has strongly sustained baptism; the bare text of the gospel
in the pulpit; the Lord's Prayer; and the Creed。 By this means he
sustained many of his Christians; and therefore also his
Christendom; and said nothing about it to these devil's teachers。
Now even though Christians have done some parts of the papal
blasphemy; the papal asses have not yet proved that they did it
gladly。 Still less does it prove that they even did the right
thing。 All Christians can err and sin; but God has taught them to
pray in the Lord's Prayer for the forgiveness of sins。 God could
very well forgive the sins they had to unwillingly; unknowingly;
and under the coercion of the Antichrist commit; without saying
anything about it to the priests and monks! It can; however; be
easily proven that there has always been a great deal of secret
murmuring and complaining against the clergy throughout the world;
and that they are not treating Christendom properly。 And the
papal asses have courageously withstood such complaining with fire
and sword; even to the present day。 This murmuring proves how
happy Christians have been over these blasphemies; and how right
they have been in doing them!
So out with it; you papal asses! Say that this is the teaching of
Christendom: these stinking lies which you villains and traitors
have forced upon Christendom and for the sake of which you
murderers have killed many Christians。 Why each letter of every
papal law gives testimony to the fact that nothing has ever been
taught by the counsel and the consent of Christendom。 There is
nothing there but 〃districte precipiendo mandamus〃 '〃we teach and
strictly command〃'。 That has been your Holy Spirit。 Christendom
has had to suffer this tyranny。 This tyranny has robbed it of the
sacrament and; not by its own fault; has been held in captivity。
And still the asses would pawn off on us this intolerable tyranny
of their own wickedness as a willing act and example of
Christendom … and thereby acquit themselves!
But this is getting too long。 Let this be enough of an answer to
your questions for now。 More another time。 Excuse this long
letter。 Christ our Lord be with us all。 Amen。
Martin Luther;
Your good friend。
The Wilderness; September 8; 1530