dr. faustus-第15章
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God' So 4to 1604。The later 4tos 〃heauen。〃
this scroll' So 4to 1616。Not in 4tos 1624; 1631。
he desires' Not in the 4tos。 See note ? p。 86。
and' So 4tos 1624; 1631。Not in 4to 1616。
with' So 4to 1604。Not in the later 4tos。
the' So 4to 1616。2tos 1624; 1631; 〃that。〃
are' So 4tos 1624; 1631。2to 1616 〃is。〃
hell's a fable' So 4to 1616。2tos 1624; 1631; 〃hell's a
MEERE fable。〃
thine' So 4tos 1616; 1624。2to 1631 〃thy。〃
thy' So 4tos 1616; 1631。2to 1624 〃thine。〃
was' So 4to 1616。2tos 1624; 1631; 〃were。〃
harness' i。e。 armour。
This will I keep as chary as my life。
Enter FAUSTUS; in his study; and MEPHISTOPHILIS。
FAUSTUS。 When I behold the heavens; &c。'
Old eds。 (that is; 4tos 1616; 1624; 1631) thus;
〃This will I keepe; as chary as my life。
Enter WAGNER solus。
WAGNER。 Learned Faustus
To know the secrets of Astronomy
Grauen in the booke of Joues high firmament;
Did mount himselfe to scale Olympus top;
Being seated in a chariot burning bright;
Drawne by the strength of yoaky '2to 1624 〃yoaked〃' Dragons necks;
He now is gone to proue Cosmography;
And as I gesse will first arriue at Rome;
To see the Pope and manner of his Court;
And take some part of holy Peters feast;
That to '2tos 1624; 1631; 〃on〃' this day is highly solemnized。
Enter FAUSTUS in his Study; and MEPHISTOPHILIS。
FAUSTUS。 When I behold the heauens;〃 &c。
The lines which I have here omitted belong to a subsequent part
of the play; where they will be found with considerable additions;
and are rightly assigned to the CHORUS。 (As given in the present
place by the 4tos 1616; 1624; 1631; these lines exhibit the text
of the earlier FAUSTUS; see p。 90; sec。 col。) It would seem that
something was intended to intervene here between the exit of Faustus
and Mephistophilis; and their re…appearance on the stage: compare;
however; the preceding play; p。 88; first col。
thine' So 4tos 1616; 1624。2to 1631 〃thy。〃
is' So 4to 1616。Not in 4tos 1624; 1631。
breathes' So 4tos 1624; 1631。2to 1616 〃breathe。〃
ears' So 4tos 1616; 1631。2to 1624 〃eare。〃
this I' So 4tos 1616; 1631。2to 1624 〃this TIME I。〃
termine' I may notice that 4to 1604 (see p。 88; sec。 col。)
has 〃terminine;〃 which at least is better for the metre。
erring' So 4to 1604。The later 4tos 〃euening。〃
motion' So 4tos 1616; 1631。2to 1624 〃motions。〃
Ay' So 4to 1616。Not in 4tos 1624; 1631。
and' So 4to 1631。Not in 4tos 1616; 1624。
the' So 4tos 1616; 1631。Not in 4to 1624。
lips' So 4to 1604。Not in the later 4tos。
and ever since have run' So 4to 1616。2tos 1624; 1631;
〃and HAUE EUER SINCE run。〃
this' So 4to 1604。The later 4tos 〃these。〃
come' So 4to 1616。2tos 1624; 1631; 〃came。〃
I' So 4tos 1624; 1631。2to 1616 〃I I。〃
L' Old eds。 〃Lechery。〃 See note ? p。 90。
Tut' So 4to 1604。The later 4tos 〃But。〃
Robin' Old eds。 〃the Clowne〃 (and so frequently afterwards):
but he is evidently a distinct person from the 〃Clown;〃 Wagner's
attendant; who has previously appeared (see p。 111)。 Most probably
the parts of the Clown and Robin were played by the same actor;
and hence the confusion in the old eds。
faith' So 4to 1616。2tos 1624; 1631 〃i'faith。〃 (And so
afterwards in this scene。)
not tell' So 4to 1616。Not in 4tos 1624; 1631。
as fair a' So 4to 1616。2tos 1624; 1631; 〃a faire。〃
need'st' So 4tos 1616; 1624。2to 1631 〃needs。〃
hold; belly; hold' Compare Florio's DICT。; 1611; 〃IOSA;
GOOD STORE; hold…bellie…hold。〃
Prithee' So 4to 1616。2tos 1624; 1631; 〃I prithee。〃
him' So 4tos 1616; 1624。Not in 4to 1631。
He views' So 4to 1616。2tos 1624; 1631; 〃To view。〃
with this' So 4tos 1616; 1631。2to 1624 〃with HIS。〃 This
passage is sufficiently obscure。
round' So 4to 1616。Not in 4tos 1624; 1631。
Rhine' So 4tos 1624; 1631。2to 1616 〃Rhines。〃
up to' So 4to 1616。2tos 1624; 1631; 〃vnto。〃
Quarter the town in four equivalents' So 4to 1604。Not
in the later 4tos。
Thorough' so 4to 1631。2tos 1616; 1624; 〃Through。〃
rest' So 4to 1604。The later 4tos 〃East。〃
me' So 4tos 1616; 1631。Not in 4to 1624。
us' So 4to 1616。2tos 1624; 1631; 〃you。〃
through' So 4tos 1616; 1624。2to 1631 〃thorow。〃
Ponte' Old eds。 〃Ponto。〃
match' So 4tos 1624; 1631。2to 1616 〃wa