dr. faustus-第6章
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muscadine; malmsey; and whippincrust; hold; belly; hold; and
we'll not pay one penny for it。
DICK。 0; brave! Prithee; let's to it presently; for I am as
dry as a dog。
ROBIN。 Come; then; let's away。
CHORUS。 Learned Faustus;
To find the secrets of astronomy
Graven in the book of Jove's high firmament;
Did mount him up to scale Olympus' top;
Where; sitting in a chariot burning bright;
Drawn by the strength of yoked dragons' necks;
He views the clouds; the planets; and the stars;
The tropic zones; and quarters of the sky;
》From the bright circle of the horned moon
Even to the height of Primum Mobile;
And; whirling round with this circumference;
Within the concave compass of the pole;
》From east to west his dragons swiftly glide;
And in eight days did bring him home again。
Not long he stay'd within his quiet house;
To rest his bones after his weary toil;
But new exploits do hale him out again:
And; mounted then upon a dragon's back;
That with his wings did part the subtle air;
He now is gone to prove cosmography;
That measures coasts and kingdoms of the earth;
And; as I guess; will first arrive at Rome;
To see the Pope and manner of his court;
And take some part of holy Peter's feast;
The which this day is highly solemniz'd。
FAUSTUS。 Having now; my good Mephistophilis;
Pass'd with delight the stately town of Trier;
Environ'd round with airy mountain…tops;
With walls of flint; and deep…entrenched lakes;
Not to be won by any conquering prince;
》From Paris next; coasting the realm of France;
We saw the river Maine fall into Rhine;
Whose banks are set with groves of fruitful vines;
Then up to Naples; rich Campania;
Whose buildings fair and gorgeous to the eye;
The streets straight forth; and pav'd with finest brick;
Quarter the town in four equivalents:
There saw we learned Maro's golden tomb;
The way he cut; an English mile in length;
Thorough a rock of stone; in one night's space;
》From thence to Venice; Padua; and the rest;
In one of which a sumptuous temple stands;
That threats the stars with her aspiring top;
Whose frame is pav'd with sundry…colour'd stones;
And roof'd aloft with curious work in gold。
Thus hitherto hath Faustus spent his time:
But tell me now; what resting…place is this?
Hast thou; as erst I did command;
Conducted me within the walls of Rome?
MEPHIST。 I have; my Faustus; and; for proof thereof;
This is the goodly palace of the Pope;
And; 'cause we are no common guests;
I choose his privy…chamber for our use。
FAUSTUS。 I hope his Holiness will bid us welcome。
MEPHIST。 All's one; for we'll be bold with his venison。
But now; my Faustus; that thou mayst perceive
What Rome contains for to delight thine eyes;
Know that this city stands upon seven hills
That underprop the groundwork of the same:
Just through the midst runs flowing Tiber's stream;
With winding banks that cut it in two parts;
Over the which two stately bridges lean;
That make safe passage to each part of Rome:
Upon the bridge call'd Ponte Angelo
Erected is a castle passing strong;
Where thou shalt see such store of ordnance;
As that the double cannons; forg'd of brass;
Do match the number of the days contain'd
Within the compass of one complete year;
Beside the gates; and high pyramides;
That Julius Caesar brought from Africa。
FAUSTUS。 Now; by the kingdoms of infernal rule;
Of Styx; of Acheron; and the fiery lake
Of ever…burning Phlegethon; I swear
That I do long to see the monuments
And situation of bright…splendent Rome:
Come; therefore; let's away。
MEPHIST。 Nay; stay; my Faustus: I know you'd see the Pope;
And take some part of holy Peter's feast;
The which; in state and high solemnity;
This day; is held through Rome and Italy;
In honour of the Pope's triumphant victory。
FAUSTUS。 Sweet Mephistophilis; thou pleasest me。
Whilst I am here on earth; let me be cloy'd
With all things that delight the heart of man:
My four…and…twenty years of liberty
I'll spend in pleasure and in dalliance;
That Faustus' name; whilst this bright frame doth stand;
May be admir'd thorough the furthest land。
MEPHIST。 'Tis well said; Faustus。 Come; then; stand by me;
And thou shalt see them come immediately。
FAUSTUS。 Nay; stay; my gentle Mephistophilis;
And grant me my request; and then I go。
Thou know'st; within the compass of eight days
We view'd the face of heaven; of earth; and hell;
So high our dragons soar'd into the air;
That; looking down; the earth appear'd to me
No bigger than my hand in quantity;
There did we view the kingdoms of the world;
And what might please mine eye I there beheld。
Then in this show let me an actor be;
That this proud Pope may Faustus' cunning see。
MEPHIST。 Let it be so; my Faustus。 But; first; stay;
And view their triumphs as they pass this way;
And then devise what best contents thy mind;
By cunning in thine art to cross the Pope;
Or dash the pride of this solemnity;
To make his monks and abbots stand like apes;
And point like antics at his triple crown;
To beat the beads about the friars' pates;
Or clap huge horns upon the Cardinals' heads;
Or any villany thou canst devise;
And I'll perform it; Faustus。 Hark! they come:
This day shall make thee be admir'd in Rome。
Enter the CARDINALS and BISHOPS; some bearing crosiers; some
the pillars; MONKS and FRIARS; singing their procession;
then the POPE; RAYMOND king of Hungary; the ARCHBISHOP
OF RHEIMS; BRUNO led in chains; and ATTENDANTS。
POPE。 Cast down our footstool。
RAYMOND。 Saxon Bruno; stoop;
Whilst on thy back his Holiness ascends
Saint Peter's chair and state pontifical。
BRUNO。 Proud Lucifer; that state belongs to me;
But thus I fall to Peter; not to thee。
POPE。 To me and Peter shalt thou grovelling lie;
And crouch before the Papal dignity。
Sound trumpets; then; for thus Saint Peter's heir;
》From Bruno's back; ascends Saint Peter's chair。
'A flourish while he ascends。'
Thus; as the gods creep on with feet of wool;
Long ere with iron hands they punish men;
So shall our sleeping vengeance now arise;
And smite with death thy hated enterprise。
Lord Cardinals of France and Padua;
Go forthwith to our holy consistory;
And read; amongst the statutes decretal;
What; by the holy council held at Trent;
The sacred synod hath decreed for him
That doth assume the Papal government
Without election and a true consent:
Away; and bring us word with speed。
CARDINAL OF FRANCE。 We go; my lord。
'Exeunt CARDINALS of France and Padua。'
POPE。 Lord Raymond。
'They converse in dumb show。'
FAUSTUS。 Go; haste thee; gentle Mephistophilis;
Follow the cardinals to the consistory;
And; as they turn their superstitious books;
Strike them with sloth and drowsy idleness;
And make them sleep so sound; that in their shapes
Thyself and I may parley with this Pope;
This proud confronter of the Emperor;
And; in despite of all his holiness;
Restore this Bruno to his liberty;
And bear him to the states of Germany。
MEPHIST。 Faustus; I go。
FAUSTUS。 Despatch it soon:
The Pope shall curse; that Faustus came to Rome。
BRUNO。 Pope Adrian; let me have right of law:
I was elected by the Emperor。
POPE。 We will depose the Emperor for that deed;
And curse the people that submit to him:
Both he and thou shall stand excommunicate;
And interdict from church's privilege
And all society of holy men。
He grows too proud in his authority;
Lifting his lofty head above the clouds;
And; like a steeple; overpeers the church:
But we'll